Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st September 2009

at 7pm in the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury.

09.09.01 / Present: P.Cnllrs D. Carroll (Chairman), Miss F. Corp, R. Dearden, Mrs J. Amos,
Mrs P. Chave and D. Boxall - 6.
Also in attendance: WCnllr T. Deane; Mrs S. Harry (Clerk); 4 members of the public.
09.09.02 / Apologies received and accepted: P.Cnllrs P. Coopman, Ms J. Golder, J. Berkley-Matthews (RFO) and M. McGrath.
09.09.03 / Declarations of Interest: None.
09.09.04 / Questions and/or statements from members of the public:
A brief discussion on flights of unmanned aircraft over Tisbury took place and a letter in support of the flights from Robert Key, MP, was read aloud. The views of the residents concerning safety and noise were noted.
09.09.05 / Report from Wiltshire County Councillor Tony Deane:
WCnllr TD spoke briefly on the following issues:
a.  The advised enforcement action (by Officers) with respect to the removal of the mobile home at the Ansty PYO farm shop had been overturned at Committee.
b.  The ‘call in’ of an Ansty planning application for a 5 bed house considered to be excessive in height.
c.  The consultation with the community for the proposed Children’s Centre in Tisbury. The final decision will be taken by the Area Board at their next meeting.
d.  Concerns regarding the further time extension relating to the s106 agreement for the Hindon Lane development.
09.09.06 / Report from Community Beat Officers:
Not present.
09.09.07 / Minutes of the previous meetings:
Full – 7th July 2009 - these were accepted and signed as a true record.
Proposed Mrs PamC/ seconded RD / unanimous of those present (6)
Planning – 4th August 2009 - these were accepted and signed as a true record.
Proposed RD/ seconded MrsPamC / unanimous of those present (5) / Clerk
09.09.08 / Consideration of Planning Applications:
S/2009/1125/full – 1 Alexandra Villas, Tisbury – single storey extension
Cnllrs resolved to support this application.
Proposed MrsPamC / seconded DB/ 5 in favour with 1 abstention
S/2009/1107/TCA – Hendre House, High Street, Tisbury – fell 2x cherry trees
Cnllrs resolved to ratify the decision of the Tree Warden in supporting this application.
Proposed RD / seconded MrsPamC / unanimous / Clerk
09.09.09 / Applications Determined: none received.
09.09.10 / Alfords Cottage at Withyslade Farm – The Chairman volunteered to attend this appeal hearing on 15/09/09 (10am in the Elizabeth Hall), especially as the PC had objected to the application.
09.09.11 / Hindon Lane Development – progress consideration:
a.  Cnllrs confirmed the immediate concerns with the s106 agreement; the lack of any documentation relating to the £400k, commuted monies for the landscaped areas and monies in addition to the 8 acre field for the R2 settlement.
b.  Cnllrs noted that the draft s106 was the subject of a meeting to be held on 2nd Sept. between Jane Weston (the PC Solicitor) TP.Cnllr PC and WTP.Cnllr Mrs IL.
c.  WCnllr TD commented upon the Travel Plan submitted indicating that a payment in the region of £800 was anticipated for each affordable housing unit and that it was anticipated that spending would be at the discretion of the PC.
d.  Finally, Cnllrs were reminded of the pre-application meeting with representatives of the developers and WC Hways on Tuesday 8th September at 7.00 pm in the Elizabeth Hall / Clerk
09.09.12 / South Wiltshire Core Strategy – the strategy would be considered at the interim planning meeting on 15th September; an earlier start time of 6:30pm was proposed and accepted.
Key facts from the draft were noted:
More than 25% of Tisbury residents were older than 65 years – 10% above the national average.
Second homes accounted for 3% of the housing stock – 2nd highest in Wiltshire.
18% of households were lone elderly persons. / Clerk
09.09.13 / Clerk’s report
i.  Joint Burial Committee – Cnllrs noted that the JBC did not appear to have a current constitution or terms of reference. Consultations with the PC auditor and Kibworth Beauchamp JBC had indicated that it would be normal for such a Joint Body to take on and adopt the major contributing PC’s Standing Orders that have been tailored to the BC’s own circumstances and requirements. Cnllrs agreed with the suggestion that the Clerks of TPC and WTPC draft suitable documents, in consultation with the JBC Chairman, for submission to both PCs as soon as practicable
ii.  EA follow up re tipping on floodplain – the EA had responded indicating that the developer appears to have complied with the Officer’s instruction to remove excess material previously stored on the floodplain and was satisfied that no significant land raising has taken place that would heighten the risk of flooding. Cnllrs were asked, however, to notify the EA if any garden fences were erected that might affect any flood situation.
iii.  Tisbury Station opening hours – a request for the desired ticket office information had been sent to SWT; a response is awaited.
iv.  Motor cycle nuisance on land to rear of Dunworth Rise – the Clerk and Cnllr MrsPC met with Nick Cowen on the field and it had been agreed that the installation of a barrier would have little effect as the majority of machines being used could be lifted across into the field. The WC Officer suggested notices but Cnllrs decided against this course of action and opted to monitor the situation ( 2 Cnllrs in favour of signs with 3 against).
