This guide aims to provide schools and workplaces with a better understanding of the evidence required to be uploaded when reporting completion of corrective actions identified during the audit.
All documents are required to be current (within 12 months).
DET workplaces are not required to upload multiple copies of the same document. Please place the following comment in the box if a document has already been provided “see relevant document as attached in OHSMS section (insert number e.g. 6.1)”.
Element 1: OHS Planning
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence• OHS Planning Procedure (DEE ESWB-02-1-4)
• OHS Activities Calendar Template / 6.1 OHS Activities Calendar / The workplace has developed and implemented an OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent. /
- Copy of the OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent
• OHS Planning Procedure (DEE ESWB-02-1-4)
• OHS Activities Calendar Template / 6.2 Initial Review of the OHS Activities Calendar / The OHS Activities Calendar includes mandatory activities. /
- Copy of the OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent
• OHS Planning Procedure (DEE ESWB-02-1-4)
• OHS Activities Calendar Template / 6.2 Initial Review of the OHS Activities Calendar
6.3 Allocating Responsibility for Activities / Responsible persons and/or resources, and the frequency in which the identified OHS activities will be implemented is clearly specified in the OHS Activities Calendar. / Copy of the OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent
• OHS Planning Procedure (DEE ESWB-02-1-4) / 6.4 On-going Review of the OHS Activities Calendar / The OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent is reviewed at least on a monthly basis or after relevant milestones or events have occurred. Records demonstrate that the activities identified in the OHS Activities Calendar have been implemented as planned. / Copy of:
- OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent; or
- Meeting minutes; or
- Emails.
The OHS Activity Calendar is reviewed and completely updated every 12 months. /
- Copy of:
- OHS Activities Calendar or equivalent; or
- Meeting minutes.
Central Office Use Only / Issue Date:March 2017 / Last Reviewed: N/A / Next Review Date:March 2019
No. DET ESWB 29-2-3 / Authorised by: Manager, ESWB
/ Evidence Guide for Reporting Completed Actions from OHS AuditElement 2: Consultation and Communication
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence• OHS Responsibilities Procedure (DET ESWB 03-3-5)
• OHS Committee Guide (DET-ESWB-03-7-1) / 3.5 Health and Safety Committee / An OHS Committee meeting schedule has been established (minimum quarterly) and is included in the OHS Activities Calendar. Minutes of the meeting are being recorded and displayed on the OHS Noticeboard. /
- Copy of OHS Committee meeting minutes
• OHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (DET ESWB-03-2-6)
• Health and Safety Representative Guide (DET ESWB-03-5-1) / 3.2.2 Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) / Nominations for a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) have been called in the last 12 months. / Copy of:
- Emails; or
- Newsletters; or
- nomination form; or
- meeting minutes.
• OHS Responsibilities Procedure (DET ESWB 03-3-5) / 3.4 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) / The Health and Safety Representative (HSR) has completed the required training. /
- Training certificate
• OHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (DET ESWB-03-2-6) / 3.2.3 Determining Appropriate Communication Forums / Communication forums where OHS is discussed as a standing agenda item have been established and are held on a monthly basis (e.g. staff meetings). / Copy of
- Meeting minutes; or
- Copy of meeting agendas.
• OHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (DET ESWB-03-2-6)
• OHS Notice Board Guide (DET ESWB 03-6-1) / 3.2 Implementing Communication and Consultation Processes / At least one OHS Notice Board is established in the workplace. /
- Photograph of OHS Notice Board(s)
OHS Notice Boards are displayed and contain the minimum 11 mandatory items.
• OHS Consultation and Communication Procedure (DET ESWB-03-2-6) / 3.1.2 Communication Requirements / Safety signage has been appropriately selected, displayed and maintained. /
- Photograph of relevant safety signage
Element 3: Risk and Hazards Management
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence• OHS Risk Management Procedure (DEE ESWB-04-1-5) / 6.1 OHS Risk Register / An OHS Risk Register has been developed for the school or workplace. /
- Copy of OHS Risk Register
• OHS Risk Management Procedure (DEE ESWB-04-1-5) / 6.3 Ongoing review of the OHS Risk Register
6.7 OHS Risk Register / The OHS Risk Register is reviewed and updated on an annual basis or when required. /
- Copy of OHS Risk Register
• Workplace Inspection Procedure (DEE ESWB-20-1-4) / 6.1 Identifying areas subject to Workplace Inspection
6.6 Record Keeping / Regular OHS inspections are undertaken for all relevant school or workplace areas using the OHS Inspection Checklist. The results are reviewed by the Workplace Manager or OHS Nominee to verify that identified risk are being adequately managed. / Copy of:
- Completed OHS Inspection checklists; or
- OHS Activities Calendar.
