Sandhurst and Owlsmoor Patient Focus Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 21 July 2015

Sandhurst Surgery

Mike Blackman

Sue Brooks

Mike Butcher

Pat Butcher

Roger Halliwell

Nilesh Kanjaria

Mike Routledge

Vera Routledge

Audrey Shephard

Julia Spencer-Jones

Sylvia Trevis

In the absence of the Chair, the Meeting was chaired by Sue Brooks (Vice-Chair)

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Barbara Denning (Chair), Jennie Ford, Sylvia Leppard and Krevan Moodley.

Barbara had circulated a Chair’s Report (attached) in advance of the meeting.

  1. Minutes of last meeting: The minutes were agreed to be a true record of the Meeting of 21st May 2015.
  1. Introductions: A vote of thanks to the retiring Minutes Secretary, Christine Stokes was unanimously agreed. The Chair would write to Christine thanking her for her services. Mike Routledge was welcomed as the new Minutes Secretary.

The Meeting welcomed Rajan Mall, representing the Nepalese community in Sandhurst and Owlsmoor. Mr Mall had been contacted via a local Nepalese Association approached by Mike Routledge (see Minutes of 21st May 2015, minute 11d).

Mr Mall was asked to comment on the Committee’s concern that Nepalese patients in the area and practice staff (medical, nursing and administrative) were experiencing problems of communication. There had been difficulties in explaining and understanding the appointments system, problems for patients and doctors in communicating both symptoms and the necessary medical advice, especially in view of the constraints arising from the standard 10-minute appointment allowance. Interpreters, especially children, were not always an appropriate answer.

Mr Mall reported that there were approximately 80 Nepalese households in the practice area. He felt that younger members of the Nepalese community were able to help with these problems and stressed that the community was one where word of mouth solutions were the most likely to disseminate useful information and advice about the health provision in Sandhurst and Owlsmoor. This was greatly facilitated by the community’s practice of meeting formally, at least once a year, under the ægis of the Sandhurst Nepalese Community Committee. The Community Committee also published a newsletter and valuable assistance was offered by the Learning Centre based at Sandhurst School.

The Committee thanked Mr Mall for his most helpful comments and it was agreed that he should become a member of SOPFG with immediate effect. A variety of suggestions were put forward including the production of information sheets and self-care advice in Nepalese. It was pointed out that Healthwatch has money available for such purposes.

  1. Matters arising:

re2.9Family Fitness Fun Day: Sylvia Trevis was exploring the possibility of a ‘Stop Smoking Bus’ attending the event on 16th August. (see also substantive Agenda item 9, below).

re 3.7Local pharmacy home deliveries: It was reported that McParland’s pharmacy was currently trialling a home deliveries system for housebound patients.

The electronic prescription system (whereby repeat prescriptions can be directly forwarded to a pharmacy of the patient’s choice) was further discussed. Apart from a few minor problems, it appeared to be working well. It was stressed that it was for the patient to make the choice of pharmacy. This could be done either by asking the pharmacy to inform the practice of their nomination or by asking the practice to inform the pharmacy. Pharmacies should not assume that they were nominated nor bring any pressure to bear on patients to nominate them. The system did not currently cover some controlled drugs but this was likely to be revised in October.

re3.11eExtension to Owlsmoor surgery: In the absence of Jennie, there was no report on this matter.

  1. Health Event 21st November: Sylvia reported that Sandhurst School dining room had been secured for this event. Refreshments would be served -- cakes, etc. to be provided by SOPFG members -- and proceeds from their sale would be donated to the Thames Valley Hospice. Vera Routledge would approach Waitrose to seek contributions to refreshments.

Contact had been made with the Macmillan Charity and they had agreed to attend. Further discussion took placeconcerning the structure of the event. It was agreed that it should cover long-term illness and palliative care and should consist of a keynote presentation plus questions andancillary stands covering related areas of care. A start time of 10:30 was proposed with the presentation beginning at 11:00, scheduled to last for 30 minutes and followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers. The presentation would be chaired by either Barbara or Sylvia.

