This Ordinance shall be known, cited and referred to as the “CITY OF SPRING GROVE LICENSES AND REGULATED BUSINESSES ORDINANCE” except as referenced to herein, where it shall be known as “this Ordinance.”



A LIQUOR DISPENSARY ESTABLISHED. The, then Village of Spring Grove, on February 4, 1937, adopted Ordinance #42, “an ordinance establishing a liquor dispensary and providing certain regulations thereof.” This Chapteracknowledges supports and continues the liquor dispensary establishing portion of Ordinance #42. It, however, provides for all receipts and disbursements to go through the General Fundchecking account as per Minnesota State Statute 412.271, subd.1 and as amended from time to time. Separate accounting and Fund will be maintained for the dispensary. If the dispensary has a net loss prior to any inter-fund transfers in any two (2) of three (3) consecutive years, the Council, as per state statute 340A.602, and as amended from time to time, will hold a public hearing within forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the fiscal year following the three (3) year period. Subsequently, based on statute, the Council shall place before the electorate, a ballot question regarding continuation of the dispensary. If the electorate decides not to maintain the dispensary, once certified, the Council will take immediate action to disestablish the dispensary.

This Chapter (302) also sets forth beer, wine and liquor licensing and regulations and does supercede all past ordinances relating to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the City of Spring Grove. Pursuant to the authority granted it by the Minnesota Liquor Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340A and as amended from time to time and the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, the City Council of the City of Spring Grove prescribes the following licensing procedures and regulations governing the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages.

  1. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Chapter, unless otherwise stated in specific sections, the following words and terms shall have the meanings:
  1. Applicant. Any person or business entity making an application for a license under this chapter.
  1. Application. A form with blanks or spaces thereon, to be filled in and completed by the applicant at there request for a license, furnished by the City Clerk and uniformly required as a prerequisite to the consideration of the issuance of a license for a business.
  1. 3.2 Beer. Beer which contains more than one-half (1/2) of one (1) percent alcohol by volume and not in excess of 3.2 percent alcohol by weight.
  1. Club. Any corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota for civic, fraternal, social or business purposes or for intellectual improvement or for the promotion of sports or a congressionally chartered veterans’ organization.
  1. Fraternal Club. A club which serves only members and their guests and which uses any profits derived from liquor sales principally for sponsoring activities beneficial to the community and not for the profit of any individual.
  1. Guest. A person not a member of the club licensed but present on this club’s licensed premises in the company of a host member.
  1. Host Member. A member who is entertaining a guest who is in the member's company at all times such guest is on the licensed premises.
  1. Hotel and Motel. Includes any establishment having a resident proprietor or manager, where, inconsideration of payment thereof, food and lodging are regularly furnished to transients; which contains not less than 40 guest rooms with bedding and other suitable and necessary furnishings in each room; which isprovided with a suitable lobby, desk, and office for the registration of its guests at the main entrance.
  1. Intoxicating Liquor and Liquor. Ethyl alcohol and distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous, and malt beverages containingin excess of 3.2 percent of alcohol by weight.
  1. License. A document issued by the City to an applicant permitting him to carry on and transact the business stated therein.
  1. License Fee. The money paid to the City pursuant to an application and prior to issuance of a license totransact and carry on the business stated therein.
  1. Licensee. An applicant, who, pursuant to his approved application, holds a valid, current, unexpired license, which has neither been revoked nor suspended, from the City for carrying on the business stated therein.
  1. Malt Liquor. Any beer, ale, or other beverage made from malt by fermentation and containing not less than one-half of 1 percent alcohol by volume.
  1. Manufacturer. Every person who, by any process of manufacture, fermenting, brewing, distilling, refining, rectifying, blending, or by the combination of different materials, prepares or produces liquors, wine, or beer for sale.
  1. Member. Any person in good standing according to rules and regulations of the licensed club, wherever located, and having evidence of current membership upon his person.
  1. Off-Sale. The retail sale of beer or liquor in original packages for consumption off or away from the premises where sold.
  1. On-Sale. The retail sale of beer, wine or liquor by the glass or by the drink for consumption on the premises where sold.
  1. Package and Original Package. Any container or receptacle holding liquor, wine, or beer, which container or receptacle is corked, capped or sealed by a manufacturer or wholesaler.
