Complement of title (Times New Roman14, centered)

Author (Times New Roman, 12, centered)[*]

Name of the home institution and department (Times New Roman, 11, centered)
City, Country of home institution


(Repeat, if necessary)


Maximum of 200 words.Times New Roman12, centered

Keywords: Times New Roman 11, centered [maximum of 4 keywords]

  1. PartorSection

The title of a partor section should be in Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, note capital for initial letters only. The parts or sections should be numbered sequentially.

The text of parts or sections must be written inTimes New Roman 12, justified, with line spacing of 1.5.

The full text can be up to a maximum of 20 typed pages with 1.5 line spacing on A4 sheets.


The title of subsections, if any, should be in Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, note capital for initial letters only. Subsections should be numbered sequentially.

The text of parts or sections must be written in Times New Roman 12, justified, with line spacing of 1.5.

  1. Citations

Citationsshould be made in the body text in brackets, indicating the author’s surname, year of publication, and pages cited.


Foster statedthat“the development of education…” (1992, 247)

However, Watson (1994) considers…

Multiple authors (Housen, 1983; Parsons et al., 1987)…

No use of ampersand (&), ‘and’ should be used instead, for example… according to Bechtel e Graham (1999)… orLakoff and Jonhson, 1980).

  1. Figures/graphs/charts/tables

Figures are numbered in the order of presentation in the text. Each figure/graph/chart/table will have a caption including a numbering component and another of description of its contents, these elements will be preceded by the word Figure/Graphic/Table. The format will be as follow: Figure 1/Graphic 1/Table 1. (Times New Roman, 11, bold, centered) Winter Garden (Times New Roman, italic, centered).

Figure 2. Winter Garden

  1. Aknowledegments


  1. Bibliographicreferences

References should follow the norms APA – American Psychological Association and is presented alphabetically. Times New Roman, 12, justified.

Baptista, I. (2005). Ethical capacity and metaphisical desire – an interpellation to the pedagogical reason. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.

Guichard, J., Hunteau, M. (2001). Psychologie de l’orientation. Paris: Dunod.

Shantz, C. (1983). Social cognition. In P. Mussen (Ed.), Handbook of child development (pp.495-555).New York: Wiley.

Salmivalli, C., Voeten, M. (2002).Connections between attitudes, group norms, and behaviour in bullying situations.Comunication presented in the International Conference of the Society for Research on Aggression, Montreal, Canada.

Verdasca, J.L. (2005). Analysis of flowa and schoolar productivity. Portuguese Journal of Educational Research, 4, 111-122.


[*]Correspondence author [as an example, isn’t necessary to be the 1st author]