HR Partner Meeting 12/7/16


Time Sheet: UO needs one timesheet system.

MyTrack Topic and Trainings:

Dept. specific instructions or language for various areas of MyTrack (special instructions for applicants)

What is Central HR’s expectation for Sr. Leaders (deans) to actively be in MyTrack reviewing/approving vs. delegating to someone else?

Training on writing position descriptions and distinguishing from position announcements.

MyTracks training video or webinar targeting faculty search committee members on how to view applicants, enter rankings.

Institute a better method to provide feedback regarding effects of implementation and new systems.

Solicit feedback and user suggestion session for MyTrack.

Please develop a page detail of the steps for the MyTrack process.

Develop a tracking procedure for position inventories, PA’s, reclassifications etc. all in one place. We can then all back each other up and see current statuses.

Share info about expected response and timeline for recruiting approx. time from submission to advertising.

My Track training snippets needed.

HR Trainings:

Have mini supervisor trainings we can take back to our managers.

Please explain new position numbers.

Panel with HR and Payroll to answer questions and share –also create a chart or grid - who can answer these questions.

Need new Pay Practices training – what has changed?

Training on short term disability versus using sick leave for FMLA

FMLA and tool for tracking FMLA leave vs. sick leave vs. leave without pay vs. vacation template or tool available for HR Partners? –Training workshops needed.

Need Orientation Resource Guide on HR site; i.e. short term hire of retiree.

More training for new employees on creating/completing PRFs, hiring, student hires, work study.

Contract renewals overview needed Feb -April.

Personnel File training needed.

Face-to-face meeting with HR and employee to facilitate that relationship.

Other Ideas:

Create a space for staff to process and decompress.


Best Practices:

  • For faculty that travel often, we scan in the RTOs and PRFs and request emailed approval. This has greatly reduced our processing times.
  • Monthly division level Budget Manager and HR Personnel meetings to share info and debrief topics
  • Proactively and regularly review position descriptions in your units to streamline the process when posting positions in MyTracks
  • Logging systems and paperwork, as well as, designating one known point of contact (division specialist)