TENDER NO.1864/Dist.



Sr.Manager (Material Management)

LESCO Ltd. 22-A Queens Road, Lahore


Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) invites sealed bids from PEPCO / WAPDA / DISCO’s Pre-qualified & Registered manufacturers, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department for supply of following material:-

Submission of Bids / Opening of Bids
1864 / Insulated Wasp Conductor / Km / 150 / 20.10.2016 At 10:30 A.M. / 20.10.2016At 11:00 A.M.

Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification / rejection of bids, performance guarantee etc., are available for the interested bidders at 3rd Floor, Room No.312 office of the Manager (Material Management) LESCO Ltd., 22-A Queens Road, Lahore. Price of bidding documents is Rs.1,000/- each tender (non-refundable). Bidding documents can also be downloaded from website at free of cost just for reading purpose.

The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at 3rd Floor, Room No.312 office of the Manager (Material Management) LESCO Ltd., 22-A Queens Road, Lahore on or before above mentioned closing timings & dates. Bids will be opened on the same day at aforesaid dates & timings. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at

22-A Queens Road Lahore Ph. # 99204842, Fax # 99204843

Due by 10:30 AM on 20.10.2016

  • Tender will be opened at 11:00 AM on 20.10.2016
  • Tender shall remain valid for 120-days after opening date.
/ Addl. Manager (M.M)
LESCO Ltd. Lahore

Name of Bidder______

No / Description of Stores / Specification
(Amended to date) / Quantity
(Km) / FCS Unit Rate in Pak Rs. W/O 17% GST.
1. / Insulated Conductor Wasp / DD-PD-44:91 / 150

Delivery Schedule:-

“50% quantity shall be supplied within 60 days and remaining 50% quantity shall be delivered from 61st day to 90th dayfrom the date of issue of purchase order or from the date of Establishment of L/C (if applicable). Delivery period is the essence of the Contract and delivery must be completed not later than the dates specified. The terms “Delivery Date” shall mean the date of 1st day of Inspection or 15th day of Inspection Call whichever is earlier, shall be reckoned as date of delivery of Store to Consignee provided the goods accepted for supply have been delivered within 20-days of issue of Inspection Certificate subject to the condition that the supplier / manufacturer offers the material for Inspection at least 15-days prior to the due date and the offer is not rejected due to being a fake call or material not conforming to the specification.

Note:-This tender is governed by General Conditions of Contract for purchase by WAPDA dated 12/8/1984, amended to date and latest purchase procedure PPRA-2004 amended to date.


1.In case of any specific occurrence the shares will be distributed on the basis of previous performance in supplies against DISCOs Purchase Orders, manufacturing capacity / capability etc.

2.Conditional Bids / Rates will not be entertained / accepted.

3.Bid submission / Tender opening date & timings shall be observed strictly.

4.You have to submit the requisite Certificate dully filled in, regarding the Declaration of Fees, Commission & Brokerage etc paid by you about Goods, Services & Works.

5.Cartel / pool rates are strictly prohibited. The firms found involved in collusive practice shall be dealt under PPRA Rules / PEPCO instructions.

6.You are required to submit necessary declaration regarding use of prime material as per Annex-A.

7.In case of holiday announced by the Govt. of Pakistan, strike in LESCO or any other reasons what so ever due to which this office remains closed on the above scheduled tender opening date, the tender will be opened on next working day at same time and place / venue.

Stamp & Signature of bidders


  1. Method of Procurement: Single stage one envelope procedure as per PPRA Clause-36(a) shall be adopted for open competitive bidding. Each bid shall comprise one single envelope containingfinancial proposal and technical proposal (if any).
  2. Only one FCS rate should be quoted for supply of Stores at Regional Store Shalamar, Lahorewithout involving any foreign exchange element.
  3. The rate shall be quoted for full quantity of respective items and the bidders shall not be allowed to quote partial quantity in the item / tender”.
  4. The quoted FCS prices, exclusive of applicable percentage of sales tax shall be firm and final and not subject to escalation for any reason what so ever. The conditional prices shall not be accepted.

5. The prices include the present duties, taxes and 0.5% inspection fee. In case however the present duties and taxes are increased or new taxes/duties are imposed on finished goods by the Govt. during the currency of the contract, the same will be paid extra on production of documentary evidence. In case of decrease in duties/taxes by the Govt., the price will be decreased accordingly.

