With the Decision of

The meeting of Procurement Commission of the

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia as of

June 20 2017

(Commission Minutes No. 1)

Regulations of the Procurement

„Lingerie Industry Business Forum Marketing in France, Italy, Russia and CIS countries”

(Procurement identification No.LIAA2017/57ERAF)


1.Identification number of the procurement and information about the Commissioning Party

1.1.Procurement identification number is LIAA 2017/57ERAF.

1.2.The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (hereinafter referred to as LIAA) is the Commissioning Party, taxpayer registration No.: 90001739473, address: Pērses iela 2, Riga, LV-1442 (telephone: +371 67039400, fax: +371 67039401), e-mail: .

1.1.Contact persons:

1.2.1.responsible for subject-matter of procurement: Export Promotion Division Project Manager Ilze Mičule, tel. 67039414, e-mail address ;

1.2.2.responsible for procedure of submitting applications: Legal Advisor of Legal Provision Division State Governance Mr Kaspars Zorģis, telephone: +371 67039426, e-mail: .

2.Characterisation of subject-matter of procurement

2.1.Before and after the Forum, to perform marketing activities in France, Italy, Russia and the CIS countries for the 3rd Lingerie Industry Forum (hereinafter the Forum) that will take place within the framework of the Riga Fashion Week on 25 October 2017,accordingly to technical specifications (Appendix 1):

2.2.Procurement type – procurement accordingly to requirements of the Article 9 of the Public Procurement Law.

2.3.The criterion of the award of the contract is price.

2.4.Subject-matter of the procurement in accordance with CPV classifier: 79340000-9 (Advertising and marketing services).

2.5.Maximum estimated amount of the contract:EUR 17,000.00,VAT excluded. Advance payment – 50% from amount of the contract.

2.6.Funding for execution of the contract shall be assigned from the funds provided by European Regional Development Fund's project "Promotion of International Competitiveness" in accordance with the provisions of agreement on implementation of the project of the European Union fund No.


3.1.Any natural person or a legal person, an association of such persons in any combination thereof, which has submitted all documents according to the procedures prescribed in the regulations, may become a tenderer.

3.1.Equal rules shall be applied to all tenderers.

3.2.If association of persons submits the offer, then offer should include a person who represents this association of persons in the procurement, as well as state amount of responsibility of each person. All members of the association of persons signs this information.

3.2.If a natural person is announced as the winner of the procurement procedure, after the conclusion of the contract it is obliged to register as a person who performs economic activity.

3.1.The tenderer shall cover all costs related to the preparation and submission of the application.

4.Offer submission place, date and time

The tenderer shall submit its application to LIAA secretariat, Room 518, Riga, Pērses iela 2, Latvia, LV-1442 (on business days from 8:30 to 17:00) byJuly 3 2017,12 noon.

  1. Receipt of regulations and additional information on procurement
  2. Regulations and documentation related to procurement is available in LIAA, room 518, 2 Pērses Street, Riga (working hours: weekdays from 8:30 amto 17:00 pm).
  3. If the supplier who is interested have requested the issuing of regulations and related procurement documentation, then LIAA submits them to the supplier who is interested in the procurement within three weekdays time after the day when the respective request was received (if request of documents was submitted timely before the offer submission date).
  4. Regulations and related procurement documentation is available in the website of LIAA on the internet:
  5. All information about the course of procurement, as well as answers to the questions of interested suppliers’ procurement commission (hereinafter – Commission) provide in a written form.
  6. The supplier who is interested in the procurement submits questions about the regulations of the procurement in a written form, addressing them to the Director of LIAA and sending by mail to the address, fax or e-mail that is indicated in the Paragraph 1.2 of the regulations.
  7. All information requests and questions shall mandatory be marked with the reference: „For the procurement „Lingerie Industry Business Forum Marketing in France, Italy, Russia and CIS countries” (procurement identification No.LIAA 2017/57ERAF)”.
  8. Registration date of the received letter or e-mail in the LIAA Clerical Department is considered as the day when the information request or question was received. Outside the set working hours of LIAA the received information request or question is considered as received in the following working day.
  9. If the supplier who is interested in the procurement have timely requested additional information about requirements stated in the procurement regulations, then Commission provides answer in a written form within three workdays time but not later than four days after the end of the offer submission date.
  10. Commission places the provided explanation together with the asked question but not mentioning the submitter of the question in the website of LIAA in section „Public Procurements” next to the announcement about procurement.
  11. Responsibility of the interested suppliers is to constantly follow information published in the website about procurement and submit it into one’s offer. Commission is not responsible if any interested supplier have not introduced oneself to information about this procurement procedure that has a free and direct electronic access in the internet website

