Indonesian Judges Seminar on

International Humanitarian Law

Part II

Study Visit to the

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

The Hague

Tuesday 9 September – Friday 12 September 2003

Organised by

Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley

East-West Center

in association with

ICTY Outreach Programme

Supported by the

Canadian HSP, Open Society Fund and the Wang Family Foundation

Tuesday 9 September 2003______DAY ONE

08:30Arrival at the Tribunal

(Security Clearance)

09:00 – 13:45Court Proceedings

Milosevic Case

Courtroom I

13:45 – 14:45Lunch

ICTY Canteen (2nd Floor)

14:50 – 15:00Welcoming Remarks

Judge Theodor Meron, President

Public Gallery, Courtroom III

15:00 – 16:00The Registry

Christian Rohde, Senior Legal Officer, Registry

Kanae Aoki, Registry

Public Gallery, Courtroom III


16:15 – 17:30 Court and Case Management

David Pimentel, Chief, Court Management Section, Registry

Kudzai Kambarami, Programmer/Analyst, ITSS/DU

Michael Blaxill, Judicial Database Backlog Project Manager, Registry

Public Gallery, Courtroom III

18:00 – 19:00 Welcome Reception

ICTY Cafeteria

Wednesday 10 September 2003______DAY TWO

09:00 Arrival at the Tribunal

(Security Clearance)

9:15 – 10:45Investigations and Prosecutions

Michael Johnson, Chief of Prosecutions, OTP

Patrick Lopez-Terres, Chief of Investigations, OTP

Nicholas Koumjian, Trial Attorney, OTP

Public Gallery, Courtroom III


11:00 – 12:15The Accused: Defence

David Pimentel, Chief, Court Management Section, Registry

Melinda Taylor, Legal Officer,Office for Legal Aid and Detention

Public Gallery, Courtroom III

12:15 – 13:15Lunch

ICTY Canteen (2nd Floor)

13:30 – 14:45Victims and Witnesses

Danielle Cailloux, Chief, Victims and Witnesses Section, Registry

Lucia Digherio, Support Officer, Victims and Witnesses Section.

Public Gallery, Courtroom III


15:00 – 15:30Court Proceedings

Obrenovic Status Conference

Courtroom I

15:45 – 17:00Case Map and Related Case Management Software

David Akersen, OTP

Room 396

17:00 – 17:45Tour of Courtroom I

Arjan Baks, Senior Audio/Visual Director

Courtroom I

Thursday 11 September 2003_____DAY THREE

09:30Transit from Hotel to ICJ

(by Tram or walk -accompanied by Olga Kavran)

10:00 – 12:30International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Lecture and Tour of ICJ

Lecture: Arthur Witteveen, Head of Dept. of Information

Tour: Boris Heim, Information Officer


12:30 – 13:30Lunch

Judges Dining Area, ICJ

Shi Jiuyong, ICJ President

Philippe Couvreur, ICJ Registrar

Arthur Witteveen, Head of Dept. of Information

13:45Transit to ICTY

14:15 – 15:45 Chambers

Herman von Hebel, Senior Legal Officer, Trial Chambers

John Hocking, Senior Legal Officer, Appeals Chamber

Fred Harhoff, Senior Legal Officer, Trial Chambers

Public Gallery, Courtroom III


16:00 – 17:30Judges Roundtable

Judge Florence Mumba

Judge Carmel Agius

Judge Ines Monica Weinberg de Roca

Judge Joaquìn Martìn Canivell

Public Gallery, Courtroom III

Friday 12 September 2003DAY FOUR

8:30Arrival at the Tribunal

09:00 – 10:30Court Proceedings

Milosevic Case

Courtroom I


10:45 – 12:00Challenges for Chambers in Managing Highly Complex International Criminal Cases

Gideon Boas, Legal Officer, Chambers

Room 396

12:00 -12:15 Closing Remarks

Hans Holthuis, Registrar

Room 396

12:30Transit to the ICC

(accompanied by Olga Kavran)

12:50 – 13:00Arrival at the ICC

Met by Claudia Perdomo, Head, Public Information Section

(Security Clearance)

13:00 – 14:00Lunch at the ICC

Vice President Kuenyehia (Ghana)

Vice President Odio Benito (Costa-Rica)

Judge Slade (Samoa)

Judge Steiner (Brazil)

14:30 – 15:15Establishment of the ICC, from Nuremberg to the Hague

Sam Muller, Deputy Director of the Division of Common Service

15:15 – 16:00Role of the OTP

Klaus Rackwitz, Senior Information and Evidence Advisor, OTP

16:15 Transit to ICTY / Hotel