/ /


Title of the Master programme and contact details:

Programme title (in original language)
Programme title (in English)
Website of the programme
(if available)
Institution responsible for the programme (University, department, college, etc.)
Telephone number
E-mail address
Website of the Institution
Name of contact person and position in the Institution
Additional information (if necessary)

Programme details:

Title of degree
Programme duration (in years)
Number of ECTS credits

Programme Director:


2ndEMOS Call for applications

EMOS Programme Details

Please refer to the Guide for applicants for guidance.

Presentation of the programme, its objectives and structure (max. 20 lines)


For the learning outcomes please see also the EMOS Guide for Applicants.

Explanatory notes

Course/module:Give the title of the course or module which meets the EMOS learning outcomes
Hours:Give the total number of contact hours per week/semester/year
Credits:Give the number of ECTS credits
Teacher:Teacher’s name and title
Teaching Methodology/Tools:List the teaching methodology and tools used
Assessment:Indicate the test methods and assessment criteria used

Summary / [Write a short summary or introduction, if needed. Explain how the respective part to reach the EMOS learning outcomesis organised – 10 lines max.]
Course/module / Hours / Credits / Teacher / Teaching Methodology/Tools / Assessment
Total credits:

Add as many rows as needed.


Explanatory notes

Learning outcomes:Number and name of competence according to the system of reference
:Tick if the competence is taken into account; leave blank if not
Course/Module:Give the title of the course or module
Description and expected results:Brief description of how the learning outcomes will be achieved
Comments:Add any other comments you may consider relevant

Summary / [Write a short summary or introduction for each competence, if necessary. Explain how you see the link between the competences and courses/modules and how you assess these (sub)competences – 10 lines max.]
Learning outcomes /  / Course/Module / Description and expected results / Comments
1) The system of official statistics
  1. To be aware of the relevance of official statistics as information infrastructure for the society and of its principles

  1. To master the organisation and role of the European Statistical System (ESS), the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and other official data producers and their legal bases, including those referring to confidentiality

Learning outcomes /  / Course/Module / Description and expected results / Comments
  1. To be aware of the main institutions operating at national and international level and their data sources (e.g. Eurostat, ECB, IMF, ILO, BIS, UN, OECD, World Bank)

  1. To understand the statistical principles in the European Statistics Code of Practice (for the ESS) and the Public Commitment (for the ESCB) and how they apply to the different steps of data production and dissemination

2) Production models and methods
  1. To understand and be able to use different kinds of data sources (censuses, sample surveys – cross section, longitudinal –, administrative sources, big data, integrated sources) and critically evaluate pros and cons, also in terms of implications of the results

  1. To be able to design and manage data production processes, including the definition of the main dimensions of quality and how to monitor and evaluate them

Learning outcomes /  / Course/Module / Description and expected results / Comments
  1. To be aware of different production models, including the business and enterprise architecture concepts applied to official statistics (e.g. metadata management, Generic Statistical Business Process Model, data archiving, mixed mode surveys, statistical standard classification)

3) Specific Themes
  1. To be able to understand methodological issues related to some official statistics specific fields and to interpret correctly official statistics in the field (e.g. general and regional statistics, economy and finance, population and social conditions, industry, trade and services, agriculture and fisheries, international trade, transport, environment and energy, science and technology)

  1. To be able to apply methods suitable to produce and analyse data in the specific field

Learning outcomes /  / Course/Module / Description and expected results / Comments
4) Statistical Methods
  1. Knowledge of and ability to apply statistical methods such as sampling methods, small area estimation, non-response adjustments and imputation, treatment of big data, time series analyses, index theory, multivariate statistics, econometrics

  1. Critical capacity of framing analysis of statistical data within the context of editing, imputation, missing data problems, knowing the definition of metadata and paradata, data integration

  1. Ability to use statistical computer programmes such as SAS, R, SPSS or STATA

5) Dissemination
  1. Ability to present data in an effective way to different kinds of audience

  1. Understand confidentiality issues in the dissemination of official statistics and the main methods to ensure it (i.e. statistical disclosure control), especially when disseminating micro data

Learning outcomes /  / Course/Module / Description and expected results / Comments
c.To be aware of the different tools available for data dissemination and presentation of results (tables, charts in a static and dynamic web-based environment, data warehouses, advanced visual graphics, etc.)


Explanatory notes

Course/module:Give the title of the course or module (please list remaining courses taught in the programme)
Credits:Give the number of ECTS credits
Teacher:Teacher’s name and title
Description and expected results:Brief description of the course and its expected results
Comments:Add any other comments you may consider relevant (justifications, explanations, additional information, outstanding issues, etc.)