• OHS Risk Management Procedure (DEE ESWB-04-1-5) / 6.5 Guidance on the DET Risk Management Methodology / All relevant OHS hazards for the school or workplace have been identified and listed in the OHS Risk Register. /
- Copy of OHS Risk Register
Control measures for the OHS hazards identified in the OHS Risk Register have been defined following the Hierarchy of Controls. /
- Copy of OHS Risk Register
The residual risk level for the OHS hazards identified in the OHS Risk Register for the workplace have been assessed and the risk levels are appropriate. /
- Copy of OHS Risk Register
Element 3.5: Hazards Management
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence may include• Hazardous Building Material's Procedure (DEE ESWB-16-2-4)
• Division 5 Asbestos Audit Report / 6.1 Identifying and Assessing Hazardous Building Materials / A current Division 5 Asbestos Audit Report is available at the workplace. /
- A copy of the front page of the current Division 5 Asbestos Audit Report showing the school name and date of audit.
• Hazardous Building Material's Procedure (DEE ESWB-16-2-4)
• Asbestos Management Plan (DET ESWB 16-2-2) / 6.1 Identifying and Assessing Hazardous Building Materials / A School Asbestos Management Plan has been developed and implemented. /
- A copy of the current School Asbestos Management.
• Asbestos Management Plan (DET ESWB 16-2-2) / 1.4 Asbestos Audit Report, Asbestos Register and Asbestos Label Register / A current (updated within the last 3 months) Asbestos Register and Asbestos Label Register are available. / Copy of:
- Asbestos Register
- Asbestos Label Register.
• Hazardous Building Material's Procedure (DEE ESWB-16-2-4)
• Asbestos Management Plan (DET ESWB 16-2-2) / 6.3.3 Training on Hazardous Building Materials 1.3 Asbestos Training / The school Principal, Asbestos Coordinator and other relevant personnel are appropriately trained in DET provided Asbestos Awareness Training and the online Asbestos Management eLearning Module. / Copy of:
- Certificates from completion of eLearning module.
• Hazardous Building Material's Procedure (DEE ESWB-16-2-4)
• Asbestos Management Plan (DET ESWB 16-2-2) / 6.3.1 Control Measures / Asbestos removal works are conducted following the School Asbestos Management Plan. / Copy of:
- clearance certificates
- air monitoring results
- Division 6 Audit Report
- Completed Asbestos Removal Completion Form
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.1 Identify Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances / All dangerous goods and hazardous substances in the workplace are identified and recorded in a Chemical Register. /
- A copy of the chemical register.
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.2 Chemical Register and Material Safety Data Sheets / A current Material Safety Data Sheet (M)SDS is available for all dangerous goods and hazardous substances in the workplace. /
- A copy of a current Safety Data Sheet.
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.4 Risk Assessment of, and Safe Work Procedure for the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances / Documented risk assessments have been completed for all tasks involving the use of dangerous goods and/or hazardous substances and include details of risk controls. /
- A copy of completed risk assessment for a chemical process.
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.8 Labelling / Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances in the workplace are clearly and appropriately labelled. /
- A photograph a chemical container where a new label has been applied.
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.10 Storage / Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances in the workplace are stored in appropriate storage areas. /
- A photograph of the chemical storage area.
• Chemical Management Procedure (DEE ESWB 17-1-4) / 6.12 Chemical Waste and Disposal of Chemicals / Chemical waste is collected and disposed of appropriately and records are retained of disposal certificates from an EPA-approved waste contractor. /
- A copy of the disposal certificate from an EPA-approved waste contractor.
Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment Procedure (DEE ESWB-15-1-4) / 6.1 Identify Electrical Equipment / Electrical equipment in the workplace has been identified and recorded on the Electrical Equipment Register (or contractor's equivalent). /
- A copy of the Electrical Equipment Register.
Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment Procedure (DEE ESWB-15-1-4) / 6.2 Testing of Electrical Equipment / Electrical equipment in the workplace is regularly inspected, tested and tagged. /
- A photograph of electrical equipment showing the date that it was tested on the tag.
Manual Handling Procedure (DEE ESWB-07-1-4) / 6.1 Hazard Identification / All hazardous manual handling tasks within the workplace are identified and recorded on the Hazardous Manual Handling Identification Form (or equivalent). /
- A copy of the completed Hazardous Manual Handling Identification Form (or equivalent).
• Manual Handling Procedure (DEE ESWB-07-1-4) / 6.2 Risk Assessment / A risk assessment for each hazardous manual handling task in the workplace has been conducted using the Hazardous Manual Handling Risk Management Form (or equivalent), which includes documentation of risk controls. /
- A copy of a completed Manual Handling Risk Management Form.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / 6.1 Identify Plant and Equipment / Plant and equipment in the workplace has been identified, and recorded on the Plant and Equipment Register. /
- A copy of a completed Plant and Equipment Register.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / 6.2 Risk Assessment of Plant and Equipment / A risk assessment has been completed for Plant and Equipment in the workplace, which includes details of implemented risk controls. /
- A copy of a completed risk assessment for an item of Plant or equipment.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / 6.4 Controlling Plant and Equipment Risks
6.4.1 Control Measures / Safe Work Procedures are displayed adjacent to all items of static plant and signed by all authorised employees. /
- A photograph of a completed safe work procedure displayed adjacent to a relevant item of plant.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / 6.4 Controlling Plant and Equipment Risks
6.4.2 Training and Education / Teachers are competent to supervise student use of restricted and safer use plant and equipment in their facilities. /
- A copy of the statement of attainment for the Course in Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / 6.4 Controlling Plant and Equipment Risks
6.4.3 Maintenance / Maintenance records are kept for each item of plant and equipment. /
- A copy of a completed Plant and Equipment Maintenance Form (or equivalent).
Isolation and Tag Out Procedure (DEE ESWB-11-1-3) / 6.1 Isolation
6.2 Tag Out
6.3 Maintaining Records / Plant and equipment that is identified as unsafe is isolated, tagged and recorded in the Isolation and Tag Out Register. /
- A copy of a completed Isolation and Tag Out Register and/or a photograph of plant or equipment that has been isolated and tagged.
Plant and Equipment Management Procedure (DEE ESWB- 10-1-5) / Plant and equipment is in good condition and machine guarding is available to isolate moving and/or rotating parts when required. /
- A photograph of plant or equipment where identified issues have been addressed.
• Prevention of Falls Procedure (DET ESWB-08-1-6) / 3.2 Identify hazards associated with the potential to fall two metres or more
3.3 Record prevention of fall controls / A documented risk assessment, which includes details of risk controls, has been completed for each task where employees are required to work at a height of 2 metres or more using the Task-Based Risk Management Form (or equivalent). /
- A copy of a completed risk assessment for work at height.
• Prevention of Falls Procedure (DET ESWB-08-1-6) / 3.4.1 ‘Work Safely at Height Training’ for DET employees / Employees required to work at heights have completed Work Safely at Heights Training Course (RIIWHS204D) and this was completed less than three years ago. /
- A copy of a training certificate from an employee who has completed the Work Safely at Height Training Course.
• Prevention of Falls Procedure (DET ESWB-08-1-6) / 3.5 Contractors working where there is the potential to fall two metres or more / A Safe Work Method Statement has been provided by contractors who are required to work at a height of two metres or more and records are maintained. /
- A copy of a Safe Work Method Statement completed by a contractor for work at heights.
• Workplace Inspection Procedure (DEE ESWB-20-1-4) / 3.5 Recording hazards identified during a workplace inspection / Workplace inspections to identify slips, trips and falls hazards are conducted using the Workplace Inspection Checklists. /
- A copy of a workplace inspection checklist where slips, trips and falls hazards were assessed.
• Workplace Inspection Procedure (DEE ESWB-20-1-4) / 3.6 Review of outcomes of workplace inspections / Risk controls have been implemented for all slips, trips and fall hazards. /
- A photograph of an example where risk controls were implemented for a slip, trip or fall hazard.