6.Offer submission and finalizing procedure

6.1.Applicant submits the offer by filling out the application that is finalized accordingly to the sample added in the Appendix 2 of regulations, adding also financial offer, technical offer, as well as other documents stated in the regulations.

6.2.Applicant submits the offer in one original copy in the Clerical Office of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, 2 Pērses Street, Riga, LV-1442.

6.3.Applicant can submit only one offer about the whole procurement subject in total. Applicant can’t submit several versions of the offer.

6.4.Applicant submits the offer until the date indicated in the Paragraph 4 of the regulations. After this date, LIAA does not accept offers and they are given back to the submitter in unopened form. On each offer pack or envelope, Clerical Department of LIAA indicates the date and time when it was received.

6.5.If applicant sends the offer by mail then it should secure that offer reaches LIAA until the date indicated in the Paragraph 4 of regulations. Offer received by mail after the indicated date are not accepted and sent back to the submitter in opened form.

6.6.All offer documents are submitted in sealed package or envelope that is marked the following:

-Name and address of the Commissioning Party;

-Name and legal address of the tenderer;

-Following remark:

„To the procurement„Lingerie Industry Business Forum Marketing in France, Italy, Russia and CIS countries” (procurement identification No. LIAA 2017/57 ERAF). Do not open until July 32017, 12 noon”;

-Gluing place attested with the applicant – legal entity seal, if applicable.

6.7.All offer documentation should be submitted in the bound form. Offer is bound and ends of the cord secured, number of pages attested, gluing the paper on the back indicating:

-Number of bound pages;

-Name, surname, position of the signatory;

-Signature of the signatory.

The offer shall be drawn up in a way the pages cannot be separated without damaging the seal.

6.8.Offer is prepared in the Latvian or English language. Selection documents of applicants and technical documentation can be submitted in other language, if attested translation in Latvian or English language is added to this documentation.

The following requisites characterise attestation of the applicant:


-full job position title of the official entitled to sign the offer,

-signature and transcript of signature;

-location and date.

Submitting offer, applicant is entitled to attest correctness of translations of all documents submitted with one attestation, if the whole offer is bound.

6.9.If the applicant submits copies of documents, applicant should attest each copy of the document with notice „COPY IS CORRECT” and other attestation requisites indicated on the Paragraph 6.8 of regulations. Submitting offer, supplier is entitled to attest correctness of derivate of all submitted documents with one attestation, if the whole offer is bound.

6.10.Until the end of the offer submission date applicant can amend or withdraw ones off submitting written notice to LIAA. Notice is submitted in sealed envelope indicating requisites stated in the Paragraph 5.3, as well as proving clear remark about the content – „AMENDMENTS” or „WITHDRAWAL”. LIAA Clerical Department indicate receiving date and time of the submitted amendments or withdrawals of the offer. Applicant prepares amendments of the offer accordingly to requirements of the Paragraph 6.2 to 6.9 of the regulations. The procurement commission adds the amendments of the offer to the initially submitted offer. Withdrawal of the offer is unconditional and excludes applicant from the further participation in the procurement.

7.Technical and financial offer

In the technical offer applicant indicates compliance of the offer to the technical specification in compliance with the Appendix 3 of the regulations and in the financial offer applicant indicates contractual price eurowithout VAT (value added tax) in compliance with the Appendix 4 of the regulations.

