Three Year District Support Plan


Beginning Teachers and Mentors


District: Tolland Public Schools District Facilitator: Kathryn Eidson

Address: #51 Tolland Green DF Email:

Tolland, Connecticut 06084 DF Telephone: (860) 870-6818 x304

Team Coordinating Committee Member Names and their Staff Roles

Name / Role
Kathryn Eidson / District Facilitator
Walt Willett / Administrator
Shelley Manning / HS Social Studies, Union Rep
Laurie Coulom / Language Arts Coordinator
Jenn Olsen / Social Studies Coordinator
Carolyn Tyl / Science Coordinator
Bob Storozuk / Mathematics Coordinator
Melissa McKee / THS
Cindy Morrissey / TMS
Steve Jackopsic / TIS
Dot Drobney / BGP


Superintendent’s Name Superintendent Signature Date


District Facilitator’s Name District Facilitator Signature Date

Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program

Support Plan for Beginning Teachers and Mentors

District: Tolland Public Schools


I.  Establish TEAM Coordinating Committee activities and timelines

II.  Provide for recruiting, training and assigning mentors

III.  Provide for new teacher support

IV.  Provide for evaluation of new teacher reflection documents and certification changes

V.  Communicate with the Principal and confirm their role


I.  TEAM Coordinating Committee Activities and Timelines

A.  Establish and maintain the TEAM program

1.  Recruit representatives for the TEAM Coordinating Committee (TCC) through general emails, announcements and personal invitations.

2.  Meet twice a year to review program status

3.  Make sure BT and mentor interactions with Principals are taking place

4.  Make sure the Principal accepts responsibility for assuring BT submission of reflection papers and electronic postings.

5.  Monitor progress toward successful completion of modules

Module 1 by January 15

Module 2 by May 15

Module 3 by November 30

Module 4 by March 30

Module 5 by May 15

6.  Monitor and evaluate the relationship between the BT and the mentor

7.  At the end of the school year, help develop the Annual Activity Report for the Superintendent

8.  Contribute to the update of the Superintendent about the status of TEAM program by 10/1, 2/1 and on 6/1

9.  Keeps records of module completions

B.  Carry out procedures for dealing with issues

1.  Match Issues

Problems concerning the mentor/mentee match will be reported to the District TEAM Facilitator in writing. The DF will request from members of the TCC, as appropriate, to assist with mediation in an effort to resolve match concerns, including, but not limited to: re-assignment of mentor/beginning teacher match, discussing concerns with the school principal and referring the situation to the Superintendent.

2.  Process Issues

Problems dealing with the module process or the PGAP will be reported to the Principal and/or the District TEAM Facilitator in writing. The DF will consult members of the TCC to assist with efforts to resolve the concerns.

3.  Modifications

Requests for special accommodations will be submitted to the Principal and District TEAM Facilitator in writing. Teachers making such requests will be notified of the results of the review within two weeks. Each request must be dated, typed or printed on official letterhead and be signed by a physician, clinician or certified evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (include information about license or certification and area of specialization). Such documentation must include a:

·  clear statement of the diagnosed disability or disabilities

·  description of the evaluation tests or techniques used

·  description of the functional limitations resulting from the disability or disabilities (i.e., how does the disability limit major life activities);

·  current diagnosis – i.e., completed within the last five years for learning disability, last six months for psychiatric disabilities, or within the last six months for physical disabilities/illnesses (these current requirements may be waived upon a showing of the continuing relevance of older documentation); and

·  description of the specific accommodations requested and specific relevance to the diagnosed disability or disabilities.

Documentation must also include:

·  the type of accommodation(s) requested;

·  a description of why the(se) accommodation(s) are necessary;

·  the nature of the teacher’s disability;

·  the date the disability was first diagnosed and the date of the most recent evaluation; and

·  what, if any, accommodations have been received within the past 5 years in employment.

A secure file will be maintained for documentation of and/or requests for accommodations. The lack of a request for and granting of an accommodation and the failure to complete and submit a module reflection at the designated time will result in a personnel file letter and a referral to the Principal and the Superintendent.

II. Provide for recruiting, training and assigning mentors

A.  Recruiting

1.  Determine if mentors are available for each curriculum at each grade level

2.  Update existing mentors and, depending on need, recruit new mentors.

3.  Provide a review of the TEAM program for the entire staff in a fall faculty meeting.

B.  Training

1.  Provide sufficient information for mentors and mentees: In the Spring 2010 for the faculty, in the fall of 2010 with existing and new mentors and mentees and thereafter each fall around October 1 with new mentors and mentees.

2.  Inform mentors and mentees of training sessions available from the state.

C.  Assigning

1.  Determine if there are any preferences for the mentor-mentee match by consulting the Principal and the new mentee.

2.  Monitor the request and acceptance of the match.

3.  Create and send a list of mentor-mentee matches to the Principals and the TCC steering committee.

III.  Provide for new teacher support

A.  Register initial educator with the state

B.  Send BT registration notification to BT

C.  Provide “The First Days of School” by Harry Wong to each beginning teacher at the time they sign their contract. Request that the BT read the book and come with questions to the meeting held around the first of October.

D.  Conduct the new teacher orientation

1.  Provide a brief overview of the program

2.  Pass out a document with the specifics about the TEAM program.

E.  Present the specifics of the program to the BTs

F.  Make and confirm mentor matches

G.  Provide professional development

1.  Conduct the TEAM program review and orientation around October 1st of each year.

2.  Provide an after school meeting for module review at the beginning of the work on each module.

Module 1 = October

Module 2 = February

Module 3 = June

Module 4 = December

Module 5 = April

H.  Communicate timelines for submission of documents

Module 1 by January 15

Module 2 by May 15

Module 3 by November 30

Module 4 by March 30

Module 5 by May 15

I.  Communicate the consequences for not submitting documents on time. Discuss accommodations.

J.  Conduct a reception for BTs and mentors at the end of the school year.

IV.  Provide for evaluation of new teacher reflection documents and certification changes

A.  Recruit reflection paper reviewers and assure their training

B.  Communicate with EASTCONN about the review process and carry out that process

C.  Make sure reviewers complete the required documentation

D.  Retrieve the reflection paper results from EASTCONN and develop the required communications for the Superintendent to certify reflection paper completion for each beginning teacher

V.  Communicate with the Principal and confirm their role

1.  Confirm the Principal’s collection of beginning teacher’s two-year support plan within 30 day from the start of the school year or the start of hire. Request that the Principal forward these plans to the District Facilitator.

2.  Confirm that the Principal has meet with BT to review PGAP

3.  Confirm that the Principal has reviewed the meeting logs and communicated to mentor/mentee about those logs at least once a month.

4.  Confirm that the Principal is meeting four times a year with BT and mentor to review activities.

VI.  Budget

Line / Item(s) / Approximate Cost
600 / Meeting Snacks / $30 per meeting = $180
Reception Food / $100
640 / “First Days of School” by Harry Wong and other requested references for BTs / $50 per BT = $500
Total / $780