Recent Resolutions Passed and Activities Supported by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
6.06 Support for Campus Child CareNancy Brown, Cabrillo College, Area B State and Legislative Issues
Spring 2003
Topic: State and Legislative Issues
Whereas, The instructional and student service functions of early childhood programs are at risk due to proposed cuts in categorical funds in the Governor’s 2003-2004 budget; and
Whereas, These proposed cuts will hurt the most at-risk students, specifically low-income student-parents who rely on child care to attend classes;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to oppose funding cuts that impact campus child care and early childhood education laboratories.
Assigned to: Unassigned
Status: One of a series of concerns raised in budget discussions when pertinent.
19.04 Early Childhood Programs and Teacher Education
Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College, Area B Professional Standards
Spring 2006
Topic: Professional Standards
Whereas, The California community colleges have been the primary source of pre-service education for early childhood professionals; and
Whereas, The Early Childhood/Child Development faculty at California community colleges have expertise in this area;
Resolved; That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges call upon the California State Department of Education to include and rely primarily upon the expertise and knowledge of the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty of the California community colleges in matters pertaining to the development of an early learning credential, preschool learning standards, and education of a workforce for a universal preschool.MSC Disposition: Legislators, Local Senates
Assigned to: Legislative and Governmental Relations
Status: The initiative that prompted this resolution did not pass Congress. The Legislative Committee will monitor pertinent legislation and regulations on the issues stated in the resolution.
19.05 Early Childhood Education Programs
Patty Dilko, Cañada College, Area B Professional Standards
Spring 2006
Topic: Professional Standards
Whereas, Proposition 82 is on the June ballot, and if it passes, would trigger implementation of AB 2802 (February 24, 2006), a bill that requires the creation of an early learning credential; and
Whereas, The California community colleges have been the primary source of pre-service education for early childhood professionals, and the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty have expertise in this area;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the California State Department of Teacher Credentialing to include and primarily rely upon the expertise of the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty of the California community colleges in the development of the early learning credential; and
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly urge the California Department of Education to deploy newly created funds for program development, student support, and institutional support in direct proportion to the number of Early Childhood Education/Child Development students served by each of the CCC, CSU, and UC systems.MSC Disposition: Legislators, Local Senates
Assigned to: Legislative and Governmental Relations
Status: The initiative that prompted this resolution did not pass Congress. The Legislative Committee will monitor pertinent legislation and regulations on the issues stated in the resolution.
19.06 More Early Childhood Education Programs
Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Professional Standards
Spring 2006
Topic: Professional Standards
Whereas, AB 1246 (April 7, 2006) is legislation that mandates the Child Development Division of the State Department of Education to develop new preschool learning standards; and
Whereas, The California Community colleges have been the primary source of pre-service education for early childhood professionals, and the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty have expertise in this area;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the California State Department of Education, Child Development Division to include and primarily rely on the Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty of the California Community Colleges in the development of preschool learning standards.MSC Disposition: Legislators, Local Senates
Assigned to: Legislative and Governmental Relations
Status: The initiative that prompted this resolution did not pass Congress. The Legislative Committee will monitor pertinent legislation and regulations on the issues stated in the resolution.
9.03 Early Childhood Education/Child Development Curriculum Alignment Project 24 Semester Unit Foundational Course Pattern
Patty Dilko, Cañada College, Area B Curriculum
Fall 2007
Topic: Curriculum
Whereas, Early Childhood Education/Child Development (ECE/CD) faculty members from community colleges and California State Universities (CSUs) began meeting through the Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum (IMPAC) project from 2003-2006 and identified areas of curricular improvement and intersegmental transfer alignment;
Whereas, Two specific objectives of IMPAC were: the creation of a common understanding of the major preparation including key components of the lower division curriculum; and the establishment of a system of state and regional intersegmental faculty dialogues, by discipline and among related disciplines, to address curriculum issues related to articulation and transfer;
Whereas, Faculty members from 86 community colleges and six CSUs continued to meet and confer through the Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP), developing a faculty initiated project with a steering committee, state agency council, and advisory committee which convened over 300 faculty in statewide meetings and work sessions; and
Whereas, Community college ECE/CD faculty members participating in the CAP Project have reached consensus to recommend a competency-based set of foundational courses equaling 24 semester units; and the recommendations are endorsed by the California Community Colleges Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE) organization;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges acknowledge the intrepid collaboration that the Early Childhood/Child Development faculty members have modeled through this statewide project; and
Resolved, That the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges support the Early Childhood/Child Development Curriculum Alignment Project by endorsing these 24 semester units of coursework as the basis for Early Childhood Education/Child Development certificate and degree programs. MSC Disposition: Early Childhood Educators, Local Senates
Assigned to: President
9.04 Early Childhood Education/Child Development Curriculum Alignment Project Inter-Segmental Collaboration
Patty Dilko, Cañada College, Area B Curriculum
Fall 2007
Topic: Curriculum
Whereas, The Early Childhood Education/Child Development (ECE/CD) faculty members of the California community colleges worked closely with their California State University (CSU) colleagues on lower-division major preparation and curriculum issues related to articulation and transfer through the Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum (IMPAC) project between 2003 and 2006;
Whereas, This partnership has continued through the Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) over the past two years and has inspired the CSU project entitled Integrated Preparation for Early Development, Care and Education (IPEDCE) which is considering the CAP proposal that recommends a competency-based set of foundational courses equaling 24 units; and
Whereas, The IPEDCE is sponsoring discussions among the CSU ECE faculty to consider the role of the CSU in the ECE Bachelor of Arts and how to best accommodate students’ need for a smooth and effective transfer pattern between the California community colleges and California State Universities and these conversations are endorsed by the California Community Colleges Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE) organization;
Resolved, That the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges support the work of California Community College Early Childhood Education/Child Development faculty and their California State University colleagues who worked on the CAP project in the development of the 24-unit, lower-division, competency-based package for foundational courses which may be developed into transfer package agreements; and
Resolved, That Academic Senate of California Community Colleges seek ways to promote the results of this intersegmental collaboration whenever possible within discussions at the California Community College and the California State University System Offices. MSC Disposition: Early Childhood Educators, Local Senates
Title 5: Revisions to Chapter 9 Regarding Immediate Supervisionof Practicum Students
Here is a link to the regulations as filed with the Secretary of State:
These regulations in PDF and Word can also be found on the following web page:
Click on the link for “Recently Filed Regulations.”