General Guidelines for ALL Timesheets
- Report Regular Hours worked and Exception Time in decimal form on a tenth of an hour basis. For example: Report 3.5 hours worked as 3.5 REG on the Timesheet.
- Leave hours reported blank if no time was worked on a particular day
- Do not record 0.0, on days not worked, just leave the fields blank.
Minutes / Tenths / Minutes / Tenths
1 – 6 / 1 / 31 – 36 / 6
7 – 12 / 2 / 37 – 42 / 7
13 – 18 / 3 / 43 – 48 / 8
19 – 24 / 4 / 49 – 54 / 9
25 - 30 / 5 / 55 - 60 / 1.0
- Supervisor MUST review and approve each Timesheet.
(See Guidelines below for Non-Exempt, Exempt, and Temporary Timesheet due dates)
- Michigan League & Pierpont Commons, General Fund – Mina Ajam
- University Unions, Michigan Union & University Club, General Fund – Mandy Chedrick
- General Fund Units – Shelli Aldrich-Reed, Mandy Chedrick, and Mina Ajam
Guidelines for Regular, Non-Exempt Bi-Weekly Timesheet Data Entry
- Pay period is Sunday – Saturday, 2 weeks per timesheet.
- “REG – Regular” Time Reporting Code row – Enter actual hours worked per your work schedule.
- “Exception Time” Row(s) – Enter exception time and reporting code as appropriate.
Exception Time includes: Vacation, Sick, Funeral, Overtime, Holiday, Season Days, etc.
- Add additional rows by clicking on the “+” on the far right hand side of the page
- Enter your timesheetonline no later than 12:00 NOONon Friday of an off pay week.
- Notify your supervisor of necessary changes first thing on Monday morning.
- Exception time can be entered up to 12 months in advance!
- Approvers approve online timesheets by 10:00 am on Monday of the pay week.
NOTE: It is important that Timesheets are entered and approved on time.
Late Time Reports result in incorrect Vacation/Sick accrual balances and Leave Balances will NOT be available online.
Guidelines for Exempt Staff – Monthly Timesheet
- Pay period is 1st day of the month through the last day of the month.
- Exempt staff members do NOT report regular hours worked.
- Only record absences from your normal work schedule as Exception Time.
Exception Time includes: Vacation, Sick, Funeral, Holiday, Season Days, etc.
- If recording Holiday (HOL) exception time during the month, then DO NOT enter NOV“no variation from normal work schedule.”
- Select NOV if you have no variance from your normal work schedule.
- Enter your timesheet online by the 3rdbusiness day of the following month.
- Exception Time can be entered online up to 12 months in advance!
- Approvers approve monthly timesheets by the 5th business day of the following month
NOTE: It is important that Timesheets are entered and approved on time.
Late Timesheets will result in incorrect Vacation/Sick accrual balances and Leave Balances will NOT be available online.
Guidelines for Temporary, Work Study,– Bi-Weekly Timesheet
- Pay period is Sunday – Saturday, 2 weeks per timesheet.
- Enter hours worked on the first line of the time report.
- Overtime is paid for only those hours worked over 40 in a week.
- Record overtime on a separate line on the time report.
NOTE: It is important that Timesheets are entered and approved on time to insure that Temporary/Work Study employees are paid in a timely manner. Temporary/Work Study employees cannot be paid until they enter their hours worked, and their supervisor approves the online timesheet.
Late Timesheets
- The Division of Student Affairs is placed on a “Late Timesheet” report for each Bi-Weekly and Monthly timesheet that is approved after the Payroll has run.
- Late timesheets cause extra data entry for the Payroll Office.
- Approval of late timesheets will result in incorrect reporting of Vacation and Sick accrual balances and can also result in incorrect payment to employees.
M: DSA HR Office/Human Resource Documents/Timesheet Procedures10/19/2011