5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part I/Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Content Description


14.0 Purpose and scope

14.1 Sources of information

14.2 Type and form of content

[To be added]

14.3 Nature and scope of the content

14.3.0 Basic instructions on describing the nature and scope of the content

14.3.1 Describing the nature and scope of archival collections

14.4 Language and script of the content

14.4.0 Basic instructions on recording language and script

14.4.1 Textual content included with musical works

14.4.2 Programming language

14.5 Intended audience

14.5.0 Basic instructions on describing the intended audience

14.6 Summarization of content

14.6.0 Basic instructions on summarizing content

14.7 Contents list

14.7.0 Basic instructions on listing contents

14.7.1 Listing contents for resources comprising musical works

14.7.2 Listing contents for resources comprising cartographic works

14.7.3 Listing contents for resources comprising graphic works

14.7.4 Listing contents for resources comprising audiovisual works

14.8 Indexes and finding aids

14.8.0 Basic instructions on noting indexes and finding aids

14.8.1 Cumulative indexes to serials

14.9 Related content

14.9.0 Basic instructions on describing related content

14.9.1 Preceding, succeeding, and simultaneously issued resources

14.9.2 Original of a facsimile or reproduction

14.10 Presentation of musical content

14.10.1 Type of score

14.10.2 Form of notation

14.11 Medium of performance for musical works

14.11.0 Basic instructions on recording medium of performance

14.11.1 Recorded performances

14.12 Scale of cartographic content

14.12.0 Basic instructions on recording scale of cartographic content

14.12.1 Additional scale information

14.12.2 Variations in scale

14.12.3 Cartographic content not drawn to scale

14.12.4 Nonlinear scale

14.12.5 Vertical and horizontal scales

14.13 Projection of cartographic content

14.13.0 Basic instructions on recording projection of cartographic content

14.14 Coordinates of cartographic content

14.14.0 Basic instructions on recording coordinates of cartographic content

14.15 Magnitude of cartographic content

14.15.0 Basic instructions on recording magnitude of cartographic content

14.16 Other features of cartographic content

14.17 Digital representation of graphic content

14.17.0 Basic instructions on recording digital representation of graphic content

14.17.1 Other features of digital representation of graphic content

14.18 Dissertations

14.18.0 Basic instructions on recording dissertation information

14.19 Awards

14.19.0 Basic instructions on recording information on awards

14.0. Purpose and scope

The elements covered in this chapter are those that describe the content of the resource.

The elements convey information that users typically rely on when selecting a resource to meet their “intellectual” requirements (form of work, audience, language, etc.).

This chapter also includes elements that reflect content-oriented relationships (e.g., sources on which the content of the resource is based).

For the description of a particular resource, not all of the elements covered in this chapter may be applicable.

14.1. Sources of information

Information used for content description is generally taken from the resource itself. In certain cases the information may be taken from sources outside the resource as well. For further guidance on sources of information for content description, see the instructions under specific elements in this chapter.

14.2. Type and form of content

[To be added] <GMD/SMD WG report> <line 601>

14.3. Nature and scope of the content


14.3.0 Basic instructions on describing the nature and scope of the content

14.3.1 Describing the nature and scope of archival collections

14.3.0. Basic instructions on describing the nature and scope of the content

Contents Definition Sources of information Describing the nature and scope of the content Definition

o  The nature of the content is the specific character of the content of a resource (e.g., interim report).

o  The scope of the content is the general scope of coverage of the content of a resource (e.g., geographic or chronological coverage). Sources of information

Ø  Take information to be used in describing the nature and scope of the content from any source. Describing the nature and scope of the content

Ø  Make a note describing the nature and/or scope of the content of the resource unless that information is given elsewhere in the description. [1.7B1] C* <line 601√> <line 604√>

Field recording of birdsong

Cross-cultural survey

Combined time series analysis and graph plotting system

Spreadsheet, with word processing and graphic capabilities

Shows all of western Europe and some of eastern Europe

(Resource entitled: Germany)

Shows the routes of Amundsen, Byrd, and Gould

Shows southernmost extent of the midnight sun

Shows the main battles of 1944-1945

(Resource entitled: The Asian struggle)

