Sport At St Mary Magdalen’s
At St Mary Madgalen’s we are committed to providing regular, high-quality Physical Education (PE). Through our PE curriculum, lunchtimes and after school clubs, we are dedicated to promoting and developing, social inclusion, healthy life-styles and self-confidence.
St Mary Magdalen’s offers a wide range of sporting opportunities for all childrenincluding; cricket, netball, football, dance, gymnastics, yoga, karate, athletics, swimming and rugby. We aim to give our children the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to enjoy a wide variety of sport and physical activity.
Our key values of team-work, perseverance and communication are the foundation stones of PE teaching at St Mary Magdalen’s. We encourage all children to celebrate individual and team successes, co-operate with their peers, accept responsibility and enjoy simply taking part.
Sport Funding
Since 2013, the Government has provided additional funding to improve the provision of Physical Education and sport in primary schools. This is know as the ‘Primary Physical Education and Sport Premium’.
At St Mary Magdalen’s we are spending this money on:
- Promoting healthy and active lifestyles across the whole school
- Providing a wider variety of sport available for all children
- Strengthening links with external sports clubs
- Providing more equipment and resources
- Targeting a variety of groups of pupils, including those who are least active, to participate in sport
- Releasing teachers for professional development in PE and school sport.
Sport Funding Impact
The impact of the sports funding has enabled us to;
- Encourage participation in a variety of different sports, including dance, rugby, hockey, basketball, cricket and swimming, targeting a variety of groups of pupils, including those who are least active.
- Develop healthier lifestyles through the promotion of aerobic activities in a classroom setting.
- Strengthen links with external sports clubs including Sussex County Cricket Club and Sussex Rugby Club.
- Release the PE co-ordinator for development meetings, working closely with the City Centre Partnership for schools to expand the sporting life of the school.
- Develop and review the PE curriculum offered at St Mary Magdalen’s to ensure all children are enjoying and achieving PE at a high standard.
- Improve the resources and PE equipment available for teachers and children, during lessons and at lunchtime.
- Upskilling teachers by employing a PE specialist who offers training and support for staff.