Call for Papers
Title of the Special Track: Information Technology, Society and Language
Organized by: Dr. Moksha Singh1 and Dr. Shashikanta Tarai2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India;
2Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India;
Information technology (IT) and communication systems (SC) have comea long way and are immensely shaping and reshaping the social, cultural, linguistic, political and economic spheres of our lives. From providing a paperless work environment to aiding in faster globalization, creation of new jobs, virtual discussions, enhancing defence capabilities, and also creating issues related to social security, employmentetc., both IT and CS prove advantageous and disadvantageous for creating future socio-cultural and language norms in both developed and developing countries. Further, the use, control and access to information vary among different regions of the world. Governments allow the use of similar technologies based on a nation’s unique economic, social, political and organizationalobjectives. This differential interactive relationship between technology, administration and policy results in peculiar implications and success rates of the implemented technologies.
The aim of this special track i.e.Information Technology,Society andLanguagewould be to find out and analyze the emerging trends in information and communication systems from the point of view of society, culture and language. How do these influence our everyday lives; political, economic andsocio-cultural structures; language; security institutions etc. in different parts of the world? This exercise will also offer insights into its differential impact on recipients, organizational structures and on policy and practice. Suggested topics include and which are not limited to the following:
- Perspectives on socio-cultural and technological processes
- Information technology, society, language and culture
- Information management and development
- Information technology and education
- Information technology and health environments
- Information technology and regional trends
- Information technology, social security and administration
- Big data and human behaviour
- Science, technology and culture
- Nation state, economy and technological development
- Communication systems and social media platforms
- Information society and knowledge society
- Networked society, sustainability and institutional policies
- Knowledge creation, language and transfer
Important Dates
Please, contact the special session organizers if you are planning to submit any paper.
Paper Submission Date / 15 February, 2017Acceptance Notification / 28 February, 2017
Camera Ready / 7, 2017
Conference Date / 3-5 April, 2017
Important Instructions
- All instructions and templates for submission can be found on the ICCMIT 2017 web site:
- Abstracts and manuscripts should be sent to any of the following email addresses:
- Registration Details are available on the following link: