
Pandemic Flu (Influenza A/H1N1): Business Continuity Plans

It is important that we all work together to try and minimise the effects of the current pandemic flu outbreak.

You should have a business continuity plan in place in readiness for the impact on your service if the situation worsens across the country. You should by now have been advised who you can direct any enquiries related to your service or to wider flu business continuity plans, within your local authority. If you have not made any local planning links, you should contact the local authority pandemic flu planning team to help you prepare for a possible outbreak in your service. Your service may be needed to assist in local planning arrangements. We will post a list of relevant contacts on our website as soon as possible.

We have attached some questions at the end of this letter which we hope will be helpful to you in thinking about a business continuity plan.

Helpful information can be accessed through the Health Protection Scotland website at

It is important to keep abreast of the Scottish Government’s up to date information which can be found on the Scottish Government website at:

If you have children or adults in your care service who are showing symptoms of pandemic flu, or who have been clinically diagnosed as having pandemic flu, you should attempt to isolate them from other users of the service as far as possible. Where possible, if your service is not residential, staff and service users should be advised to remain at home whilst they are feeling ill.

If you have an outbreak of any infection, including “flu”, where two or more people present with similar symptoms, this must be notified to the Care Commission in the usual way.

As soon as we have information about the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccination programme, we will post details on our website at

A copy of this letter will be sent to Chief Executives of local authorities and health boards.

Yours sincerely

Ronnie Hill

Director of Children’s Services Regulation

Direct: 0131 653 4101


Questions to consider

  1. Do you have a business continuity plan?
  2. Is the plan clearly written and easily accessible?
  3. Does it address pandemic flu?
  4. Do you regularly review your plan and has it been tested in the last 12 months?
  5. Have you developed your plan in partnership with other organisations and your local authority?
  6. To what extent does your plan depend on other organisations and your local authority?
  7. Have you identified key staff in your service?
  8. Are your staff trained in activating your plan?
  9. Have you a list of all key contacts’ telephone numbers?