March 20, 2015
Brothers and Sisters,
Due to the large number of 1069 members retiring at the end of the month, we asking for your help to see everyone who will be going out. We will be visiting the shop floor on Thursday, March 26th, and Friday, March 27th, for pictures. We are setting up locations around the site for retiring members to meet at so we can expedite the picture-taking process. This will allow your leadership to visit with everyone involved. The locations are as follows and are the same for all shifts, as appropriate:
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Time Area Location (same for all shifts)
1st shift
South Side
9:15 AM 3-57/3-60 Buildings Main aisle, middle of 3-60
9:45 AM 3-61 Building Main aisle, cross of aisles
10:30 AM Flight Test 3-96 Hangar
North Side
12:00 PM 3-07 Building Front of shops by offices
12:30 PM 3-12 Building Front of building by dock
12:45 PM Maintenance area in 3-25 Building Break area
1:00 PM 3-25 Building, all assembly/non-Maintenance Main aisles cross, near cockpit
1:45 PM 3-31 Building Critical Cell area
2:10 PM Whirl Tower Break area
2nd shift
North Side South Side
3:00 PM 3-31 Building 4:45 PM Flight Test
3:20 PM 3-25 Building Assembly 5:00 PM 3-61Building
3:40 PM Maintenance 5:25 PM 3-57/3-60 Buildings
4:00 PM 3-12 Building
4:20 PM 3-07 Building
3rd shift 5:00 AM 3-07 Building 5:30 AM Maintenance
Your Shop Steward will be your contact for gathering at the appointed area and appointed times. They will have a list of the retirees from their zone and let those folks know when and where to be somewhere.
Don’t forget the Monthly Membership Meeting this Sunday, March 22, 2015, starting promptly at 10:00. Be sure to bring your union card and arrive before 10:00!
There will be another Softball Tournament this year! It is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 2015, at Marcus Hook fields. We will be accepting 8 teams for the tournament. All players must be Boeing employees. Games start at 9:00 AM. The entry fee is $200 per team and is being held as a benefit for the Daily Times Champs n Charity Softball Tournament American Cancer Society efforts. Contact Joe Anthony, 610-999-0890, Matt Rogers 610-506-0404, or Jim Rugh 484-574-2853.
The Spring Golf Tournament will be held Friday April 24, 2015, at Del Castle golf course in Wilmington. It will be a shotgun start at 1:00 PM. Registration starts 11:30 AM. If you want a golf shirt from the event, you will need to register by March 27th. Shirts are also available for sale for $40. It is a sweat wicking shirt, perfect for hot golfing days. Contact Joe Anthony, 610-999-0890, or Jason Bonacquisti, 610-656-7228.
Yours in Solidarity,
Chris Owens, President
UAW Local 1069