[TiS Student Enrollment Application Form – Academic Year: 2017-18]
Student Enrollment Application Form
For Academic Year: 2017-18.


Please print out the forms below and fill in all the relevant areas.

You may mail them to: The Registrar

Tanarata International Schools

Planters Grounds, 3½mls Kajang-Serdang Rd.,

Kajang, 43000 Selangor, Malaysia.

how to contact us

For inquiries and/or to schedule a campus visit,

please contact us 

Tel: +60 (03) 8737-7366 Fax: +60 (03) 8734-3848

Email: Website:


to Tanarata International Schools

Dear Parents,

I take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to look atTanarata International Schools–TiS for your child’s education. We thank you for considering entrusting Tanarata with the critical responsibility of your child’s educational preparation and development. If enrolled, we do assure you that your child will receive a highlyrewarding experience at TiS. We look forward to the opportunity to work with your child to develop and achieve his or her full potential and talents.

Please be advised that TiSadmits students based on various relevantcriteria and considerations, and does place limits onthe class size foreach teaching level. Students will be admittedbased on thesevarious criteria and considerations, usually including but not limited to placement test/s. It is strongly recommended enrollment applications be submitted early as there are limited seats available for many classes. Once yourchild’s application is received and placement test/s held, an admission committee will review the application, and guide you on the appropriate placement for your child if admission is offered. As admission decisions are generally made 3 to 4 months before the start of the academic year in September, your child’s application should preferably be submitted latest by end March (but not more than 12 months prior to intended admission).

To assist you with the enrollment process, we have included below a check list of forms and documents which are required for enrollment. This completed information will help us to make admission decisions and the best possible placement for your child. It is essential that you provide TiS with official documents for the previous two school years. For secondary school students, this must be an official transcript.

If at any time we can assist you with questions or further clarifications, please do not hesitate to call us or email us.

Yours sincerely,

The Registrar

Admission Eligibility Requirements:

For Malaysians (if required to comply with Ministry of Education’s requirements):

-Applying to MOE (Ministry of Education)

-Applying for transfer from MOE

-Approval from MOE

For Foreigners:

-Apply for Student Pass from Immigration Dept

-Independent Pass or Dependent Pass


- Malaysian students are eligible to enroll at TiS (without MOE approval) if either of the parents are non-Malaysians.

- For Malaysian students with both parents being Malaysian, once the completed student application is received at TiS and found suitable for admission, TiS shall undertake to obtain the application for admission eligibility from the MOE on behalf of the student (if required).

- For students (non-Malaysian or foreigners) requiring a Student Pass from the Malaysian Immigration Department of Malaysia, TiS will not undertake the application for the Student Pass on behalf of the student but will assist in providing any documentation required to obtain the Student Pass.

- Non-Malaysian students who are currently on a Dependant Pass issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department, do not need to apply for a Student Pass, and are eligible for direct enrollment into TiS.

Entry date: / Date Application Fee Received: / Tuition & Fees Agreement
ESL: Yes / No / Passport / Birth Certificate / Medical Information Form
Bus: Yes / No / Previous School Records / Immunization Form
Initial Class Placement: / Emergency Medical Authorization Form / Field Trip Permission Form

Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Malaysia)

The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) is a legislation that seeks to regulate the processing of personal data by data users in commercial transactions, and to safeguard the interests of the data subjects.

Personal Data Protection Regulations 2013

These regulations provide some clarification on the following personal data protection principles:-

General Principle - the consent obtained by a data user from a data subject shall be in any form where such consent can be recorded and maintained properly by the data user.

Notice and Choice Principle - the data user must provide the data subject information on how to contact the data user with inquiries or complaints. The Regulations provide that the information must include the designation of the contact person, phone number, fax number (if any), email address (if any) and any other related information.

Security Principle - the data user must develop and implement a security policy that will comply with the security standard set out by the PDPA Commissioner. The data user is also under the obligation to ensure that the security standard in the processing of the personal data is complied with by the data processor that is carrying out the processing of the personal data on behalf of the data user.

Retention Principle - the data user must ensure that the personal data of the data subject is retained in accordance with the prescribed standard.

Data Integrity Principle - the data user must ensure that the processing of the personal data of the data subject is in accordance with the prescribed data integrity standard.

In compliance with PDPA Regulations, please note that by submitting this Student Enrollment Application Form, you give consent to Tanarata International Schools the right to store and use all data contained therein, and all additional information collected on the students and their parents/guardians, for the schools’ administration purposes. This includes information on potential, current and former students and their parents/guardians.

The school reserves the right to provide such data (in either detailed or summarized form) to:-

  • Government Agencies such as the Ministry of Education, State Education Department and any other statutory agencies that the school may be legally required to such as the Immigration Department, Police or Emergency Services;
  • Examination and Accreditation bodies such as Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) etc.;
  • Institutes of Education to/from which a student is transferring, particularly in reference to student testimonials, letter of reference, transcripts etc.;
  • Any third parties it may engage or taskwith or outsourcein connection with the operation and management of the school and services provided (such as ECA Service providers, Holiday Camp and Field Trip Organizers, Caféteria Operator/s, Transport Operators etc.);
  • Any third parties such as those conducting market research and surveys, providing no personally identifiable data are released.

