Title:Students for a Cause

Developed by

Autumn Lockett, 4th grade, Spring Valley Elementary

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  • The student will be research five animal rights causes, and choose one to research in more detail.
  • The student will write a persuasive letter to a government official promoting their chosen animal rights cause.
  • The student will create a PowerPoint presentation to share information about their chosen animal rights cause.

Timeline: 4 days, optional 5th day activities

Content Area: Language Arts / Grade Level: 4
Pencil, Paper, Computer, Printer, Envelopes, Stamps, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer / Technology Focus:
Word Processing
Subject Area–§110.6. 4 (A), §110.6. 5 (A), §110.6. 5 (B), §110.6. 8 (B), §110.6. 10 (B), §110.6. 10 (G), §110.6. 10 (L), §110.6. 11 (A, B, C, D), §110.6. 12 (E, F, G), §110.6. 14 (C), §110.6. 15 (B), §110.6. 16 (A, B,), §110.6. 17 (A,B,C,D), §110.6. 18 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H), §110.6. 19 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I), §110.6. 21 (A, B, C, D, E, F), §110.6. 22 (A, B), §110.6. 23 (B), §110.6. 25 (A, B)
Technology Applications - §126.3.1 (B, E); §126.3.2 (A-E); §126.3.3 (A, B); §126.3.5 (A); §126.3.6 (C); §126.3.7 (A, B, C); §126.3.10 (A).

Procedures: (Word Document, Step-by-Step Instructions)

Days 1 and 2

  1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint.
  2. Open up the PowerPoint template titled Students For a Cause.
  3. At the top of the screen, click on the words Slide Show.
  4. In the drop down box that appears, select the words View Show.
  5. Read the first slide and then click on the white space to go to the next one.
  6. After reading the Protect Seals Campaign slide, click the word here.
  7. Read the information on the webpage about seals.
  8. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  9. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  10. Click anywhere on the white part of the Seal page to go to the next slide.
  11. After reading the Shark Conservation Act slide, click the word here.
  12. Read the information on the webpage about sharks.
  13. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  14. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  15. Click anywhere on the white part of the Shark page to go to the next slide.
  16. After reading the Captive Primate Safety Act slide, click the word here.
  17. Read the information on the webpage about primates.
  18. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  19. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  20. Click anywhere on the white part of the Primate page to go to the next slide.
  21. After reading the Save the Whales slide, click the word here.
  22. Read the information on the webpage about whales.
  23. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  24. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  25. Click anywhere on the white part of the Whale page to go to the next slide.
  26. After reading the Stop Cruel Puppy Mills slide, click the word here.
  27. Read the information on the webpage about puppy mills.
  28. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  29. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  30. Click anywhere on the white part of the Puppy Mill page to go to the next slide.
  31. Read the STOP slide carefully.
  32. Click in the white space of the STOP slide to go to the next slide.
  33. Find the Cause Box for the one Cause that really tugs at your heart.
  34. As you click through the links inside your chosen Cause Box you should be taking notes about at least five interesting facts you learn. You’ll want to include these facts in your persuasive letter. Make sure your facts are written in a complete sentence. Double check your spelling!
  35. Click on the first link in your chosen Cause Box.
  36. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  37. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students For a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  38. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  39. Click on the second link in your chosen Cause Box.
  40. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  41. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students for a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  42. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  43. Click on the third link in your chosen Cause Box.
  44. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  45. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students for a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  46. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  47. Click on the fourth link in your chosen Cause Box.
  48. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  49. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students for a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  50. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  51. Click on the fifth link in your chosen Cause Box.
  52. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  53. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students for a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  54. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  55. Click on the sixth link in your chosen Cause Box.
  56. Read the information on the webpage about your Cause.
  57. When you have finished reading the information, click back on the Students for a Cause tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  58. A gray box will appear on the slide, select the words Resume Slide Show.
  59. You have now read six pages of information about your Cause. You should have at least five important facts you learned about your Cause written on your piece of paper. Make sure your facts are written in a complete sentence. Double check your spelling!

Day 3

  1. Open a new Microsoft Word document.
  2. Your teacher will give you instructions on where to save your document.
  3. Open Microsoft PowerPoint, and then open the template Students For a Cause.
  4. At the top of the screen, click on the words Slide Show.
  5. In the drop down box that appears, select the words View Show.
  6. Click back through each slide to refresh your memory.
  8. Stop when you get to the page with government official’s mailing addresses.
  9. Find your chosen Cause Box.
  10. Use your mouse to highlight the name and address of the government official in your Cause Box. Make sure you start with the first letter of their name and highlight all the way through to the last number of their zip code.
  11. Right click on the highlighted text, and select the word Copy in the drop down box.
  12. Click back on your saved Word document.
  13. Right click at the top of the document, select the word Paste.
  14. Highlight the text you copied.
  15. Select the word Format on the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  16. Select the word Font in the dropdown box.
  17. Change the color of the font to Automatic, or black. Press okay.
  18. Press the enter key on your keyboard four times to space down.
  19. Begin your persuasive letter with the word Dear and then fill in the name of the government official at the top of the page. Make sure to include the official title (President, Senator, Right Honorable Prime Minister). DO NOT BE A LAZY SPELLER!
  20. Type the body of your persuasive letter. Check off the boxes below to make sure you include the following:

the official title of your Cause (it’s written at the top of your Cause Box)

the five interesting facts you learned from researching the Cause

the number one reason the Cause is important to you

a respectful request for the government official to support your cause

a kind thank you for their time

  1. Close your persuasive letter appropriately, by saying Thank you or Sincerely.
  2. Space down four times
  3. Type your first and last name.
  4. Spell Check the document.
  5. Save.
  6. View a Print Preview of the document.
  7. Click the word File at the top of your screen.
  8. Select the word Save in the dropdown box.
  9. Print the letter according to your teacher’s instructions.

