Wildcat Career NetworkQuick-Start User Guide for Mentees

Welcome toCWUWildcat Career Network Mentor Program! Having a Mentor offers many benefits to both you, as the Mentee, and your Mentor. Participating in Mentoring is a great way to expand your network and get valuable career advice. To become familiar with the features and functionality of the Mentor product, here is a Quick-Start Guide to ensure you leverage all the tools. Ultimately, the experience is what you and your Mentor make out of it—with WCN Mentoring,we’ve simply given you an easy-to-use platform and access to a valuable community to enable you to have the most rewarding experience possible!

I. Mentees Accessing Mentoring

As a Mentee, you can access the Mentoring program by signing in through Career Services Wildcat Career Network and then:

  1. Navigating to it right from the Main navigation bar on your Student/Member homepage.
  2. Entering through the Mentoring ad (or element) on the left of your Student Homepage, if your system Administrator has added it.
  3. If you’ve navigated over to Experience.com, Mentoring will be available through the upper toolbar.

II. Mentee Homepage for Mentoring

Components and Functionality:

The features and functionality available to you off your Mentee Homepage include the following:

A view of the Mentors you are connected with

The Request(s) Sent by You and the status—accepted, declined or pending.

Mentor Search

1-Click Searches, or quick-link searches, if your System Administrators have created any

III. Searching for Mentors

Searching for Mentors is simple and straightforward. Simply use the quick search options available to you on the right margin of your Mentee Homepage, or select “Advanced Search” for more options. Search criteria may include: industry, job function, location, education, the type of guidance a Mentor is looking to provide, etc.

IV. Mentor Connection Requests

Viewing Search Results

Once you have run a Mentor search, results will be presented to you based on relevancy to the criteria you selected. You will see a quick snapshot of the Mentor profile and can drill in deeper by clicking on the Mentor name or selecting “View Mentor Profile”. Note: You cannot see the contact information for Mentors until you are connected.

For those Mentors who you have already sent a Mentor Connection Request to, you will see in the results if you are connected, as shown below with the “Your Mentor” reference or if your request is still pending. Otherwise, you will have the option to send a Connection Request.

Sending a Mentor Connection Request: Message Templates

Select “Send Mentor Connection Request”. From there you will see various message templates that you can use as a base to then customize accordingly. The more specific you can be about the type of guidance you are looking for, the better.

Your Email Notification Once Connected

Once your Mentor request has been accepted, you will receive an email notification. At this time, you should sign in to your system, go to your Mentee Homepage via one of the access points noted above and reach out to your new Mentor with a specific request for advice, a time to meet or talk, etc.

Pending Requests

Pending requests will expire after 30 days and you can choose to send a new connection request to the Mentoragain if desired.

V. Managing your Mentors Once Connected

From your Mentee Homepage, you can view the Mentor(s) you are connected to, click-through to the Mentor Profile, see the Mentor’s email address as the method of contact, and create tags.


Tags are a helpful tool to keep your Mentors organized based on the criteria you used to select them, keywords to categorize them, etc.

Thank you for being a part ofTheWildcat Career Network Mentoring Program.If you have any further questions on features or functionality or simply want to learn more about having a Mentor, visit the CWU Career Services Department.

CWU Career Services

400 E. University Way

Ellensburg, WA98926-7499

509/963-1921 Fax 509/963-1811