Have you ever done any of the following activities? “Number of times alcohol or drugs were involved, ” means you were on alcohol or drugs at the time or you were doing the activity in order to get alcohol or drugs to take.

Age firstAge lastEver doneNo. of timesNo. of timesNo. of timesNo. of times

did thisdid thiswithouteverever happenedever happenedever happened

alc./drugshappenedwith alcoholwith marijuanawith another

involvedinvolvedinvolveddrug involved

1. Stolen (or tried to steal) a

motor vehicle, such as a car

or motorcycle.______YN______

2. Stolen (or tried to steal)

something worth more than $50.______YN______

3. Knowingly bought, stole, or

held stolen goods (or tried to do

any of these things).______YN______

4. Carried a hidden weapon other

than a plain pocketknife.______YN______

5. Stolen (or tried to steal)

something worth $5 or less.______YN______

6. Attacked someone with the

idea of seriously hurting or

killing him/her.______YN______

7. Been paid for having sexual

relations with someone.______YN______

8. Been involved in gang fights.______YN______

9. Sold marijuana or hashish

(pot, grass, hash).______YN______

10. Hit (or threatened to hit) a

teacher or other adult at school.______YN______

11. Hit (or threatened to hit) your


12. Hit (or threatened to hit) other


13. Been loud, rowdy or unruly in

a public place (disorderly conduct).______YN______

14. Sold cocaine or crack.______YN______

15. Sold hard drugs such as

heroin or LSD.______YN______

16. Taken a vehicle for a ride

(drive) without the owner’s


17. Had (or tried to have) sexual

relations with someone against

their will.______YN______

18. Used force (strong-arm

methods) to get money or things

from other students.______YN______

19. Used force (strong-arm

methods) to get money or things

from a teacher or other adult

at school.______YN______

20. Used force (strong-arm

methods) to get money or things

from other people (not


21. Stolen (or tried to steal) things

worth between $5 and $50.______YN______

22. Broke into a building or vehicle

(or tried to break in) to steal

something or just look around.______YN______

23. Begged for money or things

from strangers.______YN______

24. Was arrested.______YN______

25. Bullied, threatened or

intimidated others.______YN______

26. Initiated physical fights.______YN______

27. Used a weapon (bat, brick,

broken bottle, knife, gun).______YN______

28. Been physically cruel to


29. Been physically cruel to


30. Set fires with the intention of

causing serious damage.______YN______

31. Destroyed others’ property on

purpose (not by fire setting).______YN______

32. Lied to obtain goods

or favors or to avoid

obligations (cons others).______YN______

33. Stayed out at night despite

house rules not to.______YN______

34. Ran away from home


35. Skipped school.______YN______

36. Could not pay bills (loans,

child support, etc.).______YN______

37. Done something (left school,

a job, etc.) before thinking of what

might happen if you did it (had no

other plans).______YN______

38. Got in trouble at work, was

late for work, or missed work.______YN______

39. Engaging in activities that

could be dangerous to yourself or

others (speeding, etc.).______YN______

40. Of the things we just discussed (theft, damaging others’ property, fighting, etc.), do you feel that you did the right thing and would do the same thing again if you were in the same situations (check one)?

___Not appropriate (rare to check this one!)___Probably do the same (probable lack of remorse)

___No, definitely not (definite remorse)___Definitely the same (definite lack of remorse)

___No, probably not (probable remorse)