Students displaying behaviours of concern have been appropriately reported (e.g. IRIS Reports, local incident reports and eduSafe incident reports). /
- A copy of a de-identified incident report.
• Workplace Inspection Procedure (DEE ESWB-20-1-4) / 3.5 Recording hazards identified during a workplace inspection / Workplace inspections to identify slips, trips and falls hazards are conducted using the Workplace Inspection Checklists. /
- A copy of a workplace inspection checklist where slips, trips and falls hazards were assessed.
• Workplace Inspection Procedure (DEE ESWB-20-1-4) / 3.6 Review of outcomes of workplace inspections / Risk controls have been implemented for all slips, trips and fall hazards. /
- A photograph of an example where risk controls were implemented for a slip, trip or fall hazard.
Responding to Violent and Dangerous Student Behaviours of Concern / Response and Recovery / Students displaying behaviours of concern have been appropriately reported (e.g. IRIS Reports, local incident reports and eduSafe incident reports). /
- A copy of a de-identified incident report.
Response and Recovery / Post incident support such as on-site counselling or/and an employee assistance program is provided to staff. / A copy of:
- Meeting minutes; or
- Email with details, including the date, that post incident support was provided.
Working With Parents and Carers / Parents are notified of behaviours of concern as soon as practicable after the behaviours occur. /
- A de-identified copy of a communication to notify parents of behaviours of concern.
Prevention and Early Intervention / Behavioural support plans and student support groups have been developed or established. /
- A de-identified copy of a behaviour support plan.
Professional Development / Staff have received adequate training on how to respond to behaviours of concern, including:
• Positive behaviour training
• Completion of challenging behavioural course
• Completion of functional behavioural assessment training
• Completion of training in de-escalation /
- A copy of training certificates to demonstrate that relevant training has been completed.
• Traffic Management Procedure (DEE ESWB-19-1-4) / 6.1 Traffic Management Plan / A Traffic Management Plan has been developed which considers traffic flow on the whole site. /
- A copy of the completed Traffic Management Plan.
• Traffic Management Procedure (DEE ESWB-19-1-4) / 6.4 Controlling Risks Posed by Traffic
6.5 Reviewing Controls / Risk controls have been implemented for all traffic-related hazards in accordance with the Traffic Management Plan. /
- A copy of the completed Traffic Management Plan.
Element 4: Incident Reporting and Investigation
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence• Hazard/incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure (DEE ESWB-06-1-6) / 6.2 Incident Management / All OHS incidents involving employees, contractors or visitors have been reported in eduSafe. /
- eduSafe incident reference number
For the incidents selected, assess if the following was completed:
• Action plan was developed
• Risk assessment was undertaken
• Risk controls were implemented and the incident closed in the system. /
- eduSafe incident reference number
• Hazard/incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure (DEE ESWB-06-1-6)
• Incident Investigation Template (DEE-ESWB-06-4-1) / Notifiable Incidents
6.2.2 Incident Investigation / Was or were these incidents entered into eduSafe (for employees, contractors or visitors) or CASES21 (for students)? /
- A photograph of the OHS Noticeboard where a copy of the Notifiable Incidents to WorkSafe Flowchart is displayed
If applicable, for the incidents selected, assess if:
• The incident was notified to WorkSafe Victoria.
• An incident investigation was performed using the Incident Investigation Form or equivalent template.
• The incident was notified within 48 hours.
• Hazard/incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure (DEE ESWB-06-1-6)
• First Aid and Infection Prevention and Control Procedure (DET ESWB- 27-1-7) / 3.8 Recording the Administration of First Aid Treatment and Incidents / For the first aid treatments selected, assess if they were reported in CASES21. /
- CASES21 incident reference number
Element 5: Emergency Management
OHSMS Procedure Name / OHSMS Sections / Audit Criteria / Examples of Evidence• Emergency Management Plan Template
• Guide to developing your Emergency Management Plan for use by government schools / Emergency Management Planning / A workplace specific Emergency Management Plan has been developed following the Emergency Management Plan Template provided by DET. /
- Emergency Management Plan uploaded onto the Emergency Management Planning website