Farmington Baseball Booster Club
November 8, 2016 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Tim Kost, President of the Baseball Booster Club.
A motion was made to approve the October 11, 2016 meeting minutes by Jill Liebers, it was seconded by Erin Denet. Motion carried.
Coach Graff gave the following update:
• Batters Eye-the posts are in
• Winter Clinic-Registration is up live on feepay
• HS Baseball Coaches Clinic-Coach Graff learned that there will be pitch counts implemented next year. We may want to coordinate same guidelines with travel ball.
• Meeting with Travel Director-
• Varsity Night was discussed.
• Possibility of having players volunteer at FTBA winter training at DCTC. Perhaps to be combined with HS open gyms. Wednesdays and Saturdays were discussed.
• Pitch count and bunting
• 15AAA tournament fundraiser-a possible opportunity for the booster club to run? We were wondering if this would be a state tournament?
• In-house and travel-They plan to contribute to dugouts, cages etc.
• VFW/Legion-These teams will probably remain under FTBA
• Travel and In-house-These programs will potentially me merging.
• MN HS Baseball Showcase-Burnsville (June 2017)
• Coach Graff plans to send Mike Fredrickson (JR.), Adam Weed, Zach Jakubowski and Hunter Conrad (all Sophomores)
Spring Training-Looking to plan a trip in the future. EX. A trip to Tampa Bay is about $1200 for 5 nights.
Discussed the need for a couple of concession spots to be filled by November 12th.
Tim reported that he has asked Sue (Tiger Fan Club) how much we will get for working concessions.
Items specific to the Booster Club Membership were discussed.
• Stadium blankets are $20 + $10 for embellishment.
• We discussed turning in all new memberships once a month to Town Sports and having members pick up the appropriate swag on the 15th of each month.
• Corporate sponsors get a sign and mention on our website. We estimate a sign would take about 2 weeks after they have signed up as a booster club member.
• We discussed having players hand out booster club fliers
• We need to find out who is on the “do not call” list for corporate sponsors
Fundraising discussion
• Staci reached out to the Bourbon Butcher to inquire about potentially doing a fundraising event there in the future.
• February 4, 2017 is confirmed for a bingo fundraiser at Celts!
• Community Expo is January 28, 2017. We need to reserve a booth.
• We are waiting to hear from Donnelly Farms regarding a sweet corn fundraiser
• Tim reached out to Dave St. Peter. The Twins fund projects up to $10,000
• Tim will also look into possibilities with the MLB foundation
• Cost of lights for fields can be as much as $100,000
Staci will mention to HTP the need for pitching clinics for ages over 13.
The first day of tryouts will be March 21st. It has been discussed that the 9th graders may try out the week before.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15.