In order for posters and publicity to be arranged, it was essential that a title for the event be finalised rapidly. Sylvia would circulate suggestions already received, invite further suggestions and agree a title in consultation with Barbara.

  1. Sub-group update: Please see attached ‘Chair report’ from Barbara.
  1. SRA magazine: The deadline for copy for the SRA Magazine is 2 August.

It will include publicity for the Health Event on 21 November.

It will also provide information about the ’flu vaccination sessions in September/October.

The Meeting was pleased to note that the Magazine would also feature the excellent article ‘A Day in the Life of a Practice Doctor’ by Dr Emma Joynes. Practice representatives were asked to pass on to Dr Joynes the thanks and congratulations of the Focus Group.

  1. Annual Plan: In the absence of the Chair and the Practice Manager, it was felt appropriate to hold over this item until the next meeting.
  1. Family Fitness Fun Day(16August): Roger Halliwell reported on the arrangements in place and the difficulties encountered in planning this event. He explained that the event was no longer, in any real sense, under Sandhurst Town Council’s umbrella. This presented particular problems with regard to insurance cover for the Fun Run; in previous years, it had been assumed that this was covered by STC’s own insurance. This was no longer the case, and a solution was being sought in discussions with Sandhurst Joggers. Moreover, not only was STC no longer providing support in this way but had also accepted a booking for a ‘Family Fun Day’ eventat the same venue one week earlier. The possibility was raised of writing to STC to express the Focus Group’s disappointment.

SOPFG would have a stall at the traditional event and the organisers would welcome help.

  1. Any Other Business

(i)Sub-Group and surveys: Two suggestions were put forward by the Meeting for subjects for future surveys: (a) the availability of mental health services in the area (b) a follow-up on the performance of the Yorktown Road Boots branch.

(ii)Insurance for events: In view of Item 9, above, Sylvia would investigate the need for insurance for events organised by SOPFG.

(iii)King’s Fund Conference on Housing and Health: Sylvia informed the meeting that this conference, open to the public, was taking place on 21 October 2015.

(iv)Display board: It was agreed that a tabletop display board and Velcro could be purchased from SOPFG funds for a sum in the region of £60.00 plus VAT.

(v)Grant from practice to SOPFG: Dr Kanjaria agreed to raise the question of a further grant from the practice to SOPFG to assist with its projects and events. The Treasurer reported that support from the practice had totalled approximately £1,000 over the last five years.

(vi)’Flu clinic posters: The posters were now available and volunteers agreed to put them on notice boards and in local businesses during the third week in August.

The meeting closed at 20:40

Date of next meeting: 17 September

Attached: Chair Report (in absence) for 21st July 2015

Chair report (in absence) for 21stJuly 2015

Here is a brief report as I am unable to attend the meeting. I am contactable should anyone have any concerns.

Sub Group

Over the past month the Sub Group have been working on the July Newsletter and Dr Colleen Pidgeon’s Mental Health Questionnaire. The Newsletter has now been distributed to you all and the On-line group and should shortly be on the two Surgery screens and the Website.

The Questionnaire should also have been distributed by the time you meet on the 21st and we will endeavour to create a detailed summary of the results for CP in August, after the completion deadline. Please do complete it as the evidence is required for a National Lottery Grant claim.

Visit to Yorktown Road Surgery Reception office

You should all have received a copy of the report of my visit which I found very informative and I would like to thank Jennie for accommodating the afternoon. It may be something we wish to circulate wider at some point.

Future SOPFG Surveys

In the July Newsletter we have asked Patients for suggestions for future Surveys to be sent to us via the group’s e mail address . I will circulate any responses we receive, for discussion.

A day in the life of a Practice Doctor

Dr Simon Brown has asked DrEmma Joynes to write an article for the September SRA magazine. I have made contact with her and sent her copies of the past two entries to get an idea of what is required. I hope to have a draft the week before August 2nd to review and pass on to SRA magazine via Sylvia Trevis.

Family Fitness Fun Day

I am availablefor this event so please sign me up where needed.

  • Have a good meeting

Regards Barbara