Shows dioceses

Based on 1981 statistics

14.3.1. Describing the nature and scope of archival collections

[To be added] <LC/3-14.2> <line 605>

14.4. Language and script of the content


14.4.0 Basic instructions on recording language and script

14.4.1 Textual content included with musical works

14.4.2 Programming language

14.4.0. Basic instructions on recording language and script

Contents Definition Sources of information Recording language and script of the content Definition

o  Language is the language in which the content of a resource is expressed.

o  Script is the script in which the content of a resource is conveyed. Sources of information

Ø  Take information to be used in recording the language and script of the content from any source. Recording language and script of the content

Ø  Make a note on the language(s) and/or script(s) of the content of the resource unless this is apparent from the rest of the description. [1.7B2] C* <line 621> <line 623>

Commentary in English

Spanish version of: Brushing away tooth decay

Latin text; parallel English translation

Place names in Italian

Legend in English and Afrikaans

Some items in English; some in French

English with typewritten French translation

Latin with English marginalia

English words; includes principal melodies

Sung in French

French dialogue; English subtitles

Dubbed into English

Captions in Spanish

Sound tape in Spanish and English

14.4.1. Textual content included with musical works

Ø  Make a note indicating the language of textual content included in the resource separately from the music. [5.7B2] <line 622√>

Latin words printed as text

French words; English translation on p. v-xxii

14.4.2. Programming language

Ø  Record the programming language as part of the system requirements note (see 13.7. [9.7B2]

14.5. Intended Audience

14.5.0. Basic instructions on describing the intended audience

Contents Definition Sources of information Describing the intended audience Definition

o  Intended audience is the class of user for which the content is intended, as defined by age group (e.g., children, young adults, adults, etc.), educational level (e.g., primary, secondary, etc.), or other categorization. Sources of information

Ø  Take information to be used in describing the intended audience for the content from any source. Describing the intended audience

Ø  Make a brief note of the intended audience for, or intellectual level of, the resource if this information is stated on the resource or is readily available from another source and is considered to be important. [1.7B14] C* <line 724√>

Intended audience: Elementary grades

For children aged 7-9

Intended audience: Clinical students and postgraduate house officers

14.6. Summarization of the content

14.6.0. Basic instructions on summarizing the content

Contents Definition Sources of information Summarizing the content Definition

o  A summarization of the content is an abstract, summary, synopsis, etc., of the content of a resource. Sources of information

Ø  Take information to be used in summarizing the content from any source. Summarizing the content

Ø  Provide a brief objective summary of the content of the resource (other than one that consists entirely or predominantly of music) unless another part of the description provides enough information. [1.7B17] C* <line 727> <line 728> <line 730>

Summary: Pictures the highlights of the play Julius Caesar using photographs of an actual production

Summary: Episodes from the novel, read by Ed Begley

Summary: A brief historical account up to the introduction of wave mechanics

Ø  Provide a summary for all resources designed for use by persons with disabilities. <line 729√>

14.7. Contents list


14.7.0 Basic instructions on listing contents

14.7.1 Listing contents for resources comprising musical works

14.7.2 Listing contents for resources comprising cartographic works

14.7.3 Listing contents for resources comprising graphic works

14.7.4 Listing contents for resources comprising audiovisual works

14.7.0. Basic instructions on listing contents

Contents Definition Sources of information Listing contents Definition

o  A contents list is a listing, either selective or full, of the contents of a resource. Sources of information

Ø  Take information to be used in a contents list from any source. Listing contents

Ø  List the contents of the resource, either selectively or fully, if they are considered to be important. [1.7B18] C* <line 734> <line 736> <line 737> <line 738> <line 739>

Partial contents: Introduction / Howard H. Brinton — William I. Hull : a biographical sketch / Janet Whitney — George Fox as a man / Frank Aydelotte

Contents: v. 1. Plain tales from the hills — v. 2-3. Soldiers three and military tales — v. 4. In black and white — v. 5. The phantom ’rickshaw and other stories — v. 6. Under the deodars. The story of the Gadsbys. Wee Willie Winkie

Bibliography: p. 859-910

With musical extracts from the works of the composer

Includes petition to the King from the citizens of London, 1783, in scroll form

Also contains two short prose pieces dated 1937

Contains letters to Mrs. Wells and Gabrielle Gissing

Contents: Surrey – Kent – Middlesex – Essex

Includes: Bibliography of Northwest materials

Issues for 1922-1931 include: The woman voter : official organ of the League of Women Voters