6.Bid Bond / Security:In order to be considered, the tender must be accompanied by bid security equal to 2% of the total amount quoted by a bidder valid for 120-daysafter the date of tender opening in the form of Bank Draft or Pay Order drawn on a schedule Bank of Pakistan or in lieu thereof a Bank / Bid Guarantee issued by a Schedule Bank of Pakistan on the specified Proforma. In case, the tenderer withdraws his tender / offer during the period of tender validity or successful tenderer fails to furnish the required Performance Bond / Security or sign the Contract Agreement/ Acknowledgment of the Purchase Order, the amount of Bid Bond / Tender Security will be forfeited in favour of LESCO. The Bid Security from any Insurance Company will not be acceptable in any case and Bid will be liable for rejection.

7. Performance Bond / Security:Successful bidder will have to submit a Performance Bond / Security in the shape of Bank Draft/Bank Guarantee from a Scheduled Bank of Pakistan on the prescribed form (valid for 12-months from the receipt of last consignment) equal to 5% of the total value of contract within 7-days from the date of issue of LOI. In case of further delay due to late submission of performance bond, Purchase Order may be issued after deducting the delayed period from the legitimate delivery schedule mentioned in the LOI or bidding documents.Bank Guarantee shall be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of value as prescribed by the Government. The Performance security shall be furnished with the acceptance of Letter of Intent and before the formal issuance of the Purchase Order. Guarantee & Performance Bond be furnished on Non judicial Stamp Paper of value Rs 100/-. However, WAPDA Bonds, as security in lieu of tender/bid guarantee/earnest money or performance bond as per procedure in vogue, are also acceptable.

8. The material shall be strictly according to WAPDA Specifications (amended-to-date). For items necessitating prototype approval:

a)If you do not possess the prototype approval for the offered material within last 5-years
(if applicable under PEPCO / WAPDA approved specification), you shall have to obtain the prototype approval from the office of Chief Engineer (Design & Standard) NTDC L-48,
Block-N Model Town Extension,Lahorebefore start of mass production. Drawings and prototype samples for prototype testing shall be offered within 30-days from the date of issue of purchase order to Chief Engineer (Design & Standard)NTDC. The Chief Engineer (Design & Standard)NTDC will accord approval of offered prototype within 30-days from the date of receipt of prototype call. All expenses including testing charges, Traveling, Boarding / Lodging & Daily Allowance etc, of two NTDC/WAPDA/LESCO Engineers shall be borne by the manufacturer / supplier. The testing will be carried out at manufacturer’s premises/HV&SC Lab Rawat/RTL Faisalabad or any other independent Lab of International repute like KEMA Holland, CRIEPI Lab Japan, CESI Lab Italy to be approved by Chief Engineer (Design & Standard) NTDC.

b)If the prototype sample fails, the material shall be improved and re-offered for prototype testing to Chief Engineer (Design & Standard) NTDC. The time taken for improvement in sample and re-submission of drawings will not entitle the manufacturer to claim extension in delivery period on this account.

c)Any changes suggested in the material and drawings during prototype testing for compliance of specifications and purchase orders shall have to be incorporated without any extra price claim.

9.The word WAPDA E.D. for marking if specified in the specification shall be replaced with the word “THE LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY” or LESCO, with PO No. & year of manufacturing together with other essential markings.

10.Warranty: Warranty and Packing of the offered material shall govern as per above mentioned standard specification.

11.Evaluation Criteria:

Technical and Commercial Evaluation / Comparison of tender bids will be carried out on item / lot-wise FCS unit price basis. Bid will be considered non-responsive if the bidder’s previous two-year performance against WAPDA/DISCOs/ local / international contracts is not satisfactory.The material shall be supplied as per legitimate delivery schedule strictly according to WAPDA Standard specifications (amended-to-date).Any deviations in tender specification shall be liable for the rejection of tender.Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis:-

  1. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the words and figures the amount in words shall prevail.
  2. If there is a discrepancy between the total Tender price entered in Form of Tender and the total shown in Schedule of Prices. The amount stated in the Form of Tender will be corrected by the Purchaser/Engineer in accordance with the Corrected Schedule of Prices.
  3. If the Tenderer does not accept the corrected amount of Tender, his Tender will be rejected and his Tender Security forfeited.
  4. Tenders indicating the delivery beyond date specified in Tender Schedule will be declared non-responsive.
  5. The bidder must be registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Department.

11.1Bid may be rejected forthwith if:-

i-The bidder submits substantially incomplete bid or only the copies of the bid are submitted without original bid.

ii-The bid is submitted on other than the prescribed from or is incomplete or conditional.

iii-The bid is illegible in any material, part or contains alternations, additions, deletions, erasers or other irregularities.

iv-Not accompanied with a bid guarantee or with insufficient or unacceptable bid guarantee.

v-Submitted by a bidder who has previously failed to perform properly works of similar nature

vi-Bid is in some way connected with bids submitted under names different from his own.

vii-The offer is not accompanied with schedule of technical data and schedule of deviation (if any) duly filled in and signed (in duplicate).