The school undertakes not to intentionally release personally identifiable information of students and their parents / guardians to third parties other than for the purposes stated herein and for any other legitimate purposes. The school will not share, sell, rent, trade and/or disclose your child’s and/or your Personal Data to any unauthorized third party in contravention of applicable laws unless consent has been obtained from the parent / guardian of the student/s.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to update the school on changes in your and your child/ren’s personal information in a timely manner (such as change in contact details, the medical status of the student etc.) in order for the school to maintain the integrity of its student database so as to be able to act in the best interest of your child/ren.



STUDENT NAME(as per Passport / ID):


as would appear on transcripts: (please circle)


(day) (month) (year)

NATIONALITY: ______Race/Origin: ______Faith: ______

1stLANGUAGE: ______/ Beginner
2ndLANGUAGE: ______/ Fluent
(please circle)

HOME ADDRESS (Malaysia): ______

TEL: ______FAX: ______

MOBILE: ______



* Parents with students requesting placement into Year 2 and above, please submit a writing sample (independently completed by the child) which provides the school with an indication of your child’s present performance level. This can include a sample of work already completed by the child.


Students Interests / Hobbies / Skills:




Recognitions, Awards & Achievements of Student (in Academics, Sports, Music etc.):





Tanarata International Schools Tanarata International Schools




ORGANIZATION'S NAME & ADDRESS (in Malaysia and/or overseas):



TEL: ______MOBILE: ______FAX: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Nationality: ______Race: ______

Languages Spoken and degree of proficiency: ______

Educational Qualifications:-

Degree / Diploma / Cert.Subject SpecializationsYear obtainedUniversity

  • Please attach Curriculum Vitae of Father(required).



ORGANIZATION'S NAME & ADDRESS (in Malaysia and/or overseas):



TEL: ______MOBILE: ______FAX: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Nationality: ______Race: ______

Languages Spoken and degree of proficiency: ______

Educational Qualifications:-

Degree / Diploma / Cert.Subject SpecializationsYear obtainedUniversity

  • Please attach Curriculum Vitae of Mother(required).

CHILDREN LIVE WITH: Both Parents / Father / Mother / Guardian (please circle)


Tanarata International Schools Tanarata International Schools


Please give details of schools attended, providing TiS with copies of records for the last two school years (list most recently attended school first):




DATES ATTENDED: FROM: ______TO: ______

day / month / year day / month / year


AT ENTRY: ______ON LEAVING: ______




DATES ATTENDED: FROM: ______TO: ______

day / month / year day / month / year


AT ENTRY: ______ON LEAVING: ______

I initially found out about TiS from: (check all that apply)

___ Website / ___ Friend
___ Company / ___ Embassy
___ Last school / ___ International Directories
Directory Name: ______

Other (please specify): ______


Father: ______

Mother: ______


Please note that parents are responsible for tuition payments, regardless of whether or not they are reimbursed by their employers.

Fees will be paid by:

1. Employer (name) ______Employer pays ______%

2. Self ______%

3. Other ______

If you do not want invoices sent home with your child, to what address would you like them to be sent?


Tanarata International Schools Tanarata International Schools


If your child(ren) has ever received any special services such as learning support or counseling, please complete this form and return it with the TIS Enrollment Form.

1. Has your child ever been diagnosed with a learning disability, behavioral or emotional disability or any other physical or mental disability? Yes / No (circle one)

2. Has your child ever received any of the following special services?

(indicate Yes or No)

a)Learning disability program ______

b)Other remedial program ______

c)Speech/Language Therapy ______

d)Counseling ______

e)Gifted/Talented/Honors program ______

f)Physical or Occupational Therapy ______

g)Limited vision and/or hearing program ______

h)Other ______

3.Has your child ever been evaluated by a psychiatrist, psychologist, speech/language therapist, educational diagnostician or any other specialist?

Yes / No (circle one)

4.Has your child ever repeated a class/grade in school? Yes / No (circle one)

If yes, which class/grade? ______

5. Please describe those strengths or weaknesses that your child’s teacher(s) should know in order to assist him/her.

If you have checked any of the above, please provide details below AND submit copies of any reports to TiS.

Disabilities: TiS does not have a program for students with a learning disabilities, behavioral or emotional disability or any other physical or mental disability. Since services for students with disabilities are not available, TiS cannot provide for students with disabilities.

Please be advised that any placement at TiS is conditional on the student’s ability to perform satisfactorily in the grade level and/or program assigned. Should a parent/guardian not disclose any known disabilities of the child, the school reserves the right to disenroll the child if admitted.