Ø  When using a comprehensive description to describe a resource comprising two or more parts, etc., issued successively, make notes on the state of the resource at the time of description and indicate the composition of the complete resource if possible. Record variations between parts, etc., of the resource. Complete this note when the resource is complete. [3.7B18] <line 735√>

Complete in 174 sheets. Set includes various editions of some sheets including some reissued by the U.S. Army Map Service. Some sheets, prepared under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, have series designation “Provisional G.S.G.S. 4145”

14.7.1. Listing contents for resources comprising musical works

Ø  List contents for a resource comprising musical works following the basic instructions in 14.7.0. Add to the titles recorded in a contents list opus numbers (if they are necessary to identify the works named) and statements of responsibility not already recorded (see 12.3). If the works in a collection are all in the same musical form and that form is named in the title proper of the resource, do not repeat the musical form in the titles in the contents list. [5.7B18]

Contents: Sailing homeward — People call me the Pied Piper — The piper’s theme

Contents: The matron cat’s song / words by Ruth Pitter — My cat Jeffry / words by Christopher Smart — The song of the Jellicles / words by T.S. Eliot

Contents: Komm Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott = Come, O Holy Ghost, God and Lord / by Lucas Osiander ; text by Lucas Osiander — Psalm 121 / by Heinrich Schütz ; freely translated by Cornelius Becker

Contents: Sonata in D major, op. 6 — Three marches, op. 45 — Variations in C major, op. 23 — Variations in C major, op. 34

Contents: v. 1. No. 1 (op. 1, no. 1b) E minor. No. 2 (op. 1, no. 2) G minor. No. 3 (op. 1, no. 5) G major. No. 4 (op. 1, no. 7) C major — v. 2. No. 5 (op. 1, no. 11) F major. No. 6 (op. 1, no. 9) B minor. No. 7 (op. 1, no. 4) A minor. No. 8, A minor

Ø  For recorded performances of musical works, add the duration of the piece (see 13.2.X). [6.7B18] <line 734> <line 742>

Contents: The golden age of rock’n’roll — Born late 58 — Trudi’s song — Pearl’n’Roy — Roll away the stone — Marionette — Alice — Crash Street kids — Through the looking glass

Contents: The fourth millennium / Henry Brant (9 min.) — Music for brass quintet (14 min.)

Contents: Louise. Depuis le jour / G. Charpentier (Mary Garden, soprano, with orchestra) — Tosca. Vissi d’arte / Puccini (Maria Jeritza, soprano, with piano)

14.7.2. Listing contents for resources comprising cartographic works

Ø  List contents for a resource comprising cartographic works following the basic instructions in 14.7.0. List the contents of the resource, either selectively or fully, including: insets; maps, etc., printed on the verso of a map, etc., sheet; illustrations, etc. Make notes on maps, insets, etc., on the recto before those on the verso of a sheet. Record the scale of insets, etc., if it is consistent. If the insets, etc., are numerous and/or minor, make a note in general terms. [3.7B18]

Includes index

Includes “Glossary”

Includes key to 140 place names

With two additional unnumbered parts: The stars in six maps. 1830 — The terrestrial globe in six maps. 1831

Includes an index and illustrations of the Wangapeka Track

Maps, text, and col. ill. on verso

Insets: Connaught Place — Chanakyapuri — Delhi & New Delhi City. Scale [ca. 1:23,000]

Insets: Political and economic alliances — Air distances from London — Membership of international organisations

On verso: New map of South Hadley, Mass. Scale [ca. 1:15,000]

On verso: Indiana — Iowa — Missouri. Scale 1:600,000

Insets: Harrow — Wembley — Ruislip. On verso: Map of N.W. London

Includes 7 insets

Contents: The world in 3000 B.C. — The world in 1500 B.C. — The world in 500 B.C. — The world in A.D. 1

Contents: Ancient Orient before the rise of the Greeks. Scale 1:4,752,000 — Palestine about 860 B.C. Scale 1:506,880

Contents: Colonial organization of the world 1937 — Achievement of independence 1958-1966

14.7.3. Listing contents for resources comprising graphic works

Ø  List contents for a resource comprising graphic works following the basic instructions in 14.7.0. List the titles of individually named parts of a graphic resource. Add to each title any statements of responsibility not already recorded (see 12.3), and the number of cards, frames, slides, etc., when considered to be important. [8.7B18] <line 734> <line 740> <line 741√>