8.Offer presentation compliance

8.1.Along with the revision of qualification of applicants, Commission performs evaluation of the offer presentation accordingly to requirements of the Paragraph 6 of the regulations.

8.2.If the offer does not comply with the presentation requirements indicated in the requirement stated in the procurement regulations and violation is significant, thus making an impact on the legal force of the offer (or any if its document), then Commission does not review the offer further.

9.Selection of applicant

9.1.Provisions related to the selection of applicants are mandatory to all applicants willing to gain rights to execute the order and conclude procurement agreement.

9.2.Qualification of the applicant should comply with the following basic conditions:

9.2.1.Applicant exclusion provisions indicated in the section eight of the Article 9 of the Law on Public Procurement does not apply to the applicant that could be granted with the agreement conclusion rights;

9.2.2.Exclusion cases indicated in the Paragraph 1 to 3 in the section eight of the Article 9 of the Law on Public Procurement does not relate to the applicant that could be granted with the agreement conclusion rights, on the person the applicant bases ones capabilities on to attest that its qualification complies with the requirements indicated in the notice about agreement and requirements indicated in the regulations, as well as on the member of partnership is applicant is a partnership.

9.2.3.Applicant has provided true information for evaluation of one’s qualification.

9.3.To evaluate whether exclusion cases indicated in the Article 9, Section 8, Paragraph 1 to 3 of the Law on Public Procurement can be applied to the subjects mentioned in the Paragraphs 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 of the regulations, client performs verification accordingly to provisions of the Section 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Article 9 of the Law on Public Procurement.

9.4.Commission without further revision will decline offers of the applicants recognized as not corresponding to the applicants’ selection criteria indicated in the Paragraph 9.2 of the regulations.

10.Evaluation of the offer and offer selection criteria

10.1.Qualification of the applicant is recognized as not corresponding and offer of the applicant declined, if:

10.1.1.Situation indicated in the Paragraph 9.3 of regulations have set in.

10.1.2.Offer of application is declined and recognized as not corresponding to the technical specification requirements, if the technical – financial offer submitted by the Applicant does not provide fulfilment of requirements indicated in the technical specification.

10.2.Commission performs selection of the offer from the offers commission has not declined accordingly to the Paragraph 10.1 of regulations.

10.3.Selection criteria of the offer is price. Commission will recognise the applicant with the lowest price as winner.

11.Rights and responsibilities of the Commission

11.1.Commission is entitled to:

11.1.1.Request within the procedure determined in legislation the applicant to specify information about one’s offer, if it is needed for the verification of the offer presentation, selection of applicants, as well as evaluation of offers;

11.1.2.Correct arithmetic mistakes established in the financial offers accordingly to legislation;

11.1.3.Due to the course of the offer evaluation request the applicant to submit attestation that it has worked on the offer independently;

11.1.4.Select the next offer with the lowest price if the chosen applicant refuses to close procurement agreement with the client;

11.1.5.Terminate the procurement in any moment due to objective grounds.

11.2.Commission has a responsibility:

11.2.1.To secure process and documentation of the procurement;

11.2.2.Secure free competition of the applicant, as well as equal and fair attitude to all;

11.2.3.Upon the request of interested parties, accordingly to procedure indicated in legislation provide information about procurement;

11.2.4.Evaluate applicants and their submitted offers accordingly to the regulations and Law on Public Procurement, select offer or obtain decision about ending or termination of the procurement procedure (in the cases determined in legislation), without selecting any offer.

12.Rights and responsibilities of the Applicant

12.1.Applicant is entitled to:

12.1.1.Join with other applicants and submit one joint offer;

12.1.2.Submit objections about procurement within procedure determined in the Law on Public Procurement;

12.1.3.Demand attestation that the offer has been received while submitting offer;

12.1.4.Amend or withdraw the submitted offer before the end of the offer submission date;

12.1.5.Appeal in the court against the decision of the client accordingly to legislation, if the applicant considers that one’s rights are breached or there has been an intervention of these rights.

