IABC APAC Region Board Nomination Form 2017/18
NameMember #
Member since
Linkedin Profile link
Skype profile
Chapter (or Member-At-Large)
- Please provide a brief summary of your professional experience, and also attach a current CV.
- Why are you interested in serving on the IABC Asia-Pacific Region Board?
- What APAC Regional board position(s) are you applying for? Please describe your suitability for each.
- Describe any previous experience as an IABC volunteer. Include chapter, regional, and global roles held, and please include approximate dates. How will this experience help contribute to the success of the Asia-Pacific region?
- Please provide details on any IABC or other professional awards you have received.
- Appointing a board is,in part, about assembling a high-performing team. Please identify three of your personal/professional qualities/attributes that you believe will serve you well as a board member.
- Serving on the IABC Asia-Pacific board represents a moderate time commitment, and potentially also some financial commitment if travel is required. Please indicate that both you and your employer understand the requirements.
- Being adept at social media will be an important skill for APAC board members in order to help us build consensus and community in the region. Please describe your social media use and views on how we might best implement.
- Is there anything else you’d like to add? Any additional relevant information that you’d like the Nominating Committee to take into consideration?
- Referees: Please provide details (Name, email, phone, title/company, and relationship to the applicant) of two referees. Referees may include both professional and IABC colleagues who can speak to your ability to deliver on the stated criteria for board members.Please ensure that they are willing and available to be contacted by phone or email during the application period.
Referee #1:
I confirm that all information provided in this application is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
I also confirm that I have read the IABC Code of Ethics and will do my best to uphold it, if I am appointed to a regional board role.
Signature (or typed name) and Date
Please return this nomination form (form only, ok to leave off the preceding application pack information) by email to .
IABC Asia-Pacific Region Board Nomination Form 20151