July 10, 2017– Notes not approved until next board meeting on August, 2017
Chairman Lyle Femrite at the Decoria Township Hall called the monthly meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The board members in attendance were supervisors, Lyle Femrite, Roger Hubmer and Bruce Levos, Treasurer Dawn Hubmer and Clerk Valerie Levos. Motion made by B. Levos second by R. Hubmer to approve the clerks minutes with correction of “setup to set back”. All in favor 3-0, motion passed. Motion made by B.Levos and second by R. Hubmer to approve paying claims 445- 460 and net pay distribution. All in favor 3-0, motion passed. Balanced with bank statement June 2017.
Citizen Business
Brittney and Jody Linder, Terrace View Golf Course, shared a proof of concept for a fall festival in September and October. Motion made by R. Hubmer and second by B. Levos to approve the concept as presented. All in favor 3-0, motion passed. Clerk send email to Blue Earth County Planning and Zoning.
Road Report
-FEMA /Le Sueur River Stabilization
- Motion made by B. Levos and second by R. Hubmer to approve Change Order 1 to extend the contract completion date to September 22nd. All in favor 3-0, motion passed. Construction planned to start the week of July 17th, which clerk/supervisor will share with residents on Kodiak Lane and Decoria Heights.
-Winnek Creek chip sealing – completed
-178 Lane, Ditch cleaning and 200 Terrace View West– On contractor work schedule
-Road Signs – B. Levos will verify with contractor
-Tree Trimming and Mowing of Ditches – Completed
- Grader operator shared spot needed mowing- B. Levos
Old Business
-Town Hall Research from Annual Meeting– R. Hubmer shared preliminary research for possible layout with drawing and cost for construction of the township hall/shed.
-T359 min. maintenance road (.6 miles) – Femrite will add to the Deegan construction list for rip rap on the west side of the road.
-175 Lane – Survey was completed to identify the end of the township road. Discussion was held: Board will contact Loken regarding the grading of the road for improvements or Loken can provide written permanent access easements to land lock properties.
New Business
-Township will return unauthorized gravel bill by landowner on 175 Lane.
-Scott Cords, back up operator, Randy will train Scott on the blading
-Motion made by B. Levos and second by R. Hubmer to approve the 3 year contract for St. Clair Fire. All in favor 3-0, motion passed.
Motion made by B. Levos and second by R. Hubmer to adjourn the meeting, all in favor 3-0, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.