Time called to order: 6:15pm
Absent:Jdiobe, Keita
Guest Speakers/Student Concerns: None
09/18/2017 Minutes approved as: Written
President:We will be tabling tomorrow at Chi O Clock and if you did not sign up to help but can stop by please do so. We are trying to engage students and distribute information. When conductive ourselves we need to remember who and what we represent. It is only befitting to engage with others in a respectful and professional manner. We don’t need to be friends, although it can be beneficial if we are. We don’t have to agree with each other and sometime it’s better that we don’t. We need to do what is necessary not only to fulfill our responsibility to OCSA and SGA, but to ourselves as respectable and civil human beings.
Vice President:I’d love to get to know each and every one of you. If you have any questions or concerns, come talk to me!
Advisor:Officer Queen will be coming November 6th and we will be moving Guest speakers to before announcements, that way we can get through the meeting agenda before people have to leave for class. 65 people responded to the survey that was included in the email I sent out.
RAC Director:I am still working workshops. If anyone wants to lend a hand I’d love the help.
Secretary:No report.
Senate Whip:Very long SGA meeting. We saw some legislation, 3 CSO bills. I would say it was a productive meeting. James pulled together an excel file of organizations that get money. Concrete Canoe and Camp War Eagle Ministries were both approved as new group. We saw two new budget bills, for one a sorority and one a fraternity. An IA bill about committee chair terms, it will be yearlong from August to May.
Civic Affairs:This week at City Council passed money to go to Strickland Park behind McAlister’s and expanding the state park. They are changing the hours that the airport will have flights for fall break. This is the Agenda from October 16th:
Internal Affairs:1 senate seat is still open. I have had one application, Mason Russell. He is currently a senator for Business and he graduates in May. In order to stay a senator he’d run again and then have step down half way through in May. He’d rather let someone else run and since we have an open seat he wouldn’t run again for OCSA in May. Brandon and I will be working on Bylaw changes and will present it before the body soon.
University: No report but did bring Oreo balls!
Allies Arts:No report.
Vice-Chair:Still looking at absences. Do your office hours.
Chair:We had a steering meeting last week and a big thing we talked about is last year we haven’t been very involved. We have a lot of constituents and members and there’s a lot we could do to be more active. Committee chairs have had great Legislation ideas, including re-writing the By-laws. We are going to try to have one committee meeting per week. Next week we are going to bring in Brooke Bastie to discuss parliamentary procedures and bill writing techniques. If you have legislation you want to write talk to your committee chair and if you need help ask us, there are so many people in OCSA who know how to write legislation. We have templates and SGA has giant binders. I also really want to push for us to talk to our constituents more. The idea is to be more active. If you have any questions about what happened in Steering please ask me.
- No Unfinished Business
- No New Business
- Mauree-Fall break if Friday! Next Thursday is another Difficult Dialogue in Journs Hall from 6p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Gavin-A new book store by Balanced Coffee and the Antique store is set to open October 23rd. They’ve had volunteers put books on the shelves, if you want to volunteer let me know and I can get you their information. You guys can come visit me at work too.
- Mercedes-Doug Gottlieb will be giving a talk on ethics November 7th in the Easton Center.
- Mauree-Black Panther is coming out February 16th, 2018.
- Christian-On October 19th the Center for Africana studies and OSU Ethics Center are hosting a viewing of the People’s Documentary of the Murder of Michael Brown in 035 Murray. I think it’s at 6p.m.
- Marie–Our new printer was installed Monday afternoon!
- Marie-There was a discussion in the Fraternity and Sorority affairs staff meeting about one of their GA positions, and the young man who does MPHC and MBC? That Dr. Bird doesn’t have money to fund his position and they won’t be rehiring for that. None of the full time staff in the office have a desire to work with those Greek organizations. They have had on the books for quite some time a full time staff to work with the minority groups that have fraternity and sororities. Hammed, who is the current GA, is working on writing a resolution or recommendation to the university to find the money and fund the full-time staff member position. Those chapters really need that kind of support. He may be coming to OCSA to ask if we as a body will support it and may go to Senate as well.
- Brandon-We have new name tags so get to know each other and communicate. Show up to caucusing before Senate.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02p.m.