12.2.Applicant has a responsibility:

12.2.1.To prepare offer accordingly to the requirements of the regulations of the procurement and technical specifications;

12.2.2.Provide true information;

12.2.3.Provide answers to requests of the Commission about extra information necessary to verify the presentation of the offer, select applicant, attest compliance of the offer, or evaluate the offer.

13.Entering into Agreement

13.1.Client allocates the agreement closing rights to the Applicant that complies with all requirements of the selection of applicants and has offered the lowest contractual price.

13.2.Client shall conclude the procurement agreement with the winner of the procurement based on the submitted offer about the respective procurement subject and in compliance with the provisions of regulations.

13.3.Applicant recognized as the winner has a responsibility to sign the agreement not later than within ten weekdays time from the day agreement draft was sent for signing.

14.Appendixes of the regulations

Appendix 1 – Technical specification;

Appendix 2 –Tenderer's application for participation in procurement;

Appendix 4 – Information to be included in technical proposal;

Appendix 5 – Financial offer form.



  1. Procurement object
  2. Before and after the Forum, to perform marketing activities in France, Italy, Russia and the CIS countries for the 3rd Lingerie Industry Forum (hereinafter the Forum) that will take place within the framework of the Riga Fashion Week on 25 October 2017.
  1. Work task
  2. To prepare and publish article for the editorial in magazine Intima (July 2017), Linea Intima (September 2017), Intimoda (September 2017) in line with the following technical requirements:
  3. the article mentioned in this Clause:
  4. include a short overview of Latvian lingerie production sector, its novelties;
  5. mention the place and time of the Forum, contact person for the organisers, including the fact that the Forum is organised in the framework of the Riga Fashion Week;
  6. mention that that the foreign buyers will have the option during the Forum to meet the Latvian lingerie producers and to assess their created brands.
  7. Length of the article - at least one A4 page.
  8. To publish Forum advertisement prepared by LIAA covering one A4 page in magazines Linea Intima (July 2017), Intima (July 2017), Intimoda (September 2017).
  9. To send promotional e-flyers prepared by LIAA regarding the Forum, as well as invitations to the Forum to Intima Group database clients:
  10. in France – 3 e-flyers in French (Contractor accords sending dates with Customer);
  11. in Italy – 3 e-flyers in Italian (Contractor accords sending dates with Customer);
  12. in Russia and the CIS countries – 3 e-flyers in Russian (Contractor accords sending dates with Customer).
  13. To prepare and publish one article about the course of the Forum in magazine Intima (November 2017), Linea Intima (November 2017), INTIMODA (January 2018)in line with the following technical requirements:
  14. Length of each article is at least two A4 pages;
  15. The articles are prepared in the respective languages used in the magazines mentioned in this Clause.
  1. Submissions
  2. Edition of July 2017 of magazine Intima, including the Forum advertisement and the article for the editorial, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  3. Edition of July 2017 of magazine Linea Intima, including the Forum advertisement, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  4. Edition of September 2017 of magazine Linea Intima, including the article for the editorial, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  5. Edition of September 2017 of magazine INTIMODA, including the Forum advertisement and the article for the editorial, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  6. Edition of November 2017 of magazine Intima, including article about the course of the Forum, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  7. Edition of November 2017 of magazine Linea Intima, including article about the course of the Forum, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format);
  8. Edition of January 2018 of magazine INTIMODA, including article about the course of the Forum, printed and in PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format).





(Name of the applicant)

Reg.No. ______

Represented by ______

(Name and surname, position of the Head or Authorised Person)

By submitting this application:

1.Agrees to participate in the procurement „Lingerie Industry Business Forum Marketing in France, Italy, Russia and CIS countries”(procurement identification No. LIAA 2017/57 ERAF);

2.Attests that have gotten acquainted with regulations of the procurement and undertakes to fulfil its requirements;

3.Attests that applicant shall perform fulfilment of the procurement agreement accordingly to requirements of technical specification and provisions of the client in case if the applicant shall be granted with the agreement conclusion rights;