Timeline of American History

Timeline of American History

Timeline of American History

1607 – 1799

Date / Colonial Period: Founding of the 13 colonies / Event
1600's / Scientific Revolution opens men's eyes to the fact that the Church is not always correct about the facts of science. Leads people to question the Church in other matters as well.
1607 / Colonist found Jamestown, Virginia
1612 / John Rolfe introduces tobacco growing to the Virginia colony and saves the colony from disaster.
1619 / Slavery introduced in the America's at the Virginia plantation
House of Burgesses started as the first representative legislature in America
1620 / Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact. It is the first form of self-government in the colonies.
1636 / Harvard College founded. It is the first colony founded in the America's.
1639 / Thomas Hooker writes the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This is the first written constitution in America.
1649 / Maryland passes the Toleration Act guaranteeing freedom of worship in the colony.
1676 / Bacon's rebellion in Virginia: a group of indentured servants attack peaceful Indians in the hopes of gaining their land
King Philip's War takes place in the New England colonies as more white settlers move into Indian land.
1692 / Salem Witch trials occur as New England Puritans try to retain their rigid lifestyle and beliefs.
early 1700's / The Great Awakening comes to America bringing the ideas of spiritual freedom for all and spreading political ideals as people gather for revivals.
The Enlightenment, the belief that reason could improve a person’s life, begins and spreads to America.
1733 / James Oglethorpe founds Georgia as a haven for the poor. This is the last English colony founded.
1734 / John Peter Zenger, accused of libel, wins his court case.
1754 / The French and Indian War begins. Conflicts between the British and the French and Indians. Called the 7 years war in Europe.
1763 / Pontiac's Rebellion takes place in the Ohio River Valley (Northwest Territory) as more white settlers move into Indian lands in the area.
Treaty of Paris, 1763 officially ends the French and Indian War
1765 / The Stamp Act is imposed in the colonies is England's attempt to raise money to pay off the debt from the French and Indian War.
1769 / Richard Arkwright's water frame
1770 / James Hargreaves spinning jenny
1774 / Britain issues the Intolerable Acts as a reaction to the Boston tea Party.
The First Continental Congress meets.
1775 / American under the Articles of Confederation Government / The first shots of the American Revolution are fired at Lexington-Concord.
1776 / The Second Continental Congress Issues the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson.
The Second Continental Congress issues the Articles of Confederation, America's first government. These articles from the 13 colonies into a "loose league of friendship."
1777 / Patriots win the Battle of Saratoga which becomes the turning point of the war as France decides to join the fight on behalf of the American's.
1781 / British surrender to George Washington at Yorktown ending the fighting in the American Revolution.
Mum Bett sues for her freedom
1783 / The Treaty of Paris officially ends the American Revolution. American's gain all the territory to the Mississippi River.
1785 / Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, issues the Land Ordinance of 1785 effectively dividing the land in the Northwest Territory into plots for settlement.
1786 / Virginia issues its Statute for Religious Freedom which a precursor of the first amendment.
Shay's Rebellion takes place in Massachusetts leading American's to demand a revision in the Articles of Confederation.
1787 / New York's African Free School established
Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, passes the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. This establishes the method new territories will take in order to become states. It establishes governments in the new territory.
Congress meets to revise the Articles and instead writes the Constitution.
Federalist papers are written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay to encourage passage of the Constitution.
1789 / George Washington as President / George Washington becomes the first President
The French Revolution
Congress adds 10 Amendments to the Constitution. These become known as the bill of Rights.
1790's / Toussaint-Louverture leads a slave rebellion in Haiti taking control of the island from the French.
1793 / Samuel Slater's Rhode Island System
Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation
1794 / Whiskey Rebellion takes place in Pennsylvania as small farmer’s rebel against the unfair tax.
Jay's Treaty between America and Britain does not solve any issues.
1795 / American Indians in the Northwest Territory sign the Treaty of Greenville.
Pinckney's Treaty with Spain solves the problem of Right of Deposit in New Orleans.
1797 / John Adams as President / John Adams becomes President - Federalist
Election of 1796 - the first time political parties play a part in the election of the President. The first two political parties were the Federalist and the Democratic e-Republicans.
1798 / Eli Whitney's Interchangeable parts system
Congress passes the Alien and Sedition Acts.
X, Y, Z Affair affects Americas relationship with France.
1800 / John Adams appoints the Midnight Judges.