Title: I Need a Hero! / Author: Kimberly U. / State: Florida
Grade Span: 3-5 / Subject: Reading/Language Arts, Social Studies, History, Character Education
Assignment Type: Individual, Whole Group
Recommended Time Frame: 3 weeks

Summary of Project:

Students will choose a biography of a significant figure from history, one who made important contributions in the fields of government, the arts, science and technology, or has other historical significance. Using what they have learned about the subject of their biography, they can demonstrate their learning by choosing three different publication formats, ranging from poetry to podcasts.

Integrated into our classroom discussions will be character education lessons on role models and characteristics of the students’ own personal, everyday heroes.

Students will display their final products at our “Hero Convention” where they will each have a chance to visit one another’s “booths” at the convention. At the convention, they will be gathering facts that will help them compare and contrast different people from history and the contributions they have made to our society.

Materials and Resources Needed:

Whole class / Per Group / Per Student
Biographies / Cardstock
Project Choices (in implementation) / Construction paper
Internet access
Podcasting capability

Key Vocabulary

Biography / Heroic / Characteristics
Contribution / Role Model

Engaging Questions:

1.  What makes a person a “hero”?

2.  What are some historical figures who we would consider to be role models?

3.  Who are some people in your own life you would consider to be a hero?

Implementing the Activity

Week 1: Introduce the genre of biography, review non-fiction reading strategies, students choose a biography of an important historical figure. They set a reading schedule to which they will commit.

Week 2: Continue discussions of characteristics of a role model, as pertaining to their books and own lives. Introduce project options (children’s book, poems, letters, journal entries, podcasts, CDs.

Week 3: Continue working on projects. Hold “Hero Convention.” Final assessment of projects and compare/contrast reading assignment.

Below is the project information given to students.

Name: ______


Rationale: Students need to practice their reading skills in a non-fiction book, since most text outside the classroom is non-fiction. The genre of biography will also help students learn about significant people in our society.

Student Objectives:

1.  Independently, students will read a biography of a significant famous person.

«  Biographies should be books about REAL people who have made significant contributions to our society in one of the following fields:

q  Politics or Government

q  Human Rights

q  Science (Inventions, Technology, Medicine, Environment)

q  Culture (Art, Music, Drama, Dance)

«  Please do NOT choose a current sports or entertainment figure unless they meet one of the above criteria.

«  Your book should be written at an appropriate reading level for fifth grade and should be at least 70 pages in length.

«  You should keep yourself on a reading schedule so that your book is completed by Monday, January 31.

2.  Students will complete a chart (FQR) to organize information and reactions to the text.

3.  Students will create a “word wall” for the book. Your wall should have at least 10 vocabulary words from the book. You should be able to define and use the words on your list.

4.  Students will demonstrate their reading comprehension skills, writing craft, and social studies knowledge by choosing THREE of the nine project options presented in class. Most projects will be completed in class, and will be due on Friday, February 4.

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3
Bio Poem / Timeline / Music Montage
Personal Development Chart / Write a Letter / Children’s Book
Feelings Accordion Book / Discussion Questions / News Radio Podcast

Evaluation Criteria

Completeness / Accuracy of Information / Quality of Information and Text Support / Ideas are Clearly and Correctly Written / Neatness and Effort / Overall Score
Activity Column 1 Choice:
Activity Column 2 Choice:
Activity Column 3 Choice:


4=Needs Improvement




Unit Components:

_____/15 FQR Chart due January 31.

_____/5 Word Wall due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 1 due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 2 due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 3 due February 4

_____/50 Total Points Possible

Parents: Please sign and return.

I have seen my student’s work and assessment of their progress for this unit.


End Result

Students will have demonstrated their learning by creating three different artifacts that illustrate the life and contributions of the subject of their biography.

After sharing with their classmates, they will also compare and contrast three different people’s lives, as well as synthesize what made these three people “heroic.”


Evaluation Criteria

Completeness / Accuracy of Information / Quality of Information and Text Support / Ideas are Clearly and Correctly Written / Neatness and Effort / Overall Score
Activity Column 1 Choice:
Activity Column 2 Choice:
Activity Column 3 Choice:


4=Needs Improvement




Unit Components:

_____/15 FQR Chart due January 31.

_____/5 Word Wall due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 1 due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 2 due February 4

_____/10 Activity Column 3 due February 4

_____/50 Total Points Possible

Parents: Please sign and return.

I have seen my student’s work and assessment of their progress for this unit.


For Differentiated Instruction

Biographies will be available at different lowered reading levels, as well as in Spanish for ELL students. Also, the number of products can be lowered from 3 to 2 to 1, as needed. Students may also choose to do an additional project for additional enrichment.