  1. Public Place. For the purposes of this ordinance “public place” is defined as in public view outside of building or enclosure, such as on a sidewalk and such place is not privately owned.
  1. Restaurant. Any establishment, other than a hotel, which is under the control of a single proprietor ormanager; which has appropriate facilities for the serving of meals; where, in consideration of payment thereof, meals are regularly served at tables to the generalpublic; which employs an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable service to its guests, and the serving of foods; and which shall have seating facilities for seating not less than 30 guests at one time.
  1. Sale, Sell and Sold. All barters and all manners or means of furnishing beer, wine, or liquor to persons,including such furnishing in violation or evasion of law.
  1. Wholesaler. Any person engaged in the business of selling liquor, wine or beer to retail dealers.
  1. Wine. Wine not exceeding 14 percent alcohol by volume.
  1. APPLICATION. All applications shall be made at the office of the City Clerk upon forms if prescribed by the proper Department of the State of Minnesota, together with such additional information as the City Council may require. If not so prescribed, then Applications shall be made upon forms furnished by the City Clerk. Information required may vary with the type of business organization making application. All questions asked or information required by the application forms shall be answered fully and completely by the applicant prior to acceptance of the application by the City Clerk. The application for a license under this Title shall provide the following information:
  1. For all applicants:
  2. Whether the applicant is a natural person, corporation, partnership or other form of organization.
  3. The type of license the applicant seeks.
  4. The legal description of the premises to be licensed, together with a plot plan of the areas showing dimensions, location of buildings, street access, parking facilities, and the locations of the nearest place of Worship or school.
  5. The street numbers where the sale of intoxicating liquor is to be conducted and the rooms where intoxicating liquor is to be sold or consumed. The applicant shall submit a floor plan of the dining rooms that shall be open to the public, that shows dimensions and that indicates the number of persons intended to be served in each of the rooms.
  6. The amount of the investment that the applicant has in the business, building, premises, fixtures, furniture, and stock in trade, and proof of the source of such investment.
  7. The names and addresses of all persons, other than the applicant, who have any ownership, in whole or in part, in the business, buildings, premises, fixtures, furniture, stock in trade; the nature of such ownership; the amount thereof; and terms for payment or other reimbursement. Those with an ownership shall include, but not be limited to, any lessees, lessors, mortgagees, mortgagors, lenders, lien holders, trustees, trustors and persons who have consigned notes or otherwise loaned, pledged, or extended security for any indebtedness of the applicant.
  8. The names, residences, and business addresses of three (3) persons of good moral character, not relatedtothe applicant and not holding any ownership in the premises or business, who may attest tothe applicant's character or, in the case of a club, partnership, corporation, or other organization, the manager's character.
  9. Whether all real estate and personal property taxes that are due and payable for the premisestobe licensed have been paid, and if not paid, the years and amounts that are unpaid.
  10. Whenever the application is for premises either planned or under construction or undergoing substantial alteration, the application shall be accompanied by a set of preliminary plans showing the design of the proposed premises to be licensed.
  11. The name and street address of the business, if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant, and a certified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.02 and as amended from time to time.
  12. Such other information as the City Council or issuing authority shall require.
  1. If the applicant is a natural person:
  2. The name, place and date of birth, and street residence address of the applicant.
  3. Whether the applicant has ever used or been known by a name otherthan the applicant's given name, and if so, what was such name or names and information concerning dates and places where used.
  4. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien.
  5. Whether the applicant is married or single. If the-applicant is married, the name, place of birth and street residence address of the applicant's present spouse.
  6. Whether the applicant and present spouse are registered voters and if so, where.
  7. Street addresses at which the applicant and present spouse have lived, during the preceding ten (10) years.
  8. The type, name, and location of every business or occupation the applicant or present spouse have been engaged in during the preceding ten (10) years.
  9. Names and addresses of the applicant's and the applicant's present spouse's employers and partners, if any, for the preceding ten (10) years.
  10. Whether the applicant or the applicant's spouse or a parent, brother, sister, or child of either of them has ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than traffic. If so the applicant shall furnish information as to the time, place, and offense for which convictions were had.
  11. Whether the applicant or the applicant's spouse, or a parent, brother, sister or child of either of them, has ever been engaged in the operation of a saloon, hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern or other business which served 3.2 percent malt liquor, wine, or intoxicating liquor. If so, applicant shall furnish information as to the time, place and length of time of the involvement in such establishment.
