Secondary 2
25% of Term 2
DUE DATE: Thursday, December 10th (or earlier in case of absence)
- Mainly paragraphs
- Maximum 5 pages (Introduction to the conclusion)
- Double-spaced
- Arial font size 12
- Headings are bold and underlined
Cover Page
Follow the example shown here:
Table of Contents (1 Page)
Follow the example on the right.
Introduction: includes the following. (½ page; 1 paragraph) THIS IS on PAGE 1
(1) State the question
(2) State the hypothesis
(3) State the purpose (Why did you do this project? What do you wish to learn?)
Development: (2 pages; 4-6 paragraphs)
- Briefly summarize your research. Include definitions of important keywords. State the basic theory and explain the large scientific concepts behind your experiment. Write clear and complete explanations in your own words. (2 to 3 paragraphs)
- A short description of the experiment. (1 paragraph)
- The variables: State the dependent and the independent variables and at least 5 controlled variables (constants). (1 paragraph)
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: list all the materials and equipment you used in point form (use bullets). Include quantities and sizes.
PROCEDURE: List all of the steps in numbered format. Keep it clear and simple and always start with a command verb.
ERRORS AND CHANGES: State all errors or possible errors made during the experiment and all changes that were made along the way. (1 paragraph)
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: In a few sentences, explain the results you’ve gotten so far (partial or complete). You must also write “Please refer to the data table(s) in the appendix at the end of this report.” And possibly, “Please refer to the images in the appendix at the end of this report.”
PLEASE NOTE: If you perform multiple trails for many situations, (ex. You have five situations with three trials each), you have to state the average of the three trials for each situation.
CONCLUSION: (½ page; 1 paragraph) This is the summary of your report.
- Restate the question
- Restate the hypothesis
- State whether your results support or do not support your hypothesis
- How would you have done your project differently? Write at least one complete intelligent sentence: “If I had to perform my experiment again, I would have . . .”
- Include all resources consulted for this project (Books, magazines, internet, television-documentary, professionals such as doctors, engineers, etc.)
- If you do use Wikipedia or another internet address, in one or two words describe the link and then state the URL.
For example:
Water Cycle:
APPENDIX This section consists of 2 parts
1. DATA TABLE(S) (1-2 pages)
Your results must be are clearly presented in one or more data tables that follow the rules you learned about how to make tables. (Title, columns, headings, units, rows)
2. Images: (1-2 pages)
Images must be numbered and described (One word or phrase per image, for example: Image 1: Materials). Images must be clear and relevant. Use this section to show your materials, photos of you doing your experiment, images that help explain the concepts behind your experiment, etc.)