Day 4

  1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint, and then open the template Student Cause Reflection.
  2. Open File select Save As. Follow your teacher’s directions to save the PowerPoint. (Recommended: delete the word Student in the file name and change it to your name.)
  3. On the first slide highlight the words “Type the official name of your cause here.” When you begin typing your words the original words will go away.
  4. Type the official name of your cause, then click anywhere on the white space.
  5. Highlight the text under the title that says “Click here and erase these words. Type the one thing about your Cause that really caught your attention.”
  6. Type the one thing about your Cause that really caught your attention. Make sure it is a complete sentence!
  7. Choose a picture from on of the websites for your Cause.
  8. Place your mouse cursor over the picture you want, and right click.
  9. Go down to the word Copy and select it.
  10. Click back on the Student Cause Reflection tab on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen. Right click on this slide. Go down to the word Paste.
  11. The picture will appear on the slide.
  12. Cite the source for the picture.
  13. Highlight all of the words on the slide from “Choose a picture” to “Prisoners of Greed”. Delete all of the words in that text box.
  14. Move the picture into a position you like on the slide.
  15. Click on slide 2.
  16. Highlight the words “Erase these words and type the 5 interesting facts you discovered in your research.” Delete the words.
  17. Type the 5 interesting facts that you discovered and included in your persuasive letter. Make sure they are in complete sentences!
  18. Click on slide 3.
  19. Highlight the words “Erase these words and type the best 3 sentences from your persuasive letter.” Delete the words.
  20. Type the 3 best sentences from your persuasive letter.
  21. Click on File and then Save your PowerPoint.
  22. If you have extra time you can get creative with the background color, font, and font color. Make sure that the PowerPoint slides are easy to read. Try to see the presentation through your audience’s eyes.
  23. Save the PowerPoint again if you make changes

Assessment: (Teacher Instructions)

The PowerPoint, Students for a Cause, will provide your students with information about five animal rights causes.

The PowerPoint template and Student Cause Reflections provide students with scaffolding to create a presentation of what they’ve learned about their chosen animal rights cause.

The step-by-step instructions will effortlessly guide them through the research using a variety of technological mediums, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Word.

When the students complete the instructions for Day 4, they will have:

  • A sheet of paper with written research notes
  • A persuasive letter to a government official, and an address of where to send it
  • A PowerPoint presentation, reflecting on what they learned

The three assignments can be graded for completion, following directions, grammar, and spelling.

Depending on the students’ ease with technology, the project could take more or less time. Encourage them follow the step-by-step instructions exactly.

An optional Day 5 could be spent allowing the students to address envelopes and mail the persuasive letters, then show their PowerPoint presentations to the class.

Modifications: Provide oral instructions, decrease number of animal rights cause choices, decrease number of facts needed for research notes
Extensions:Create extra slides to strengthen Student Cause Reflections PPT, use PPT to educate other classes in the school about animal rights, begin fundraising project for animal rights
Additional Resources: All research sites provided in Students For a Cause PPT and Student Cause Reflections PPT


Word Processing

Manage Documents / 
the skills utilized in the project
Save a document to the file server / R / X
Use Print Preview / R
Format Documents
Set line spacing / R
Set alignment / R
Choose page orientation / R
Use headers/footers / I
Edit Text
Cut, copy, and paste / R / X
Spell check / R / X
Undo/Redo / R
Import Graphics
Insert and resize graphics / R
Use the drawing tools / R
Change fill color / R
Use rotate/flip / R
Use AutoShapes / R
Change line color and width / R
Use WordArt / R
Set the Text Wrap on graphics / R
Add page borders / R


Manage Presentations / 
skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a blank document OR use a design template / R
Save a presentation / R / X
Add slides / R
Move through a presentation with mouse/arrow keys OR run a presentation using the automatic timer / R / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / R / X
Add/Arrange digital pictures and movies / I
Customize a background / R
Customize the presentation
Use drawing tools / R
Add transitions / R
Use appropriate audio / R
Animate text/graphics for impact / I


Accessing Information / 
the skills utilized in the project
Use automated card catalog (lesson done by librarian) / R
Enter a web address in the browser / R
Use a search engine/on-line database to locate valid information / R
Copy a web address from the Internet and paste in another program to cite the source URL / I / X
Copy a graphic from the Internet and paste in another program / R / X
Use interactive technology for problem solving / R
Use electronic communication to share information / R
Create a product collaboratively / R