* Central research institute of structural materials “Prometey”,
49 Shpalernaya, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 191015
** All-Russia institute of light alloys, 2 Gorbunova, Moscow, Russia, 121596
Abstract. These instructions, which are formatted as an example of paper design, contain requirements on computer typesetting and make-up of main components of text which comply with the general rules for preparation and design of papers for publication in scientific and technical magazine “Problems of Materials Science”.
The main body of the paper should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 1000 characters (without spacing) to be followed by key words (not more than 10).
“Abstract” – lowercase bold regular font, size 8, in line with the text.
Text of abstract – lowercase light regular font, size 8, for 100mm format, to be right justified.
“Keywords” – lowercase light Italic font, size 8.
Keywords: conference, instructions, paper, major plastic deformations.
1. General instructions
1.1. The paper including text, tables, drawings and bibliography should be presented in 8 pages maximum. Total number of pages must be even.
1.2. The text of the paper is to be set up with the help of text editor MS Word for Windows. Typeface family of “Times New Roman”.
1.3. The right to copy and reedit symposium records belongs to CRI SM “Prometey”.
- Typesetting and make-up of paper
2.1. The typesetting page format is to be 126x215 mm. To comply with this measure, the following margins should be preset for the make-up:
top – 30 mm;
bottom -- 52mm;
inner – 20 mm;
outer – 64 mm;
(mirror margins).
2.2. The first page of the paper should sequentially contain the following:
2.2.1. Paper title to be set up with uppercase bold regular font, size 12 (to be centre
2.2.2. Authors’ initials and surnames to be set up with uppercase light regular font, size 8, at the centre, two lines down from the title lowest line;
2.2.3. Affiliation of the authors (research institutions, industry activities, firms, educational establishments) to be set up with lowercase light Italic font, size 8, at the centre, two lines down from the authors’ surnames lowest line;
2.2.4. The abstract (see page 1 of this instructions) to be set up two lines down from the lowest line of the affiliation;
2.2.5. The text of the paper main body is to be set up in one column over the full width
of the typesetting page with lowercase light regular font, size 10, at 1.5 intervals with 5-character indentions;
2.2.6. Headings and subheadings of paper parts are to be set up in a separate line at the centre of the typesetting page with lowercase bold regular font of size 10 two intervals down from the preceding text and 1.5 intervals up from the following text of the corresponding part
(the first level);
2.2.7. Second level headings are to be set up with lowercase bold Italic font of size 10 in a separate line justified left;
2.2.8. Subheadings are to be set up with lowercase bold Italic font of size 10 in the line shared with the text.
2.3. Drawings and tables are to be arranged in the text. Each drawing should be followed by a legend, each table should be titled and, if the paper contains two or more tables, numbered.
2.4. Tables should be framed. Table titles are to be set up within table format with uppercase bold regular font of size 8. Table number is to be spaced out in a separate line with lowercase light regular font justified right.
2.5. All drawings should be presented in black-and –white.
2.6. Line drawings (curves, diagrams, charts) should be presented in the format cdr or doc. Line thickness should be not less than 0.3 mm. All designations are explained in inscriptions set up under the drawing with lowercase light regular
font of size 8.
2.7. Tone drawings and black-and –white photos are to be represented with extension tif
or jpg. Resolution of scanned illustrations should be not less than 300 dpi.
Microstructure photographs should preferably be of 40x60 mm.
2.8. Physical quantities in the text are designated in Italic font, vector quantities, in bold font.
Complex formulae are set up with the mathematics Equation Editor. Formulae are numbered with Arabic figures in parenthesis to be placed along the right margin. Within text lines, the formulae in fractional form should be written with slant lines (a+b/c-d) or with the inverse power (a+b)-1.
2.9. Footnotes referring to the text are marked with asterisk at the upper line of the type and are given at the bottom under the horizontal line 18 mm long. Footnotes referring to tables are marked with the spaced word “N o t e” and are placed immediately under the table.
2.10. Abbreviations, abridgements and conventional symbols must be interpreted except for those generally accepted.
- A list of references
3.1. References should be listed in the same sequence as they are mentioned in the text. The list should be provided with the title “BIBLIOGRAPHY” and placed at the end of the paper.
3.2. The list should be set up with lowercase light regular font of size 8, the title “BIBLIOGRAPHY”, with uppercase light regular font, size 8.
3.3. References should include the following:
a) for books: Authors’ surname and initials. Full title.—Volume number.—Place of publication (city): Publishing house, Year of publication.—Total number of pages;
b) for journal articles and collected volumes: Authors’ surnames and initials.—Full title//Name of magazine or collected volume.—Year of publication.—Volume number, Issue number.—Numbers of the first and the last pages. If the number of authors is 4 or more, only the first 3 surnames should be given and then the arrangement of components will be as follows: Full title of article/Initials and surnames of 4 authors or of 3 authors followed by “et al.”//Name of magazine or collected volume.—Year of publication.—Volume number, Issue number.—Numbers of the first and the last pages.
3.4. Names of articles, magazines, collected volumes and books are to be given in the source language, hieroglyphs are to be transliterated into Russian or English.
3.5. Examples of bibliographical description:
1. ГорынинИ.В.,ЧечулинБ.Б. Титанвмашиностроении.—М.: Машиностроение, 1990. – 400 с.
2. Ivasishin O. M., Lutjering G.Structure and mechanical properties of high-temperature
titanium alloys after rapid heat treatment//Materials Science and Engineering.—1993.—A168.—P. 23-28.