Title: Abyasa Pro –Email Invitations to Participants.

Version: 3.0

Prepared By: Roma


1. Email Invitation to Pro Sent By Trainee to a Participant

i. If the Participant Type is a Teacher

ii. If the Participant Type is a Staff Member

2. Resending and Deleting Invitation

3. Email Invitation to Pro Received By the Participant

i. Existing User

ii. New User


Participants are the University Staff Members and School Based Teachers that aid in the Professional Development of the trainees. To allow the participant to view/ edit the trainee records and templates added in the trainee record, the trainee must be attached to the participant. A trainee can select their participant by sending them an email invitation.

1. Email Invitation to Pro Sent By Trainee to a Participant

To send email invitation to a Participant you need to log in as Trainee. Only when logged in Abyasa Pro as a Trainee will the user be able to get the option of sending the email invitation.

To send the email invitation, click on .

Participant list appears. This shows all the participants that have been linked to the trainee for different roles.

If the trainee has sent an invitation to a participant then status of the invitation will be seen in the third column ‘Invitation Status’.

Click on Invite Participants.

A new page appears.

Click on Add Invitation.

The first field is the Participant Type.

i. If the Participant Type is a Teacher

If the Participant Type is a School Based Teacher, Participant Type Teacher must be selected.

Select a User Role:

The above User Roles are available only for a Teacher.

School Name: The student will be shown a list of schools they had a placement.

Select a School if the teacher is in the school given in the drop down list.

If the drop down list does not have the required school, select ‘None of the above’.

A new field will appear that will help the student search for the school.

Click onSend Invitation when the correct details have been added.The invitation will be sent.

ii. If the Participant Type is a Staff Member

If the Participant Type is a University Staff Member, Participant Type Staffmust be selected.

Select a User Role:

The above User Roles are available only for a Staff Member.

Click onSend Invitation when the correct details have been added.The invitation will be sent.

2. Resending and Deleting Invitation

The participant receives an email with a link that enables them to create a new user name and password or log in as exiting participant. When the link is used to log in to Abyasa Pro, the student will be attached to the participant and the participant can view the student’s record on Pro till the date set in Active Till.

If the user did not log into Abyasa Pro using the link, the link will expire in 24 hours after the invitation was sentand the user will not be able to see the student record in Pro.

The student can resend the invitation by clicking on Resend from the Actions drop down list.

Another form appears that asks for the student to select Active Till

Select the Active Till date and click on Resend Invitation

The student can also delete the invitation by selecting ‘Delete’ option from the Action list.

Note: Students can extend the ActiveTill date by resending the invitation and resetting the ActiveTill date.

3. Email Invitation to Pro Received By the Participant

When the Send Invitation/Resend Invitation option is clicked by the trainee an email will be sent to the email address of the participant.

The participant must click on the link provided in the email, and then will be directed to another page.

Note: The email content can be modified according to the Pro Admin.

The page will allow existing participants to log in to Abyasa Pro or let a new participant to fill in their details which will allow them to log in Abyasa Pro and view the trainee page.

i. Existing User

If the participant already knows his/her username and password, then the participant can login by entering their credentials in the “I’m an existing User” section and click on Log in.

The participant will log in and can see that the student has been attached to the chosen role.

ii. New User

If the participant is not an existing user then they must click on . The below fields will appear.

The Title, First Name and Last Name will be added automatically.

If the participant requires then they can use the same email address as their Main Email Address by ticking on .

The teacher/guest must specify a username and password to log in Abyasa Pro

To create a valid password, it must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1upper caseletter, at least 1lower caseletter, at least 1number and at least 1special character.

And click on the .

If the user is unsure of whether they already have hadaccount in Abyasa Pro, then they can click on the ‘Check if exist’ link.

Please note: The feature ‘Check If Exist’ will not work for teachers as the code does not have enough information to check whether the teacher is exist in SP1 or not. This is because a school can have teachers with same name and students can use school email address to send invitations.

  • If there is no matching existing record found the message will appear as below:
  • If there is a matching existing recordfound the following message will appear:

If there is no existing account then click on Create Account.

A message will appear as below:

The participant will have to use their log in credentials to login Abyasa Pro.

Note: Creating a new user account for Abyasa Pro is only applicable for the School Based Teachers. University Staff Members must use their University Login credentials to login to Abyasa Pro.

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