Bes-Tech,Inc. and St. John’s Air,Inc. Join Forcesto DeliverEnergyEfficient
Solutions to the Gulf Coast
Bes-Tech, Inc. is pleasedto announce the addition of St. John’s Air,Inc. to the Bes-Tech NationalDealerNetwork.St. John’swilldeliverenergysavings to theirclientsusing Bes- Tech'sproduct lineand noted Digi-RTU® optimizationkitfor rooftop air-conditioning.
Bes-Tech,Inc. is pleasedto announcethe additionof St. John’s Air,Inc. to the Bes-TechNationalDealerNetwork. St. John’s willdeliverenergy savings to theirclientsusing Bes-Tech's product lineand noted Digi-RTU®optimizationkit for rooftop air-conditioning.
As the winner of the 2011 AmericanPublicPower Association’sDEED Energy Innovator Award, the Digi- RTU®has been shown to be the most innovativeand energy efficientrooftop HVAC unit controlpackageon the market.It has a proven trackrecord of reducingenergy consumptionand demandby greaterthan 65% with a typicalROI of 2 to 4 years. The Digi-RTU®is a simpleplug-n-save solutionfor existingRTUs thatenables building owners to increasethe efficiencyof existingand new rooftop units.
"Bes-Tech is delighted to have St. John’s Air, Inc. serve as a dealer in our network. We are looking forward to the multiple benefits that this partnership will bring to both our companies and clients," said Bruce Geary, Vice President of Sales Marketing at Bes-Tech, Inc. Derek Krzywonski,President of St. John’s Air, Inc. also expressed his gratitude, saying, “Bes-Tech has what may be the best vehicle to help our customers realize true energy savings. If you are not on board, you are way behind!” St. John’s Air, Inc. is locatedin Jacksonville, Fl.and will have access to Bes-Tech's line of technologies.
About St. John’s Air, Inc.
St. John’s Air, a leading Commercial/Industrial HVAC Mechanical Contractor providing professional heating and air conditioning services to area general contractors in North Florida and South Georgia.
About Bes-Tech,Inc.
Bes-Techhas been a leaderin energy efficientbuilding systemstechnologiesfor the past ten years. The companywas founded on proven scientificengineeringprocessesand technologiesthatreducepeak energy demand,minimizeenergy usage, and maximizeenergy efficiency.Bes-Techactivelyworks to lower the carbon footprintof the built environment.
4640 S 59th Street
Omaha,NE 68117