Meeting Attendees

Date: September 4, 2013 7:30 PM

Title of Meeting: General Board Meeting, Open to all program directors

Location: Rodgers Forge Activity Room




Jen Bolster / President
Ben Faraone / Treasurer
Gale Della Santina / Secretary
Todd Langenberg / Board Member at Large
Jeremy Synder / Boys Travel Soccer
Chris Kates
Mark Miller / Weight Lifting
Kevin Schwab / Youth Baseball
Senior Baseball
Stan White / Tennis (competitive youth & adult)
Joy Lewandowski / KP Girls LAX
Dave Fazenbaker / BCRP Staff
Christine Hammann / Adult Fitness
Kim Deinlein / Early Bird Gym
Suzanne Shriver / Football
Judy Renie / Ladies Indoor Tennis (winter)

TRC 300 Dumbarton Rd., Towson, MD 21212

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 6th, 2013 7:30 PM

Title of Meeting: General Board Meeting, Open to all program directors

Location: Rodgers Forge Activity Room

Old Business

  1. Kona Ice vendor would still like concession stand at Meadowood
  2. TRC has sent a letter to BCRP stating strong support for maintaining the MDWD concession stand to used only by TRC Spartan football.
  3. Suzanne stated that it would be wrong to allow a for-profit organization to use it and that the money raised should be kept by the football program to defer the fees charged to players.
  4. Website on Sport Ngine
  5. All program chairs can manage their own pages & registration
  6. 4800 members to date
  7. All major programs using registration except boys lacrosse, which will change next year

New Business

  1. New program proposal from Tim Leimbach for Martial Arts program
  2. Proposal to be an affiliate, thereby being a stand alone company (money will not go through TRC and will have own insurance)
  3. Will be assessed 20% of gross receipts
  4. Will use RFES activity room
  5. Jen said that background checks will be done and vote will be held at Dec. mtg.
  1. 2014 board Elections
  2. Election will take place at Dec. 4 mtg. in person or by proxy
  3. Sheri B. and Joy L. have agreed to work on nomination committee
  4. President: open
  5. Vice President: Possible Todd Langenberg
  6. Treasurer: Ben Faraone
  7. Secretary/Webmaster: Joe Stalmack
  8. Member at Large: Possible Steve Shonfeld
  9. Member at Large: Possible Jennifer Parks
  10. Storage Problems for Football
  11. Football has a lot of equipment that must be moved (Forge/Meadowood/DMS) and stored
  12. The current storage location is contaminated w/ mold due to lack of dehumidifying and climate control
  13. Concerned about $10K investment in new helmets if they are ruined w/ mold
  14. Long discussion, several ideas discussed, but none seemed feasible
  15. Dave is going to see if he can find storage for equipment from May – June as helmets will be sent for reconditioning and can be scheduled for a late return.
  16. Ben suggested if BCRP can’t give us adequate space we rent climate controlled storage space
  1. Spring Fields Coordinator
  2. Agreed the Dave Bender and Matt Lewandowski will work together
  3. Baseball may get access to a 90 ft. diamond in Loch Raven
  4. Towson High Turf Campaign
  5. Executive Board presented at Baltimore County 2015 Capital hearing
  6. We plan to do an email campaign, but need to develop talking points for TRC members to use.
  7. Trying to find a system for two AEDs
  8. Todd did a test with dummy boxes, both were stolen (snack shack & Forge field)
  9. Instead, he is going to select the highest need situations and give device to site manager
  10. AEDs must be used by lacrosse in the spring since they were partially funded by US Lacrosse

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Fiscal year ends in November, so all programs will be receiving year-end financial statements
  2. Will be developing new procedures and distributing

BCRP Report

  1. Change in regional management, we now have Susan Cormack
  2. RFES and Stoneleigh both have new gym floors that will benefit basketball

Action Items:

  1. Next meeting will be Executive Board Meeting on 12/4/13 at 7:30 RFES

Meeting adjourned at 8:45

TRC 300 Dumbarton Rd., Towson, MD 21212