NAME / POSITION / RESPONSIBILITIESMrs. Elaine McLellan / Headteacher / Assessment, Performance Management
Mrs. Elaine Alderson / Deputy Headteacher / Mathematics, SATs, Intervention, SEND
Mrs. Carolyn Tyrrell / Assistant Headteacher/ Class teacher / English, Computing, Educational Visits
Miss Emma Baxter / Class teacher / Community Cohesion, EAL, R.E.
Mrs. Keely Devlin / Class teacher / P.E., Foreign Languages
Mrs. Lisa Dyer / Class teacher / P.S.H.E.
Mrs. Charis Jarvis / Class teacher / Science, Design and Technology, Art
Miss Alison Roclawski / Class teacher / Music (Choir), History, Gifted and Talented
Mrs. Paula Stevenson / Class teacher / English, Geography
Miss. Sam Thompson / Nursery teacher / Foundation Stage Manager, Foundation Stage, Assessment and Admissions
Miss Louise Bennett / Nursery Nurse
Mrs. Heather O’Hara / Nursery Nurse
Mrs. Sue Scholes / Inclusion Manager
Mrs. Kirsty Sadler / Learrning Mentor
Mrs. Michelle Atkinson / School Business Manager
Mrs. Denise Parker / School Reception Manager
Mrs. Kath Feasby / Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Julie Smith / Higher Level Teaching Assistant and KS1 Team Leader
Mrs. Helen Wade / Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Elaine Bennett / Teaching Assistant and KS2 Team Leader
Mrs Carole Clarkson / Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Julie Davey / Teaching Assistant
Mr. Emmanuel Esteves / Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Anna Karvounidou / Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Nadia Livingstone / Teaching Assistant
Miss Sophie Nottingham / Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Christine Whitaker / Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Gill Hodgkins / Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr. Rick Turney / Teacher in Charge - The Gateway, Learning Support Unit
Mrs. Debbie Mason / L3 Cover superviser – The Gateway, Learning Support Unit
Miss Simone Stone / Teaching Assistant – The Gateway, Learning Support Unit
Ms. Helen Higgins / Children’s Centre Manager
Mrs.Vicky Manning / Family Outreach Worker
Miss Joanne Ross / Family Outreach Worker
Ms. Claire Spivey / Out of School Club Manager
Mrs. Vicki Madeley / Children’s Centre Reception Manager
Mr. Gary Wade / Site Manager
Mrs. Liz Healey / Cook, assisted by 3 staff
Lunchtime staff / Mrs. Gill Hodgkins and 5 assistants
Broadgate School is fully committed to whole-school staff development. All of our staff attend regular appropriate professional training courses which impact very positively on improving standards and the quality of teaching and learning.
BroadgateSchool has a Governing Body which meets at regular intervals.
The names of the Governors are as follows:
Term of Office Ends:
ChairMr. Andrew Akal, c/o BroadgatePrimary School27/02/14
(Chair of Resources; responsible for Health and Safety)
(Should anyone wish to contact Mr. Akal, please
ask Mrs. Parker at Reception for his contact details)
Vice ChairMiss Sarah Gammon, c/o Broadgate Primary School 08/03/14
(Chair of Pupil Support; responsible for Child Protection
HeadteacherMrs. Elaine McLellan, c/o BroadgatePrimary School
Staff GovernorsMiss Alison Roclawski, c/o Broadgate Primary School01/10/15
Mrs. Carolyn Tyrrell, c/o Broadgate Primary School01/10/17
GovernorsMs. Samira Hussein, c/o Broadgate Primary School05/10/16
Ms. Liz Deeley, c/o Broadgate Primary School09/03/15
Mr. Brian Scholes, c/o Broadgate Primary School01/06/15
Mr. John Knaggs, c/o Broadgate Primary School01/12/15
Parent GovernorsMrs. Sally Wheeler, c/o Broadgate Primary School 01/07/15
Mrs. Sam Perkins, c/o Broadgate Primary School 26/11/17
Mrs. Vicki Madeley, c/o Broadgate Primary School20/11/14
Mrs. Helen Turner, c/o Broadgate Primary School03/12/14
Associate GovernorsMrs. Elaine Alderson
Mrs. Sue Scholes
Clerk to GovernorsGill Cook c/o Leeds City Council
School Nurse Tracey Swinford