Guidelines for tenderer

Appendix 9 contains DanskeRegioner’s participation.

The tenderer is not supposed to fill in or complete this appendix.

This appendix is not in its entirety a minimum requirement. However, requirements based on this appendix are also stated in appendix 3 and thus minimum requirements, cf. appendix 3. Reservations may not be made to fundamental elements of other parts of this appendix, cf. clause in the tender specifications.


Production and Delivery of New Danish Health Insurance Cards

Appendix 9 - Testing and approval

This Appendix 9 has been drawn up in pursuance of the Contract and shall form an integral part thereof.

  1. Definitions

The Definitions shall apply to this Appendix 9.

In addition to the Definitions, the definitions stated below shall likewise apply to this Appendix 9 and the rest of the Contract:

“Design Phase” shall mean the phase described in clause 4 of this Appendix 9.

“Installation Phase” shall mean the phase described in clause 5 of this Appendix 9.

“Test Production Phase” shall mean the phase described in clause 6 of this Appendix 9.

  1. Testing and approval

This Appendix 9 shall apply to the period from the Effective Date and during the remaining of the Contract. According to the Time Schedule, this period is divided into the following four phases:

  • The Design Phase
  • The Installation Phase
  • The Test Production Phase
  • The Operation Phase

This Appendix 9 addresses testing and approval in these four phases.

  1. Common rules for testing and approval

3.1The purpose of testing and approval

Testing and approval in the Design Phase shall have the primary purpose of establishing whether the requirements for the Card set out in the Contract have been met. Testing and approval in the Installation- and the Test Production Phases shall have the primary purpose of establishing whether the Supplier can deliver the Deliverables before and after the Operation Phase, cf Appendix 4.

3.2Execution of the tests

The date of the execution of the tests is set out in Appendix 4, Time Schedule.

Furthermore, testing shall be carried out in accordance with clause 8 of the Contract and this Appendix 9 unless otherwise expressly agreed between DanskeRegioner and the Supplier in the steering group established in accordance with Appendix 10.

3.3Approval of tests

A test shall be deemed to have been passed when the requirements for the test result have been met and documented and when the test has been approved by DanskeRegioner.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed between DanskeRegioner and the Supplier, the Supplier shall promptly draw up a report when a test is completed. The report and other relevant material shall be submitted to DanskeRegioner for approval. DanskeRegioner shall immediately acknowledge receipt by e-mail of the report, etc., and shall inform the Supplier in writing within 2 Working Days whether the test is approved. If a test is not approved, the reason for the rejection shall be stated.

3.4Remedyof defectsidentified

If DanskeRegioner approves a test with identified defects, such defects shall be remedied by the Supplier before production of the Card can be commenced.DanskeRegioner shall not be obliged to approve the test until such defects have been remedied.

  1. Testing and approval in the Design Phase

Following DanskeRegioner’s approval of the design of the Card, the Supplier shall initiate testing of the physical properties of the Card in accordance with the ISO standard 7810:2003. Unless otherwise expressly agreed between the Parties, the ISO standard 7810:2003shall be verified by the physical tests listed in table 1 (cf. below) which are further described in ISO/IEC 10373-1:2006 & Amd. 1:2012.

In addition to the above test, DanskeRegioner shall be entitled to select and conduct a limited number of tests for verification of the physical properties of the Card. Such tests shall be conducted in accordance with the above mentioned standards.

The date of start-up and completion of these tests appears from Appendix 4, Time Schedule.

Table 1 - Testing in relation to ISO standard 7810:2003
Testing in relation to ISO standard 7810:2003 is:
  • Measurement and control of the length, width and thickness of the Card
  • Checking of smoothness of the corners of the Card
  • Bendingstiffness
  • Flammability
  • Resistance to chemicals
  • Toxicity
  • Card dimensional stability and warpage at various temperatures and humidity
  • Resistance to deterioration from exposure to light
  • Durability in normal use. Test standards to be agreed between DanskeRegionerog the Supplier*
  • Resistance to delamination
  • Adhesion of stackedCards
  • Optical properties of machine readable Cards
  • Warpage of the Card’s surface
  • Temperatureresistance
  • Unevenness of surface
  • Contamination of material and migration of other substances

Testing of the Card’s magnetic stripe shall be carried out in accordance with ISO/IEC 7811-6:2008 & corr. 1:2010 and verification according to ISO/IEC 10373-2:2006 & Corr. 1:2010.
*) For testing of durability, DanskeRegioner shall be entitled to carry out an abrasion test. The Supplier shall be given instructions with respect to the specific requirements for the abrasion testing of the lamination foil.

4.1Approval of the Design Phase

For DanskeRegioner’s approval of the design of the Card, the Supplier shall submit to DanskeRegioner the necessary graphical material and written documentation of test results, including but not limited to chromalins or similar, as well as 20 physical copies of the Card.

DanskeRegioner will inform the Supplier in writing, cf. clause 3.3 of this Appendix 9, whether the design of the Card is approved.