Summary / [Write a short summary or introduction, if needed. Explain how the respective part of the EMOS programme is organised – 10 lines max.]
Course/module / Credits / Teacher / Description and expected results / Comments
Total credits:

Add as many rows as needed.


Explanatory notes

Research topics, if relevant, up to date:List any research topics of Master theses with a link to Official statistics if relevant
Hours:Give the total number of hours per week/semester/year
Credits:Give the number of ECTS credits
Support by NSI or other statistical authority:Provide details if available on cooperation with the respective NSI or other statistical authority
Comments:Add any other comments you may consider relevant (justifications, explanations, additional information, outstanding issues, etc.).

Summary / [Write a short summary or introduction, if needed. Explain how the respective part of the EMOS programme is organised – 10 lines max.]
Research topics, if relevant, up to date / Hours
(week/semester/year) / Credits / Support by NSI or other statistical authority / Comments

Add as many rows as needed.


Explanatory notes

Organisation of internship:Explain the organisation of internships
Hours:Give the total number of hours per week/semester/year
Credits:Give the number of ECTS credits
Collaboration with NSI or other
statistical authority:Provide details if available on cooperation with the respective NSI or other statistical authority
Comments:Add any other comments you may consider relevant (justifications, explanations, additional information, outstanding issues, etc.).

Summary / [Write a short summary or introduction, if needed. Explain how the respective part of the EMOS programme is organised – 10 lines max.]
Organisation of internships / Hours
(week/semester/year) / Credits / Collaboration with NSI or other statistical authority / Comments

Add as many rows as needed.

2ndEMOS Call for applications


Explanatory notes

Name:The name of the teacher
Position/Level:Professional level (professor, lecturer, etc.). Use the label in your original language and the approximate English equivalent
Status:E.g. full-time employment at university, part-time employment, visiting teacher, etc.
Courses/Modules taught:Give the title of the EMOS course or module taught
Hours per semester:List the number of actual hours per semester taught by this teacher in the EMOS module(s); if team teaching is involved, please provide a percentage of this teacher’s contribution in brackets, e.g.: ‘30 [hours per semester] (50 %)’
Qualifications:Indicate the academic degree acquired
Professional experience:Provide details for other professional experience than academic work if relevant

Name / Position/Level / Status / Courses/Modules taught / Hours per semester / Qualifications / Professional experience
[Sample entry — delete or replace]
John Smith / [Sample entry — delete or replace]
Senior lecturer / [Sample entry — delete or replace]
Full-time at university / [Sample entry — delete or replace]
(1) Advanced Survey Methods
(2) Official Statistics / [Sample entry — delete or replace]
(1) 60
(2) 15 / [Sample entry — delete or replace]
PhD in Social Science, MSc in Economics / [Sample entry — delete or replace
Survey methodologist in the NSI

Add as many rows as needed.

2ndEMOS Call for applications


Explanatory notes

Teaching facilities:Detail facilities for classes, laboratories, library, etc. including details regarding student’s ability to access the resources
IT equipment:Detail IT equipment used in the programme
Software: Detail software available to the programme
Other:Add any other comments you may consider relevant (explanations, additional information, etc.)

Teaching facilities / IT equipment / Software / Other

Add as many rows as needed.

2ndEMOS Call for applications


Summary / [If your programme has established a quality assurance system, please describe it below (max. 15 lines).]


Explanatory notes

Cooperation with:Indicate the cooperation partner for your most relevant cases of cooperation (other higher education institution, research institution, international organisation, etc.)
Description of goals:Describe the nature of the partnership including the goals of the activities and their outcomes
Comments:Add any comments you may consider relevant

Summary / [If your programme has engaged in academic or vocational-oriented cooperation with institutions at the European or international level or through the creation of national networks, including an exchange of academic staff and students (at faculty/department level, but with identifiable goals for your programme or on its behalf), describe briefly the cooperation strategy, its objectives and achievements (max. 10 lines).]
Cooperation with / Description of goals / Comments

Add as many rows as needed.

2ndEMOS Call for applications

List of Tables to be filled in

No / Table / Done
1a / EMOS learning outcomes – overview
1b / EMOS learning outcomes– matrix
2 / Elective courses
3 / Master thesis
4 / Internships
5 / Teaching capacity
6 / Infrastructure
7 / Quality assurance
8 / Inter-institutional cooperation

2ndEMOS Call for applications