God Has The Right
Read Isaiah 55:8-9. Because of who He is, Jehovah possesses many rights not given to man. These rights are due to His thoughts and ways being so much higher than man’s.
I. The Right to Make Law
- Genesis 2:15-17 From the creation of man, God has given mankind divine laws by which man is to abide.
- Hebrews 8:10-11 God has the right to terminate one law and bring into effect a new one.
II. The Right to Forgive Sin
- What is sin? I John 3:4
- God’s power Hebrews 10:15-18 He has the right to forgive sins, to remember them no more.
- God’s people today Acts 2:38
III. The Right to Specify How His People Are to Worship Him
- John 4:23-24 Note the use of the word “must.”
- Matthew 15:7-9 Man has no right to worship God any way he likes, adding or subtracting from God’s commands.
IV. The Right to Specify How People Are to Live
- II John 9-11 God has the sole right to set the boundaries. Man does not. Examples: marriage, speech, recreation
- Matthew 7:21-23
V. God Has the Right to Add the Saved to the Church
- Acts 2:47 People cannot add to the church nor take away. Man cannot decide who is saved and who is not.
- I Corinthians 1:2 Those sanctified in Christ Jesus are the saved, the church. If God didn’t add that person to the church, then that person is not saved!
VI. God Has the Right to Set the End of Time
- Matthew 24:36, 42-44 No one but Jehovah God knows when the end of the world will come. Man has no idea, not even a clue! I Thessalonians 5:1-3
VII. God Has the Right to Judge Mankind
- Acts 17:30-31 All people everywhere will be judged!
- II Corinthians 5:10 All will be recompensed for their deeds.
John 12:48 The words of God will judge us, not the words of men.
Bobby Stafford
March 4, 2012