  1. Testing and approval in the Installation Phase

The Installation Phase shall at least include the tests set out in table 2.

Table 2 - Testing in the Installation Phase
  • Testing of IT integration
  • Installation test

The specific contents of the tests set out in table 2 shall be subject to a more specific agreement between DanskeRegioner and the Supplier in the steering group established after the Effective Date pursuant to Appendix 10.

Testing of the IT integration between the Supplier’s IT system and IT Service Provider, however, shall include at least a number of test runs to ensure that the IT integration between IT Service Provider and the Supplier is satisfactory and reliable. Appendices 2.f and 2.gcontain more specific details of the interfaces whereby data are made available to the Supplier.

Testing of the IT integration shall be included in the installation test, and the latter shall include an installation run for the entire communication process from collection of data to the finished Cards. The installation test shall furthermore detect any critical stages in the production and test the operations and quality controls which are expected to be included in the operations- and quality manual.

5.1Approval of the Installation Phase

For DanskeRegioner’s approval of the installation test, the Supplier shall submit the necessary documentation, including but not limited to a) Documentation of positive IT test runs, b) Documentation that the installed production system complies with the requirements set out in Appendix 3.

DanskeRegioner will inform the Supplier in writing, cf. clause 3.3 of this Appendix 9, whether the Installation Phase is approved.

Before start-up of the next phase, DanskeRegioner shall furthermore approve the physical properties of the Card. This is done by approval of the test results of the Card's physical properties in accordance with ISO 7810:2003, cf. clause 4 above.

The Supplier shall send the test results to DanskeRegioner, who will follow the approval procedure set out in clause 3.

  1. Testing in the Test Production Phase

The Test Production Phase shall include at least the tests set out in table 3:

Table 3 - Testing in the Test Production Phase
  • Testing of faultyproduction
  • Detailed system testing

The specific contents of the tests set out in table 3 shall be subject to a specific agreement between DanskeRegioner and the Supplier in the steering group established after the Effective Date pursuant to Appendix 10.

Testing of faulty production shall include at least a testing of the Supplier’s method of registering faults in the production as well as testing of the remedial action implemented by the Supplier in case of registration and detection of faults in the production.

DanskeRegioner considers the detailed system testing a reality test of a fully operational production system. The overall purpose of the test is to demonstrate that the Supplier is able to run the 0 production and thereby ready to start the series production of the Card.

6.1Approval of the Test Production Phase

  • Approval of testing of faulty production: The Supplier shall send documentation to DanskeRegioner showing, inter alia, the cause of the faulty production, the scope and the subsequent remedial action.
  • Approval of the detailed system testing: DanskeRegioner and the Supplier shall agree on the documentation to be submitted by the Supplier for approval of the detailed system testing.
  • Approval of the finished operations and quality manuals: The finalisation and approval of the operations- and quality manuals shall be carried out on the basis of the test production.
  • Approval of the Master Card: In connection with the test production, a Master Card shall be selected and deposited with both the Supplier and DanskeRegioner. This Card shall be used as reference card and shall form part of the quality control of the Card.
  • Approval of the 0 production: According to specific agreement with DanskeRegioner, the Supplier shall submit documentation of the 0 production in the form of reporting from the production, quality control, etc., as well as a Specimen Card.
  1. Final approvals

Approval of the production phase shall entitle the Supplier to start up operations. Approval of the Test Production Phase shall take place prior to the agreed operation phase, cf. Appendix 4.

Prior to the operation phase, the Supplier shall inform DanskeRegioner of the drawn up communications procedure with IT Service Provider.

  1. Final QualityTest

Immediately after the Final Delivery Date, a Final Quality Test shall be carried out in order to control the delivery time and the quality of the Delivered Cards.

The Final Quality Test shall be carried out as a telephone survey in 1 – 3 rounds by a recognized third party telephone survey provider to a statistically representative number of the Insured immediately after the Supplier’s Delivery of all of the Cards to the Insured. The telephone survey shall be conducted in accordance with best market practice by the third party telephone survey supplier in order, on an objective basis, to conclude the actual delivery time and quality of the delivered Cards.

The first round of the telephone survey shall be carried out at DanskeRegioner’s expense 1 August 2014 or immediately hereafter.

If the first round of the survey shows delayed or defective Cards subject to penalty, DanskeRegioner shall have the right to have carried out a second round of the survey at the Supplier’s expense on 8 August 2014 (or immediately hereafter).

If the second round of the survey shows delayed or defective Cards subject to penalty, DanskeRegioner shall have the right to have carried out a third round of the survey at the Supplier’s expense on 15 August 2014 (or immediately hereafter).

The percentage of faulty Cards and late delivered Cards registered through the telephone survey shall be perceived as the total percentage of faulty and/or late Cards in all Delivered Cards and shall be binding to the Parties when calculating a possible penalty.


Production and Delivery of New Danish Health Insurance Cards