Father: ______

Mother: ______


Tanarata International Schools Tanarata International Schools


The school requires an Application Fee of RM 750/- to cover the administration cost of processing a student’s application for enrollment.

When the student is granted admission / enrollment by the school, a once only Admission (or Entrance) Fee is payable as well as a refundableDepositto confirm enrollment at the school, as follows:-

Class / Year / Admission Fees / Deposit (refundable)
Yr 1 – 2 / RM 3,500 / RM 3,000
Yr 3 – 4 / RM 4,000 / RM 3,250
Yr 5 – 6 / RM 4,500 / RM 3,500
Yr 7 – 9 / RM 5,600 / RM 3,750
Yr 10 – 11 IGCSE / RM 7,000 / RM 4,000
Yr 12 – 13 AS/A Levels / RM 7,500 / RM 5,000
  • NOTE: The Deposit is refundable only if the student leaves after giving a terms (i.e. 4 months) notice to the school in writing.

A ResourceFund Contribution of RM 600.00 per term (payable for 12 terms – or 4 years) is also payable along with Tuition Fees and which is payable on a termly basis. (Note: There are 3 terms in an academic year).

The schoolsTuition Fees (payable on a termly basis), with effect from the start of the academic year, are as follows:-

Tuition Fees

Class / Year / Tuition Fees
2017-18 / Tuition Fees
2018-19 / Tuition Fees
Yr 1 – 2 / RM5,460 / RM5,880 / RM 6,300
Yr 3 – 4 / RM5,850 / RM6,300 / RM 6,750
Yr 5 – 6 / RM6,240 / RM6,720 / RM 7,200
Yr 7 – 9 / RM6,760 / RM7,280 / RM 7,800
Yr 10 – 11 IGCSE / RM8,060 / RM8,680 / RM 9,300
Yr 12 – 13 AS/A Levels / RM9,360 / RM10,080 / RM 10,800

* A 10% discount on Tuition Fees for siblings of a current student is applicable.


  • Term Schedule:There are 3 terms (September, January, April) per year.
  • Fee Payment Schedule:The Tuition Fee’s and Building-Facilities Fund contributions are payable 30 days before the start of each term – which starts on January, April or September respectively in the academic year. Students who are admitted to the School in the second half of any term are charged half (½) the basic term fee. No further reduction is given however late into the term the student is admitted. Should a student be leaving school during term, the terms fees are not refundable. Students leaving the school are only eligible for refund of the Deposit sum if one terms (i.e. 4 months) prior written notice of disenrollment is given to the school.
  • Late Charges:All fees must be paid by the due date i.e. no later than 30 days before start of term. Late payments are subject to a cumulative late payment charge offive (5) percent per month(after two weeks have elapsed from the due date) of the basic term fee being imposed, and shall result in the student not being allowed to continue attending classes until the account is brought up to date.
  • Family Discount:A full basic term fee will be charged to the eldest child of a family, but a ten (10) percent discount on the basic term fee will be granted to each subsequent child. This applies to both the Primary and Secondary Divisions.
  • Fee Adjustments: The school does not follow the practice of automatic annual fee increases. Fees will generally be reviewed on a periodic or annual basis by the school’s management, and shall take effect as and when warranted.
  • Miscellaneous Costs / Fees: This would include the cost of uniforms, text books, exercise books, and organized activities that involve external third party instructors/ service providers / suppliers e.g. Karate, Drama, Ballet, Tae-Kwan-Do, etc. These costs are paid directly to theinstructors/ service providers / suppliers and not to the School unless notified by the School of any change in payment plan.


Payment may be made by a cheque drawn on a local bank and denominated in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), via direct bank transfer to the school’s bank account, or by a cash deposit of RM at the school’s bank. A copy of the transfer document should be provided the schools registrar.

Any bank charges incurred by the school from payments other than according to the above instructions will be charged to the student’s account.

Tuition and fees are to be payable by the invoice due date. Late payment penalties shall be applied as follows:-
After 15 days beyond the invoice due date: / 5% cumulative late payment charge applied on outstanding amounts.
After 30 days beyond the invoice due date: / all student records will be withheld by the school, withautomatic prohibition of the student to attend classes / schools.

All tuition and fees are subject to an increase without notice, at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Tanarata International Schools. For further information, please contact the TiSRegistrar at:

Email: or at the contact numbers listed at the schools website 


Tanarata International Schools Tanarata International Schools



1.Tuition & Other Fees:

Parents of students enrolled at the Tanarata International School (TiS) are required to pay tuition and other fees as outlined in the tuition and fees information sheet(and in any future fee revisions)in a timely manner.

2.Miscellaneous Expenses:

During the course of the academic year, there may be some miscellaneous expenses that are not outlined in the Tuition and Fees information sheet, but will be charged to the parents. Examples include optional Extra Curricular Activities, field trips, physical education T-shirts, computer classes etc.