v.  ‘No Ball Games’ signs in The Square – Planning Officers have advised that the PC can have signs erected in The Square providing that they are not illuminated, are no bigger than 0.3sqm and are limited in number. However, as few Cnllrs had witnessed the playing of ball games in The Square, any action was deferred (1 Cnllr in favour of ‘no ball games’ signs with 4 against).
vi.  Directional Signs to the Swimming Pool on the Churchill Estate – the request for additional signs is being considered; in the event of approval, Cnllrs decided that the words ‘May to September’ be added to indicate the seasonal nature.
vii.  Casual vacancy following resignation of P.Cnllr Beattie – WC had informed the Clerk that a co-option may take place to fill the casual vacancy. The Clerk will make arrangements to advertise the vacancy and the item will be on the October agenda.
viii.  Tisbury PC website – a Tisbury resident has offered to help with the setting up of a ‘.gov.uk’ domain name and subsequent website. There will be some costs associated with registering the domain name. / Clerk
09.09.14 / Clarence / Highway Issues
2 potholes in Weaveland Road were reported; at the junction of The Corry and Churchill Estate. / Clerk
09.09.15 / KGVth play area
It was noted that MrsPamC could no longer do the inspections; the Clerk would visit the playground until another P.Cnllr became available. / Clerk
09.09.16 / Lower Recreation Ground (regular inspections by DC)
The wetpour surface was scheduled for repair, under the Gyrospiral, at the beginning of September.
The Blacksmith would be asked to shorten the bolts on the gates. / Clerk
09.09.17 / Footpaths - the following were reported:
The footpath between Tisbury Station and Tisbury Row (by Tisbury Mill) was overgrown at each end; strimming back would be organized. / Clerk
09.09.18 / Community Composting – it was noted that the accumulated brushwood had been shredded.
09.09.19 / Allotments – Cnllrs agreed that a sign be fabricated to replace the one at the southern most entrance from Hindon Lane indicating that there was ‘No Public Right of Way’ and that the path was for ‘Allotment Holders Only’ / Clerk
09.09.20 / TCSP - DC reported that a briefing had been given on the work of the Community Safety Team.
The group had also received equipment from WC to allow assessment of the various types of traffic control equipment and the impact on incident statistics, e.g. SIDs and VASs.
09.09.21 / Joint Burial Committee – it was noted that DB was now Chairman.
09.09.22 / TAPCAP – confirmation had been given that the local partnership is to be served by WCnllrs MrsBW and TD; WCnllrs MrsJG, RAB and George Jeans (GJ) would also be welcomed at the meetings from time to time as necessary.
09.09.23 / Payments - The income and payments data previously circulated were approved.
Proposed RD /seconded MrsJA/unanimous
09.09.24 / Annual Return completion of audit - The Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2009 had been returned from the external auditors without any issues being raised.
Cnllrs resolved to accept the annual return.
proposed MrsJA/seconded RD/unanimous / Clerk
09.09.25 / Annual moss removal contract quote – a further quote would be sought prior to any further decision. / Clerk
09.09.26 / KGVth playground works quotes – Cnllrs opted to await the report of the ROSPA inspector before making any decisions on replacement equipment and /or repairs.
09.09.27 / Street Scene – grant funding for empty shop projects
As there are no vacant shops at present, The WC Project officer would be contacted to decline the offer of potential grant funding. / Clerk
09.09.28 / TAPCAP funding for Highways projects – the immediate requirement for SIDs and VASs had been met by alternative WC funding. / Clerk
09.09.29 / Tisbury Halls site co-ordination with respect to parking, use of buildings etc.
Cnllrs noted the arrangements for the Sure Start Children’s Centre meeting: This will take place on Wednesday 9th September at 6:30pm in the Nadder Hall. The Clerk has circulated the posters provided by WC Officers.
Cnllrs from both Tisbury and West Tisbury PCs will meet with WCnllr MrsBW and Richard Munro (RM) on 3rd Sept to assess the site and formulate proposals. / Clerk
09.09.30 / Qinetiq consultation re Unmanned aircraft Stakeholder Consultation – P.Cnllrs discussed the concerns that had been highlighted at the beginning of the meeting and listened in more detail to specific points made by a resident. Cnllrs agreed that comments should be made in response to the Qinetiq consultation highlighting residents concerns on safety and noise along with questions relating to the duration of the trial and frequency / direction of flights. / Clerk
09.09.31 / Policy for dealing with the media – Cnllrs agreed unanimously that the policy be approved. / Clerk
09.09.32 / NOTICES:
a.  Flood Wardens’ Seminar, Thursday 1st October, 1pm at Kingston Maurward - In the absence of a Flood Warden, it was hoped that JBM may be available to attend.
b.  Powers to Parish and Town Councils – the email request for support for the 1545 EDM would be circulated by email. / Clerk
Date and time of next meetings:
Planning: Tuesday 8th September at 7pm and Tuesday 15th September at 6:30pm
Full: Tuesday 6th October at 7pm
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8:37pm.

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