Theatre Arts Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Shalen Ennis Daniels
Swansboro High School
Room: Auditorium/410
Phone: 910-326-4300
4th Period Planning
Mission: Students will use the art of Theatre to explore humanity and to promote creativity, artistic expression and an appreciation of their uniqueness.
STANDARDS (From the Essential Standards)
All standards are taught at the B,I,P, and A levels depending on how many Theatre Arts courses the student has taken.
· B.C.1: Use movement, voice, and writing to communicate ideas and feelings.
· B.C.2: Use performance to communicate ideas and feelings
· B.A.1: Analyze literary texts and performances.
· B.AE.1: Understand how to design technical theatre components, such as costumes, sets, props, makeup, lighting, and sound.
· B.CU.1: Analyze theatre in terms of the social, historical, and cultural contexts in which it was created.
· B.CU.2: Understand the traditions, roles, and conventions of theatre as an art form.
B- Beginning Level
I- Intermediate Level
P- Proficient Level
A- Advanced Level
C- Communication
A- Analysis
AE- Aesthetics
CU- Culture
Theatre Arts is an exploration of the art of theatre investigating the historical roots and development of theatre as an art form from ancient cultures to the contemporary American Theatre.
· a one-inch three-ring binder
· loose-leaf paper
· a notebook (preferably spiral)
· pens, pencils, highlighters
· dividers
· agenda/planner
· tier 3 laptop (if student is a freshman)
Your binder is crucial for this class because it will be utilized daily to practice writing techniques, take notes, explore themes, and learn and review content. It will also keep your handouts, notes, classwork, homework, and many other resources. One of the key elements in becoming a successful student and adult is developing organizational skills. Your binder will be instrumental in honing these skills. You will have two (2) binder checks each six weeks. Once the laptops are distributed, freshmen will move to an online binder.
Binder checks count as part of the “quiz,” 25% of your grade. If you are absent, you are responsible to make-up the assignments for that day before the binders are graded. You will need a spiral notebook for your journal entries and daily warm-ups; the notebook will remain in your binder at all times. Once laptops are distributed, freshmen will begin using an online journal for their entries. You will also need dividers. If you cannot obtain dividers, do not worry; I will show you how to make them!
It is also crucial that you have a planner/agenda for this class. The agenda will help keep you organized and on-track. We will use and update our agendas at the beginning of every class. It is your responsibility to keep up with your work, and this tool will make your job much easier.
1. Attendance: On time and ready to participate. Students must be in their seats ready to work when the tardy bell BEGINS to ring. School attendance policies apply. Dismissal from class will be at the instructor’s discretion or office summons. Theatre is a participatory art form. To learn one must participate positively. Nervousness and insecurity are allowed. It is ok to “fail” because when we make a mistake and become aware of that mistake—THAT IS WHERE TRUE INDIVIDUAL GROWTH AND LEARNING BEGINS.
2. Binder, organized appropriately, with pen and pencil in class daily…this notebook serves as your journal, notebook and storage place for handouts. The notebook counts towards your final grade. NO WRITING UTENSILS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE INSTRUCTOR. Laptops are required by all freshmen every day.
3. Vocabulary Development: All theatre classes will have vocabulary lists throughout the semester. Generally, lists are given on Monday, and the quizzes are given on Friday. Several brief homework assignments will be given with each vocabulary list to promote understanding/learning leading to success on the quiz. Homework is 25% of your 6 weeks grade.
4. Facility Care: Maintain the cleanliness of the auditorium and classroom space. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium—NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Violators will receive a discipline referral. Also, find another way to “make your mark” other than vandalizing the facilities. Vandals will be turned over to the administration and school resource officer for the infraction and school system policies will be followed.
15%--Homework/Classwork 25%--Performances 25%--Tests
15%--Participation 20%--Quizzes
Every action and assignment is specifically designed for your success in understanding and doing theatre. I will give you my best on a daily basis: I EXPECT NO LESS FROM YOU.
By signing this form I understand and will comply with the general requirements of the theatre arts course as previously outlined within this document:
Guardian/Parent Signature: ______ Date:
Student Signature: ______ Date:
Student Name (Printed): ______