Incorporated Document
Rochford Wines – Summer Concert Series
Incorporated Document - October 2011.
The land at 878-880 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream.
This document is an incorporated document in the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme pursuant to Section 6(2)(j) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
This document is an incorporated document in the Schedule to Clause 81 of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme.
Pursuant to Clause 52.03 of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme the land identified in this document may be used for a Place of Assembly in accordance with the specific controls contained in this document, including the ‘Incorporated Plan’.
If there is any inconsistency between the specific controls and the general provisions of the Scheme, the specific controls will prevail.
The land at Nos. 878-880 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream in the Shire of Yarra Ranges, (the land) described as Lot 7 and 8 on Plan of Subdivision LP127612.
This Document Allows:
The use of the subject land at 878-880 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream to be used for a ‘Place of Assembly’ to allow for concerts to be held in accordance with the following:
§ ‘Incorporated Plan’ prepared by John Demos Architects titled Rochford Winery 878 – 880 Maroondarh Highway, Coldstream, Summer Concert Series Site Plan – September 2011 (Drawing # A000.01); and
§ The conditions of this Incorporated Document, which includes the requirements of the Event Management Plan and for car and bus parking provision.
1. The capacity of the concerts must not exceed 10,000 patrons.
2. A maximum of 8 concerts exceeding 3000 patrons are to be held on the subject land per annual summer concert series. Each annual summer concert series must run between October and April.
3. Of the 8 concerts allowed, a maximum of 2 concerts are permitted to be held on Sundays with an attendance that must not exceed 6000 patrons. Sunday concerts must not be held on long weekends. Gates must be opened early on Sundays to help alleviate potential traffic problems.
4. No concerts are to be held on Good Friday, ANZAC Day, or Christmas Day.
5. An updated schedule of concerts must be provided to the Responsible Authority prior to the commencement of each concert season detailing the events, artists, anticipated patron numbers and opening and closing periods generally in accordance with the schedules submitted previously.
6. Auditing of concerts:
Each event is to be audited by the operator's Function Manager to demonstrate compliance with conditions of this Incorporated Document, and specifically the numbers of patrons, hours of operation; compliance with acoustic report, any amenity issues raised by nearby property owners and net community benefit from concerts (at end of season). This information is to be submitted to the responsible authority within one month of the completion of each season of concerts or is to be made available to the responsibility authority on request.
7. Event management plan:
At least 2 months before the commencement of the season of concerts each year the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of an Event Management Plan ('the plan') to the responsible authority for written approval. The plan must be developed in consultation with the responsible authority and other relevant authorities. The plan must be developed and complied with to the satisfaction of the responsible authority and will be endorsed to form part of this Incorporated Document. Copies of the plan must be distributed to all relevant authorities at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the season of concerts each year.
The Event Management Plan must include the following:
7.1 A site plan generally in accordance with the Incorporated Plan and demonstrate:
(a) the delineation of all car and bus parking areas including alternative parking arrangements for car and bus parking should the normal parking area be too wet;
(b) the location of the stage and all ancillary installations and activities;
(c) sufficient entry points (with internal holding bays) to avoid excessive congestion on public roads; and
(d) each entry point to be of sufficient width to accommodate two-way traffic including emergency vehicles.
7.2 An Emergency Management and Fire Prevention Plan (relevant authorities Country Fire Authority, Victoria Police) to include:
a) contingency plans for emergency situations including but not limited to - fire, power failure, medical emergencies, etc;
b) provision of (as appropriate) a medical officer, ambulance crew(s) and StJohn's ambulance team(s) adequate to cater for the number of patrons anticipated to attend each concert; and
c) access and egress points to be clearly identified by signs and lighting.
7.3 A Traffic Management Plan (relevant authorities - Vic Roads, Victoria Police) to include:
a) access routes to and from the site;
b) traffic controls and signing proposed along all roads used for directing traffic; and
c) direction signs to be professionally painted and include the words "all tickets sold out' (if applicable).
7.4 A Security Plan (relevant authority - Victoria Police) to include:
(a) personnel numbers, management structure, roles, responsibilities, powers and procedures;
(b) details and frequency of security patrols internal and external to the property;
(c) treatment and identification of property boundaries;
(d) communication provisions; and
(e) security provisions and protocols for nearby residents and properties.
7.5 A Waste Management Plan to include:
a) waste streams likely to be created on site;
b) management methods for each waste stream; and
c) collection of litter from Crown land of or repair of any damage directly attributable to the event, to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.
7.6 A Complaint Management Plan to include:
a) Mechanisms for ensuring complaints which are lodged during concerts are able to be received and responded to.
b) The 'log' form must include how the complaint was resolved and complainant details.
7.7 Evidence of public liability insurance.
7.8 Details of each proposed concert (exceeding 3000 patrons) including dates, hours, and maximum numbers of patrons.
7.9 Free water to be available to patrons.
7.10 Demonstrated net community gain for each event.
7.11 Details of the member composition of the Rochford Wines Stakeholders Reference Group (RWSRG), when the group will meet and what it will meet to discuss/action.
7.12 Updating of management plan on a yearly basis to include amended procedures due to auditing or complaints received.
8. Acoustic report
Noise from events including any music noise associated with the use must at all times conform with the State Environment Protection Policies SEPP N-2 and Environmental Noise Assessment Report (Report No. 16096 rep.doc) by Benbow Environmental, dated September 2006. The events must also adopt the recommendations arising from the annual noise monitoring reports prepared by Benbow Environmental.
9. Engineering requirements
8.1 All internal parking areas and vehicular access ways must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
8.2 The parking areas and vehicular access ways must not be obstructed or made inaccessible to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.
8.3 All vehicles must enter and exit the site in a forward direction.
10. Notification of Concerts (exceeding 3000 patrons)
9.1 Two (2) months prior to each annual concert series commencing letters must be sent to neighbouring properties. The properties to be advised must be identified within the Event Management Plan. The letter will advise neighbours of the proposed schedule of concerts (exceeding 3000 patrons) for the forthcoming summer concert series as well as any changed conditions (e.g. traffic). This will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Event Management Plan.
9.2 One week prior to a scheduled concert (exceeding 3000 patrons), a sign will be placed on the Hill Road gate notifying the public of the proposed changed traffic conditions. This will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Event Management Plan.
11. Amendment of Dates Concerts (exceeding 3000 patrons)
In the event the date of a previously notified concert (exceeding 3000 patrons) must be canceled and rescheduled to an alternative date due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. weather), the following procedure must be followed:
(a) Council will be advised in writing of the alternative date for the rescheduled concert.
(b) A notice will be placed in the local paper advising of the alternative date and proposed change of traffic conditions.
(c) Letters must be sent to neighbouring properties. The properties to be advised must be identified within the Event Management Plan.
(d) One week prior to a rescheduled concert, a sign will be placed on the Hill Road gate notifying the public of the proposed changed traffic conditions.
12. Car & bus parking requirements
Parking must be provided at a rate of no less than 0.17 car spaces per patron and no less than 0.025 bus spaces per patron as per the recommendations of the GTA Consultants Transport and Parking Assessment dated 29 February 2012. These rates are only applicable when the site is being used as a Place of Assembly.