  12. Whether the applicant has ever been in military service. If so, the applicant shall, upon request, exhibit all discharges.
  13. The name, address and business address of each person who is engaged in Minnesota in the business of selling, manufacturing or distributing intoxicating liquor and who is nearer of kin to the applicant or the applicant's spouse than second cousin, whether of the whole or half blood, computed by the rules of civil law, or who is a brother-in-law or sister-in-law of the applicant or the applicant's spouse.
  14. If the applicant is a partnership, the names and addresses of all general andlimited partners and all information concerning each general partner as is required inParagraph 2 of this Chapter. The managing partners shall be designated, and the interest of each general and limited partner in the business shall be disclosed. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application and if the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name under Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.02, and as amended from time to time a certified copy of such certificate shall besubmitted. The license shall be issued in the name of the partnership.
  15. If the applicant is a corporation or other organization:
  1. The name of the organization, and if incorporated, the state of incorporation.
  1. A true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or, if a foreigncorporation, a Certificate of Authority as described in MinnesotaStatutes, Section 303.03, and as amended from time to time.
  1. The name of the general manager, food/beverage manager, four (4)principal corporate officers, proprietor and other person in charge ofthe premises to be licensed and all the information about said personsas is required in Paragraph B of this Chapter.
  1. A list of all persons who, together with their spouse, parent, brother,sister, or child, own or control an interest as defined herein in thecorporation or organization, together with their addresses and all theinformation regarding such persons as is required in paragraph (2) of this Section.
  1. If the applicant is a Club:
  1. The name of the club, and, where appropriate, the name of the establishment serving the club.
  1. The date that the club was first incorporated, and, where appropriate,the date that the establishment serving the club was incorporated or otherwise established. True copies of the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, or other similar governing documents shall be submitted with the application.
  1. The date that the club was first organized and the place of such organization.
  1. A sworn statement that the club has been in existence for at least three(3) years. The statement shall be made by a person who has personal knowledge of the facts stated therein. In the event that no person can make such a statement, satisfactory documentary proof may be submitted in support of such facts.
  1. The number of members of the club.
  1. The name of the general manager, proprietor, food/beverage manager,corporate officers, and other person as is required in Paragraph 2 of this Chapter.
  1. Application for a Sunday liquor license may refer to, and incorporate therein by reference, the information contained in the licenses, application for an on-sale license, club, or sports facility to the extent that suchinformation is current and applicable at the time of such application for a Sunday liquor license.
  1. FALSE STATEMENTS. It is unlawful for any applicant to intentionally make a false statement or omission upon any application form. Any false statement in such application or any willful omission to state any information called for on such application form shall, upon discovery of such falsehood, work an automatic refusal of license or, if already issued, shall render any license issued pursuant thereto void and of no effect to protect the applicant from prosecution for violation of this Chapter or any part thereof.
  1. APPLICATION AND INVESTIGATION FEES. At the time of the initial application, applicants for on-sale liquor licenses, beer licenses and on-sale wine licenses shall pay anonrefundable application and investigation fee, to cover the costs of the City in processing the application and the investigation thereof. The fees are as established according to the schedule of fees as amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council.The fee shall be required of an applicant for a temporary beer license or for a temporary license for the sale of intoxicating liquor as set forth by the City Council and as amended from time.
  1. ACTION.
  1. Granting.The Council may approve any application for the period oftheremainder of the then current license year or for the entire ensuing license year. All applications including proposed license periods must be consistent with this Title. Prior to consideration of any application for a license, the applicant shall pay the license fee and, if applicable, pay the investigation fee. Upon rejection of any application for a license or upon withdrawal of an application before approval of the issuance by the Council, the license fee shall be refunded to the applicant, less actual expenses incurred by the City. Failure to pay any portion of a fee when due shall be cause for revocation.
  1. City Council Consideration. The City Council shall conduct a hearing on the license application within a reasonable period following receipt of the issuing authority’s report and recommendations regarding the application. At least ten (10) days in advance of the City Council hearing on an application, the issuing authority shall cause notice of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper of the City, setting forth the day, time, and place of the hearing; the name of the applicant; the premises where the business is to be conducted; and the type of license which is sought.