Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, held at 7pm on Monday 27th February2017in the Badgworth Schoolrooms.
Mr S Babbington (Chair) Mr C Abbiss,Mr D Coombe, Mr R Stiddard, Mr G Vining, Mr J White,
Also in attendance Mrs H Marshall (clerk),1member of the public
Open Forum
A resident wished to discuss the matter of vans obstructing the highway. A letter was also received regarding this matter.
The meeting commenced.
018/17 Apologies for absence: Councillor F Body - prior commitment. Resolution: To accept the apology
019/17Declarations of Interest:AllCouncillorsdeclaredapersonalinterestinNationalGrid,Councillor Vining also declaredadiscloseablepecuniaryinterestandaprejudicialinterestinNationalGrid.
020/17Dispensations: Councillor Vining was issued a dispensation regarding National Grid and the Hinkley C Connection Project on the 18th May2015
021/17Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting dated 16th January 2017Copies having been circulated; the Minutes were then taken as read andapproved as a true record by the Parish Council.
022/17Highways: The matter of vans obstructing the highways was discussed, including a letter received from a resident and information received at the meeting. The matter is now resolved and is not considered to be ongoing.
023/17Annual Parish Meeting Resolution: The council decided to invite the village agent, the police and County and District Councillor Denbee.
024/17Request for funding from Contact magazine: The council discussed the request and considered the benefit to the community. Resolution: To grant £200 towards printing costs.
025/17 Request for funding from Mendip Community Transport: The council discussed the request and new information regarding registered members in Parish and considered the benefit to the community. Resolution: To grant £100 towards the running costs of the charity.
026/17The NHS Health Check Event Badgworth: The council discussed the available dates. Resolution: To hold the event on the 5thApril 2017. The clerk is to complete the arrangements.
027/17The Memorial Field: The councildiscussed the possibility of including of a memorial in the field. Resolution: to include a plaque or engraving stating ‘Donated to the Parish by Mr & Mrs S Counsell’ The council noted that the concrete plinth has now been installed and resolved to order the previously approved WW1 bench. The council considered the complexity of the process for registering the field and the notices required within the deeds.Resolution: to engage John Hodges Solicitors to complete the registration process and raise cheque for £40 to Land Registry and transfer monies through virement from the council’s reserves to cover the costs.
028/17 Regulation 19 Local Plan consultation: The new policies were reviewed; the council considereddiscussions with Sedgemoor District Council and a recent planning matter in the local paper.Resolution: The council had concerns regarding wording that implied that policy was not essential and could therefore be open to challenge. The clerk is to draft a response for submission.
029/17 Finance: The financial statement to February was approved. The RLT2 funds available were noted.
030/17 Badgworth defibrillator: Vice chairman Body reported to the clerk that the Masonic Lodge will pay for the defibrillator in full. The make and model will be in accordance with the council’s previous recommendation and would be adopted fully by the council. The council wished to thank the local Alfred and Guthrum Lodge and the Provincial Lodge for their generosity. The clerk is to make all arrangements to progress the installation.
031/17Enforcementmatters in the parish wereupdated by the Clerk. The response from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s officeregarding the reinstatement of the field at Castle Mills Industrial Estate was noted.
032/17Crime statistics in the parish werereviewed.The response from the Avon and Somerset Police regarding notification of any crime trends in our area was noted.
033/17Cluster meetings: 3rdOctober Sedgemoor Room Councillor’s Coombe and Vining to attend, 22nd June Mark Councillor Abbiss to attend, 30th November Mark Councillors Babbington, Stiddard and White to attend.
034/17Planning matters in the parish were reviewed:
The council noted the explanation from Sedgemoor District Council regarding the Council’s request to include time restriction conditions on application 03/16/00021.
New applications
03/16/00023 Retention of stables, land to the East of (2), Quarrylands Lane, Badgworth, Axbridge
03/17/00002 Erection of a first floor extension to West elevation, Willow Cottage, Bristol Road,
Tarnock, Axbridge BS26 2SW Additional images were received by the council.
Decisions made by Sedgemoor District Council
03/17/00001 Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of land as garden, The Doles, Lane from
Badgworth to Allerton Moor Rhyne, Badgworth, Axbridge, BS26 2QL Granted permission.
APP/V3310/W/16/3160334 Erection of five camping ‘pods’, toilet block and gazebo, Land to the East of Biddisham House, Biddisham Lane, Biddisham, Axbridge BS26
APP/V3310/W/16/3141866 Erection of a solar farm (4.9MW) (14.2 Hectares), landscaping and
associated infrastructure including underground cables for a temporary period of 25 years, Land to
the Southof, Townsend Farm, Townsend, Axbridge, BS26 2AJ Councillors decided to make no
further comment for the appeal.
APP/V3310/Y/16/3151191 & W/16/3151185 Erection of single storey extensions to West and
East elevations, Stonebarton, Badgworth, Axbridge, BS26 2QH Councillors decided to make no
further comment for the appeal. Appeals dismissed
035/17Correspondence was bought to the attention of the council.The council decided not to respond to the Productivity Plan consultation; to put information regarding the new rural crime number on the noticeboards; to respond to the Citizens Advice Bureau request for support with no objections.
036/17The schedule of payments was approved:
Chq 713 Clerks Salary and expenses January £352.47
Chq 714 Community Council for Somerset £40
Chq 715 Contact £200
Chq 716 David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd £913.80
Chq 717 Michael J Clements Construction Ltd £420
Chq 718Land Registry £40
Chq 719Mendip Community Transport £100
017/17Member’s Points of Information
National Grid is to undertake a number of surveys in the coming weeks. There will be 1 bore hole (core sample and test) and 2 trial pits (take off layer take sample and reinstate) at two sites in the villages. This will test the ground conditions and soil for access roads and the foundations for the pylons.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Mr S Babbington (Chairman)
Date24th April 2017