The RTPI Trust – ways you can help, ways we can help you.
The RTPI Trustis a registered charity, independent from the RTPI, which exists to provide support to members of RTPI and their families who are in genuine financial hardship. This may include:
“In kind” assistance, such as advice and counselling services, to help a member and their family through a crisis.
Financial support in the form of grants for specific items of expenditure, which are needed to support the welfare of the member and their family.
The Trust may also support individual students seeking a career in town planning who have barriers to undertaking studies because of genuine financial hardship, for example by providinggrants towards costs associated with their studies, such as course fees, books and study materials, or towards basic living costs during their time as a student. The Trust also has the objective of undertaking research for the public benefit into town planning.
In recent years
The Trust has:
- assisted a member whose sole practitioner consultancy was suffering because of the economic downturn with a one-off payment to alleviate an immediate need;
- provided childcare expenses to a member whose husband had suffered a stroke;
- made it possible for a member with Multiple Sclerosis to re-model his bathroom.
Can you help us?
- A donation to the RTPI Trust would be greatly appreciated.If you are a UK taxpayer, the Trust may also benefit from additional contributions from the Inland Revenue on top of your donation using the Gift Aid scheme. This allows the Trust to claim tax relief on your donations, up to a maximum of the actual income or capital gains tax you have paid in that financial year. In practice, this means that for a basic rate taxpayer every £1 donated will attract another 25p from HM Revenue and Customs.
- If you wish to make a donation then please add this to your subscription amount or complete the appropriate section overleaf and return to the address at the bottom of the page. If you wish to allow the RTPI Trust to claim tax relief on your donation then please complete the Gift Aid declaration.
Do you need help?
- Apply to the Trustees at the address overleaf. Assistance is discretionary and means tested, so you may need to provide further information to enable the Trustees to make a decision.
Thank you for considering the RTPI Trust.
Sandra Roebuck, Chair of the TrusteesRTPI Trust Registered Office:
41 Botolph Lane
Registered Number:1041078
Donating to the RTPI Trust
I enclose a donation of: (please a box): £10 £20£50
Other amount (please specify) £………..
Name of Donor: ......
Address: ......
Signature: ...... Date: ......
To: the RTPI Trust, registered charity number: 1041078.
I wish my donation to be treated as a Gift Aid donation until further notice.
I confirm that I have or will pay income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount the RTPI
Trust reclaims on my donation in this tax year.
The RTPI Trust
c/o Susannah Glover
Governance Officer
Royal Town Planning Institute
41 Botolph Lane