16 November 2018
Dear Parent/Carer
The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair Year 7 - Friday 17 March 2017
We have organised a trip to the ‘Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair’ at the NEC Birmingham in order to give Kingsbury Students an enriched experience in Science.
The cost for this trip will be a voluntary contribution of £7.00 which covers the cost of the coach. Howeverthe school reserves the right to cancel the visit should there be insufficient voluntary contributions to cover the cost.
If you feel that you will have difficulty in meeting the full cost, some help may be available towards the cost from the Clare Bacciochi Educational Foundation. If you would like to make an application for such help, please contact Mrs H Jones, in writing, at Kingsbury School.
We will endeavour to accommodate all children who want to go on this trip but due to seating capacity it will be on a first come first serve basis. Payments can be made via cheque (payable to Kingsbury School), schoolgateway.com or by cash at Reception.
We will leave school at 9am and pupils will need to arrive at school at their usual time. We will leave the NEC at 2pm and should arrive back at school at approximately 3pm. Students must be dressed in full school uniform. This trip is not a compulsory part of the curriculum, although it may be beneficial for your child to attend. Work will be provided in school for those not attending.
To conform to national guidelines, we must hold an OSA2 medical emergency consent form for all pupils attending the trip. If we are outstanding one for your child, we will issue you will one which must be signed and returned before the day of the trip.
Packed lunches may be purchased from the school cafeteria if ordered the day before the trip. Students entitled to a free meal may pre-order a packed lunch to the value of their meal allowance.
Yours sincerely
Mrs D Waters
Head of Key Stage 3 Science
REPLY SLIP – please return to Reception
The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair - Year 7 - Thursday 17th March 2017
Child’s name: ______Regn Group: ______
I enclose my contribution of £7.00 (cheques made payable to Kingsbury School) or have paid via Schoolgateway.com
I understand that my child will not be able to participate in this trip if he/she is not in full school uniform.
Signed: ______Date: ______