GFWC Kitsap Peninsula BuzzingsLiving the Volunteer Spirit


President’s Message–At the end of the meeting I would like to have us do a make and take project. Is there anyone that would be interested in presenting a project that we could do in half an hour or less? We will have a speaker,Tammy Reuter from the Retsil Veterans Home at our meeting. She will be telling us about a new project. Bring your friends to the meeting, the more members we have the more we can accomplish. There will be a special gift for guests and the persons that bring them. I hope to see many of you at the Putt Putt golf on the 9th. Nancy

Next Meeting, September 15th 6 pm Subway on Kitsap Way.

Thoughts and Prayers for -

Laura Guerra, whose mother-in-law passed away Pat Zahn as she continues with chemo and radiation

Congratulations to Sally Gill on the birth of her grandson.

Purple Ribbons for ManUp – We were asked to make purple ribbons for the YWCA and the ManUp Project. The ribbons weregiven out at the Kitsap County Fair. Thanks to Sarah, Nancy and Sarah’s sister Sami we completed 572 ribbons.

September Calendar

7th Bylaws Meeting 7 pm, Laura’s

9th Putt Putt Game 7 pm NW Golf Range

15th Meeting 6 pm Subway on Kitsap Way

16-18th Western States Region Meeting Utah

23rd Kathy Park’s Birthday

30th – Oct 2nd GFWC-WS Board Yakima


Who: Any GFWC members and family members or friends they want to invite!

Where: Northwest Golf Range - 368 NE Waaga Way, Bremerton, WA 98311

What: 18 hole putt putt golf game. We will divide into teams as we get there. $4/per person - 3 years old and younger are free.

When: Friday night, September 9th @ 7pm

T-Shirts– Are you interested in purchasing a club t-shirt? We are looking at creating pink shirts or GFWC has some new red polo shirts for $30.

Chico Salmon Park – Every first Saturday of the month from 9 to noon, we are helping to clean up the park and provide cookies to the workers. No work party this month due to the holiday weekend.

Peninsula Districtheld a picnic at Silverdale Waterfront Park on August 18th. Laura, Julie, Juanita, Nina and Nancy enjoyed good food, fun and games.

Peanut Butter and Jam– We are collecting peanut butter or Nutella and jam for Jackson Park Elementary School back pack program. Bring some peanut butter and jam to the meeting.

Dancing Brush - 10 ladies enjoyed painting ceramics at the Dancing Brush in Poulsbo. For those of you that went, please bring your finished project to the meeting so all can see.

Bubble Mats – Are you interested in helping to make mats for the homeless? We will vote at the meeting and will need a chairman.

Thought for the Day:

A laugh is just like sunshine.

It freshens all the day.

GFWC Facts This month, the GFWC Western States Region will hold their annual conference in Salt Lake City. There are 11 states in the region, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The annual conferences are rotated around the 11 states.

Here is a sample of what you can say about your membership is GFWC:

I am a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, one of the largest women’s volunteer organizations in the world. We are committed to the betterment of our communities through volunteerism and the empowerment of women. GFWC volunteers find joy in living and giving. Here, let me give you one of our cards.

GFWC Kitsap Peninsula BuzzingsLiving the Volunteer Spirit


Meeting Agenda September 15th

5:30 pm Social

6 pm Call to order

Inspiration –

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

Minutes – Donna Raymond

Correspondence – Donna Raymond

Roll Call – What exciting thing did you do this summer??

Treasurer’s Report – Laura Guerra

Speaker – Tammy Roeuter from the Retsil Veterans Home


Clothing for the Veterans Home – Kathy Park

Christmas Stockings – Laura Guerra

Dancing Brush – Mary Watson

District Picnic – Julie Thompson

Ribbons for Man Up – Sarah Burdick

Putt Putt Golf – Sarah Burdick

Fund Raising Committee Report – Cheryl Coon

Chico Park – Laura Guerra

Smooth Move Tubs – Laura Guerra

Food Bank – which food bank this month

Walk a Mile in her shoes – Julie Thompson

Bylaws – Laura Guerra

Mini Christmas Tree – Laura Guerra


District and State Board Meetings

Audit Committee

Budget Committee

Comfort Pillows


7:30 adjourn

Project and social

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