Title: Practical Sampling and Evaluation of Cytology
Total time 2 hours exclusive the presentation “Cytology, a quick diagnostic tool” (1 hr).
At the Xth INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WILD FAUNA 2017 in Portugal, between June 22 and 24
TIME (minutes) / SUBJECT5 / Introduction
10 / PPT Basic description and sample collection
10 / Demo Slide preparation
10 / Participants prepare samples
15 / Short PPT Lecture slide evaluation and examples
60 / Participants slide evaluation
10 / Wrap up, summary
Introduction (5 min)
Abstract. The `Practical Sampling and Evaluation of Cytology' workshop is a hands on tutorial that explains the process and proper handling involved in impression smears in the clinic and during necropsy. Participants will also learn to evaluate and identify cells, and recognize some protozoa and microorganisms related in disease processes.
Even though most of the examples are dealing with avian species, the principles are the same for any other animals class.
In summation this lab will provide veterinarians and technicians with the ability to understand and read impression smears.
Basic description and Sample Collection (10min)
Using Power point a brief review on sample collection, staining and description of normal organs will be given.The basic cell morphology will be discussed: red blood cells, white blood cells, parenchymal cells e.g. hepatocytes, enterocytes.
Sample collection:
- Depending on the organ and/or mass size apply a nice cut surface using a scalpel blade or scissors.
- Dab lightly until excess blood is removed on clean paper towel.
- Apply light pressure to slide cautious to not too much force this causes dark or thick slides as well as iatrogenic cytological abnormalities.
- If imprint is a-cellular, scrape the cut surface with a scalpel blade to expose more cells.
- For a squash prep smear, acquire a small sample of the tissue and apply it at one end of a glass slide. Take another glass slide and with firm but gentle pressure glide sample over to the opposite side of the slide.
Slide preparationdemo (10 min)
Once slides are obtained allow to air dry for some minutes. Do not heat since this changes cell morphology. Once this is done,proper stains are thenapplied.
- Wrights stain:
- Diff quick stain:
- Romanowsky
Sample collection and slide preparation participants (10 min)
The participants make their own slides using available tissues and stain these slides with a diff quick stain.
Slide evaluation (15 + 60 min)
In a presentation of 15 minutes the different (micro)organisms will be presented: bacteria, yeasts and fungi, (blood) protozoa. Few cases will be presented that are present for self-evaluation in the second part.
After this presentation the participants will evaluate theirown slides as well as example slides provided. The example slides will be documented with a case description and a picture of the changes to look for.
Wrap-up (10 min)
A short time for additional questions and a thank you.