Inspection of the material will be carried out at your works by the Chief Engineer (M.I) NTDC office along-with LESCO inspection teamif required by the purchaser / competent authority. Notice in writing shall have to be given to the office of C.E (MI) NTDC by you under intimation to this officewhen the store against the order is ready for inspection. All reasonable facilities as provided in the specifications or followed by the Industry or Trade in General shall have to be afforded to the inspecting Officers by you at your expense for carrying out Inspection.Stage inspection may also be carried out if necessary.


The payment will be made directly by the CFO LESCO Limited Lahore or through confirmed & irrevocable inland letter of credit at sight from scheduled bank of Pakistan. All charges relating to L/C opening and negotiation together with subsequent amendments shall be borne by the contractor. The payment / negotiation of L/C will be made on presentation of following documents:-

i)Invoice of the supplied material in triplicate duly approved by Sr. Manager (M.M)LESCO and pre-audited by the Finance Director LESCO.

ii)Delivery Challan duly acknowledged by the consignee.

iii)GRN issued by Regional Store Manager Shalamar LESCO Ltd. Lahore.

iv)Warranty Certificate.

v)Inspection Certificate issued by authorized representative of Chief Engineer, Material Inspection NTDC / LESCO inspection team.

vi)Confirmation letter of acceptance of performance Security by the Sr.Manager (MM) LESCO.

vii)Copy of General Sales Tax / Excise Duty Invoice.

viii)1/5th of GST amount will be deducted at the time of making payment as per FBR rules.

ix)The manufacturer / supplier in its invoices shall also give an undertaking, in case of omission of any deduct-able amount; LESCO’s claim at any later stage (through pre-audit / post audit) shall be acceptable to them.

x)While raising invoice for the material supplied, the firm shall vividly mention the account number as well as the name of the bank and branch enabling Finance Director office to release payment thereof accordingly.

xi)As per directions of FBR dated. 3.9.2015 conveyed vide C.E (Operation) PEPCO vide letter No. 1918-28 dated. 17.09.2015, the payment to the registered persons may be linked with the active taxpayer status of the suppliers as per FBR database. If any registered supplier is not in ATL his payment should be stopped till he files his mandatory returns and appears on ATL of FBR.


14.The payment of Sales Tax shall be made on production of Sales Tax return cumpayment Challan. In case of manufacturers who pay lump sum sales tax, they shall also submit an affidavit on non-judicial paper that the Challan includes the amount of Rs. ______of Sales tax for supply of the mentioned items.

15.In case of receipt of payment through L.C, the delivery period shall be commenced from the date of establishment of L/C. On receipt of the P.O. the bidder shall submit copy of the P.O. accepted on each page and other information/documents for establishment of letter of credit directly to CFO LESCO within 07 days otherwise the commencement of delivery period shall be reckoned from the date of issue of this purchase order.

16.LESCO reserves the right to increase / decrease the quantities upto 15% at the time of placing award or through repeat order after award / issue of Purchase Order during the currency of contract or within 6-months from the date of issue of P.O which ever is later on the same rate, terms and conditions.

17. LESCO reserves rights to accept or reject any tender and to annul the tender process and reject all tenders, at any time, prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability or obligation to inform to Tenderers and the grounds for the purchaser’s action

18.Tenders submitted through Telex, Telegraph, FAX or E.Mail shall not be considered.

19.After opening the tender if it is established that the bidders have quoted a Single price then LESCO reserves the right either to scrap the tender and invite fresh tender or totake any decision as deemed fit for LESCO.

20.Over and above normal inspection, the office of Chief Engineer (MI) Lahore will carry out all type tests including the routine tests once during the currency of P.O. at RTL Faisalabad / HVSC Rawat or any other independent laboratory approved by the department. The testing charges of the offered material, if any, shall be borne by the bidder.

21.SUBMISSION OF BID: The complete offer in Triplicate (Original & Two Copies) should be filled as under:-

i)The original Bid and other enclosed documents shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the bidder to the Contract. The letter of authorization shall be indicated by written power-of-attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid.

ii)The Bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or over-writing except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid.

iii)The bidder shall clearly mention all information precisely regarding bid validity, delivery schedule, terms of payment and the schedule of technical data / Literature. Any incomplete information as required shall render the offer for rejection.

iv)The tender prepared by the tenderer and all correspondences and documents relating to the tender shall be written in English Language.

v)No tender may be modified by a tenderer after dead line for submission of tender.


  1. The bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in an inner envelope, duly marking the envelope as “Original” or “Copy”. The inner envelope shall then be enclosed in an outer envelope. In the event of discrepancy between them the Original shall prevail.
  1. The inner and outer envelopes shall be:

a)addressed to the purchaser at the following address.