Центр лингводидактического Аттестационные испытания по английскому языку

тестирования декабрь 2012г. - май 2013г.

Раздел 1. «Аудирование»

Task А1-А7

A1 You overhear part of a conversation.

Which of these things are in Jane’s suitcase?

1.  sunglasses

2.  passports

3.  tickets

A2 You overhear part of a conversation.

Tom and Jane have agreed to

1.  paint the kitchen walls and put in a shower.

2.  fix the shower and buy a dishwasher.

3.  paint the kitchen walls and buy a dishwasher.

A3 You hear an announcement at the airport.

What is changed for flight 17?

1.  the departure gate

2.  the destination

3.  the departure time

A4 You hear a woman speaking about mobile phones.

From what she says we understand that she

1. sometimes uses her mobile to check e-mails.

2. thinks modern models of mobiles are easy to use.

3. is satisfied with her mobile phone services.

A5 You overhear a call to a pizza restaurant.

What kind of pizza has the woman ordered?

1.  the cheapest pizza

2.  a vegetarian pizza

3.  a pizza on special offer

A6 You overhear part of a conversation.

Discussing the film, the speakers disagree about

1.  the storyline and the lead actor.

2.  the director’s work and costumes.

3.  the lead actor and the type of film.

А7 You hear part of a radio programme.

According to the speaker, comic superheroes are popular with teenagers, because they can

1.  help them to escape into a fantasy world.

2.  find themselves in similar situations.

3.  teach teenagers to avoid making mistakes.

Task A8-A13

A8 For breakfast Gloria’s husband Donald prefers

1.  a boiled egg.

2.  a sandwich and some coffee.

3.  cereal and toast.

A9 Living in the country, most of the time Gloria wears

1.  a white cotton beekeeping suit.

2.  a skirt, a blouse and shoes.

3.  washed out T-shirts and jeans.

A10 Gloria does not lose weight because she

1.  dislikes walking.

2.  has nothing to worry about.

3.  has never gone on a diet.

A11 Why did Gloria have to buy her own car?

1.  She drives the Internet orders to the post office.

2.  She takes bee products to the nearest town.

3.  She gives lectures on the use of bee products.

A12 Gloria thinks that her book will be special because it is

1.  enjoyable and easy to read.

2.  informative and well-illustrated.

3.  gives explanations to technical terms.

A13 What does Gloria enjoy most about beekeeping?

1.  It gives an excellent chance to get outside and get moving.

2.  You can find out more about nature while having lots of fun.

3.  She enjoys the taste of fresh honey.

Task B1-B6

B1 The university was founded in the year


B2 The university was given the name of a


B3 The university libraries have about 4 millions books published in


B4 The most famous university schools specialize in law, medicine and


B5 Today about ______of the students in

the university are women.

B6 Most foreign students are from ______and ______.

Task A14-A19

A14 Alice hopes she gets a job in one of the two places she likes best.

1. correct 2. not correct

A15 Steve thinks that any job by the seaside is good.

1. correct 2. not correct

A16 Alice prefers working outdoors to working indoors.

1. correct 2. not correct

A17 In the college Alice has got a reputation of a difficult customer.

1. correct 2. not correct

A18 Alice would be happy to work in the countryside.

1. correct 2. not correct

A19 Steve doubts that a job at the Tourist Information office could suit Alice.

1. correct 2. not correct