These are the draft minutes of Timberland Parish Council meeting held at Timberland Village Hall on Monday 6th March 2017.


Public Remarks/Questions:

A parishioner expressed concerns about the amount of dog fouling in the Green Space.

Cllr. Audis explained that he does check the green space and the area around it. He has noted that the bins were clearly being used and also that someone had stolen all the poo bags from the machine.

A general discussion place with regard to signs and possibly using other disposal bags.

Cllr. Audis had a draft letter which originally had been drafted by NKDC.

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat to re-draft and volunteers to deliver the letter.

Any named people allowing their dogs to foul can be reported to the Neighbourhood Policing Team who can follow this up.

Cllr Audisto let Cllr Kornat have the original colour poster and she will reproduce to put around the village.

The Phone Box: it was agreed at the start of the meeting this item should be brought forward to discuss in order to allow parishioners to be part of the discussion before leaving the meeting.

A general discussion took place which included Cllr. Audis explaining that a meeting had taken place with the Community Heart Beat Trust (CHBT) and 3 Parish Councillors. Cllr. Sharman explained that BT had transferred ownership of the telephone box to the CHBT some time ago.

The cost of a defibrillator is about £2000 including all additional costs. Funding for the kit can be applied for through grant funding and the ownership could be with the CHBT. The CHBT would then be responsible for monitoring the use and maintenance of it. The maintenance fee is £120.00 per year and this cost would need to be paid by the Parish.

The electricity already in the telephone box is free and will continue to be so.

Training can be provided although it not essential for everyone to do this.

The phone box can be used for other purposes e.g. library, notice boards etc.

(a separate written report was produced by Cllr. Sharman and is available on request)

A parishioner had contacted the Clerk to say that he didn’t think it was necessary to have a defibulator in the village.

Agreed: All present agreed that further exploration should take place, taking advice from CHBT on the basis that the CHBT will own and monitor the equipment, should the grant application be successful.

Proposed: Cllr. Kornat Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

With regard to the additional use of the telephone box it was agreed to that it should be measured for use as a notice board.

Agreed: Cllr. Stirling to take the measurements and estimate the costs to feed back to the Council and if costs is £30 or below the work can be carried out.

Proposed: Cllr. Sharplin Seconded: Cllr. Sharman

All agreed


Cllrs E Kornat, G. Sharplin, T Audis (Chair), J. Sharman, I Stirling and District Cllr. Ogden. The Parish Clerk

3 members of the Public (Village Hall Committee Members) for part of the meeting.

Meeting recorded for minute purposes.

1. Apologies

Cllrs. Bradwell, Matthan, Phillips and Fawcus

2. Declaration of Interests

Cllr. Kornatt declared an interest in the discussion with regard to the website and the possible involvement of her husband to be discussed on the agenda.

3. Minutes from the meeting in January 2017.

The minutes were an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed: Cllr. Sharman Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed.

Matters arising

4. County and District Councillor Reports

4.1 Cllr. Ogden reported that the Council has yet to agree the Council tax but this will be agreed by the end of the week.

4.2 Cllr. Ogden confirmed that dog bins will no longer be charged for.

4.3 Church Lane Sign

Agreed: Cllr. Ogden to chase as well as the Clerk

5. Planning


6. Highways

6.1 Potholes

Agreed: Clerk to chase up email and also to contact by the telephone.

6.2 Church Lane Dyke

Work Completed

6.3 Fen Road Tree

Work completed

6.4 Church Lane Sign

Agreed: Clerk to follow up with Cllr. Matthan

6.5 Overgrown Hedge.

Agreed: Clerk to follow up after having sent a letter last year.

6.6 No 1 West Street

Complaints had been made about the mess on the pavement.

Agreed: Cllr. Stirling to follow this up and report back to the council.

7. Insurance Review

A general discussion took place regarding the Village Hall insurance, specifically with a view to making savings by amalgamating the Village Hall Insurance and the Parish Council Insurance.

Agreed: Clerk to review with Gynna Holmes to review insurance quotes.

8. Timberland Green

8.1 Summer Event

Cllr. Kornat suggested an event in the summer after the success of last year,

Agreed: This event to be held on Saturday 5th August 2017 and agenda for the next meeting.

Proposed by: Cllr. Stirling Seconded by: Cllr. Sharplin

8.2 Servicing of Mower

It was clarified that servicing of the mower was to be undertaken by Cllr. Phillips without charge allowing for up to £50 for parts including oil, parts etc. as previously agreed.

8.3 Horse Manure Spillage

The Clerk confirmed that she had emailed Diane Byard requesting a call back and suggested the fence be blocked to stop the overspill.

Agreed: Cllr. Stirling to move forward with this and Cllrs Audis and Sharplin to meet the following Monday to look at what needs doing to the hedge.

9. Parish Items

9.1 Standing Orders Update

These have been distributed to the whole council and any amendments have been taken into account. The code of conduct to remain the same.

Agreed: The Standing Orders to be adopted at the AGM in 2017. Once these have been officially adopted each Councillor will be given a copy.

Proposed: Cllr. Sharplin Seconded: Cllr. Sharman

All agreed

Thanks were extended to Cllrs. Kornat and Sharman.

9.2 Parish Website

Cllr. Fawcus has now confirmed that due to work commitments she is unable to work on the website.

Kevin Will has agreed to work with the Clerk to improve the site.

Agreed: Kevin Will and Clerk to meet before the next meeting. Clerk to make contact and give access to the site.

Clerk to apply for funding to cover any additional hours needed and any additional equipment.

Proposed: Cllr. Stirling Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

Clerk to write to Kevin Will to say thank you for agreeing to support the Council.

9.3 Community Market Update

Cllr. Kornat reported that the Community Market is continuing to work in partnership with the village hall and the Parish Council. A meeting had recently taken place with representatives. The decision had been made not to charge stall holders as sufficient money was raised with the raffle, counter sales and donations.

Any money raised will be put towards an extractor fan for the kitchen and improved shelving for the library.

9.4 Telephone Box

Previously discussed.

9.5 Litter Problem

Agreed: Clerk to have a discussion with the litter picker to ensure the areas are cleared and that the correct bin is used to dispose of the litter.

Clerk to ensure that the litter picker is keeping a record of areas covered and when litter picking is undertaken to ensure transparency should questions be raised by parishioners.

10. Clerks Report

10.1 Finance

10.1.1 Cheques agreed for payment:

100523 LALC £65

100524 Clerk £371.95

100525 Litter Picker £63.36

100526 HMRC £198.23

100527 Greenhouse £25.00

Proposed: Cllr. Stirling Seconded: Cllr. Stirling

All agreed

10.1.2 VAT return

The Vat re-claim amountof £1110 has now been paid into the bank although the mid -March statement has not yet arrived.

10.1.3 Signatories/bank update

The clerk reported that the bank had finally accepted all the paperwork and registration documentation was on the way to use on line banking (not for payments) to access statements on line.

10.4 Insurance

Already discussed

10.5 Street Lighting Reporting

Already discussed

10.6 Staffing Issue – discussion took place with regard to clerk hours which are currently undertaken with a view toachieving a realistic balance and distribution of tasks required.

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat to produce an updated form and send to the Clerk.

11. Date of Next Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting

Monday 22nd May 2017

7.00 Annual Parish Meeting

7.30 Parish Council Meeting

2017/2018 dates agreed to be sent out and published
