
Time called to order: N/A

Absences: Charles Bradley, Melinda Carter (No longer in OCSA), Josh Hilliard, Justin Walmer, Shane Williams

Guest Speakers:

Student Concerns:

Minutes approved as:



President: I need someone to go to the Parking and Transit committee meetings on Thursdays at 2pm once a month in the Multi-Modal building. They need commuter input. The next one is September 10th, the second Thursday of the month. Talk to Brooke or Macie for information or changes. Also, the Allied Arts committee needs two people to go as well. They meet every Thursday at 4pm in the Student Union. The New York Ballet is coming in February and everyone who attends the Allied Arts meeting gets free tickets. Garrett is able to attend every other week. Sign up for Activities Mart and Lights on Stillwater. I leave next semester, so if you are interested in being President, elections are in November. I am thinking about sitting out by the Chi-O clock every Wednesday to hand out whistles. Also, I am thinking about ideas for a newsletter to be put out by the end of the semester since the database of off-campus students will be available.

Vice President: Go check out the t-shirts on the table!

Advisor: Sign up for Activities Mart and Lights on Stillwater! We will need to bring applications and whistles to both. This will be an exciting semester. We do need more advertising, such as t-shirts (“Are you off?”, white houses with one orange house, “Life is better when you get off”[front] “Enriching students lives since 1968”[back], “We’re just a little off”, and Original OCSA logo with a house holding a “beverage” can) that we can wear on Monday’s and to events.

RAC Director: Here is the large version of the logo -holds up official OCSA sled- We will be tying a rope to this and Macie will go flying. I was thinking about having a design contest to update the logo. Graphic design and marketing wants to update it, but likes it. Over the course of two weeks, Stillwater went from two housing guides to four. There is ours, the Stillwater Newspress’, the O’Colly’s, and gotyourattention.com. Marie talked to Boone, the creator of gotyourattention.com. There are mixed feelings with the O’Colly. The initial prep letter is going out this week to the landlords about our new housing guide. We want to redo the bus signs and also talk about getting the larger advertisements at the bus stops. Renter’s Fair will be reformatted to include an orientation for people wanting to move off campus. Code enforcers from the city want to help with orientation. There is also talk about a big pullout section in the O’Colly in March close to Renter’s Fair. Read Renter’s 101 in the O’Colly and report back to me what you think.



a. Senate Whip:

b. City Council Liaison:


Civic Affairs:

Internal Affairs: Matt Gardner (Senator), Nick Elliott (Senator) and Hanna Kelley (Representative) were interviewed and will be sworn in at the next meeting.

Renter’s Advisory Council:

University: What do you want to do with the bus advertisements?

Vice-Chair: If the committee chairs need help, just ask.

Chair: Brooke is dirty trickster and I am gullible. (Q) Would that be defined as shenanigans? (A) Yes.





Motion was made to adjourn at N/A