Forum Meeting 5th October, 10am-12pm, Pilton Community Health Project.
Attendees: Iain Stewart (ECF), Linda Arthur (The Health Agency), Jen Richards (Pilton CHP), Marion Findlay (Volunteer Edinburgh), Fiona Cross (The Ripple), Mitra Rostrami(Bright Choices), Catriona Windle (Health All Round), Charlie Cummings (ELGT), Maruska Greenwood (LGBT), Gaynor Bowers (Cancer Support Scotland), Claire Garton (Cancer Support Scotland), Anna Templeton (Dr Bells Family Centre), Grace Mackenzie (LCHIF), Stephanie-Anne Harris (LCHIF).
Apologies: Helena Richards (Carr Gomm), Anne Munro (Pilmeny CHP), Brock Lueck (OPFS), Ruth Maclennan (Care for Carers), Helen Scammell (Pilton CHP), Elaine Mowatt (The Welcoming), Laura Plumb (Link up Womens Support), Kevin Kent (Health in Mind), Leah Kalaitzi (Deaf Action), Suzanne Campbell (The Junction), Lucy Aitchison (Broomhouse HSG), Susan Paxton (CHEX), Magda Czarnecka (Feniks).
1. Pilton CHP and Overview (Jen Richards)
Pilton Community Health Project has been in existence for over 30 years and cover the North West locality right out to South Queensferry. The organisation has 26 staff and the current managers are Jen Richards and Helen Scammell on a job share basis. Some of the services they provide / work they are involved in are:
× Mental Health one to one
× Advocacy
× Campaigning
× Youth Counselling – including links with schools
× Counselling
× Art Therapy
× Parenting Groups
× Women supporting women
× Physical activity team
× Greenspace walking groups
× Food poverty work
× Living in Harmony (BME and non BME)
× Chat cafes
× Care inspectorate crèche – they have recently appointed a manager to pilot wider use of the crèche
× GP Link Workers x 5 and a Team Leader
× Employability worker and a dedicated welfare rights worker.
You can find out more about Pilton CHP via their website Thank you to Jen and Helen for letting us use their facility as our meeting venue this month.
2. Previous Minutes (Chair)
The previous minutes were agreed; no actions were outstanding.
3. Cancer Support Scotland Overview (Claire Garton, Gaynor Bower)
Claire and Gaynor gave a breakdown of the new resources available in Edinburgh.
The Macmillan @ Edinburgh Libraries Information and Support Service operate from libraries with the aim to provide an accessible and more welcoming (non-clinical) environment. They are open to patients, family and friends.
· Central Library: Tuesday 3-5pm and Friday 1-3pm
· Craigmillar Library: Monday 1-4pm and Thursday 11am-1pm
· Drumbrae Library: Thursday 12noon-2.30pm and Saturday 11am-1pm
· Leith Library: Wednesday 11am-1pm and Friday 11am-1pm
· Portobello Library: TBC
· Morningside Library TBC
For leaflets or further information contact:
Cancer Support Scotland Services:
. Craigmillar Library, Counselling Service each Thursday 11am-3pm
. Drumbrae Library, Counselling service each Saturday 2.30pm-4.30pm
. Morningside Library, TBC
. Mindfulness Course for cancer patients: Next course will start on Monday 5th February 2018 for 8 weeks in Craigmillar Library.
For leaflets or further information contact:
4. Grant Programme / IJB Update (Stephanie-Anne Harris)
SA thanked everyone for their feedback into the grants review, which was passed directly to Ricky Henderson (chair of the IJB). He replied promptly and found the feedback helpful and positive.
There was a particular discussion as to the use of the term ‘co-production’ versus ‘collaboration’ as these are very different and absolutely should be acknowledged as such. It was felt that if a co-production approach is truly to be taken then the review process would take upwards of 12 months to be conducted correctly with the third sector. SA has been working up some examples of co-production with Susan Paxton from CHEX.
On Fridays 13th and 20th October SA will attend the Strategic Planning Group meetings. These will be looking at the scoping and the methodology of the review. The Forum team will circulate any related agendas or minutes for comment in as much time as possible; although it should be noted the turnaround will likely be very quick, for which we can only apologise.
The final sign off will go to the IJB on the 17th November. The Forum will have monthly meetings during the time of the review.
5. LCHIF Update (Stephanie-Anne Harris, Grace Mackenzie)
SA gave a brief update on the ‘Tackling Inequalities Partnership’ or TIP; the role and remit of which is still being finalised, but will focus on the preventative agenda.
SA and GM are continuing with member visits and would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming and giving up their time to meet us.
SA and GM attended each of the Voluntary Sector Forums and LOOPS meetings in each locality. If there are any meetings that you would like us to attend; then please let us know. Our aim is to add a blog section onto the website so that in time we can write up a short informal post following each meeting.
The ‘Defusing Conflict’ training course was well received last month. At present there are no further training courses scheduled for the remainder of the year. Following the recent member survey and training needs evaluation, the Forum team are working to bring together a rolling programme for 2018 for all different levels of training e.g. online GDPR training right through to bespoke courses.
GM has produced an LCHIF leaflet and locality map (both available on the website). Any feedback would be gratefully received.
2016-2017 data is now available for the Health Inequalities Grant Programme; GM is producing a revised infograph for this.
The team are hoping to move to a more proactive way of communicating as we realise that everyone is busy; so want our communications to be worthwhile. You may have seen that we have been including specific member requests in recent newsletters and the feedback has been positive.
Whilst we will be emailing less, we will be updating social media daily – please get involved. We are happy to share any information you would like; but equally it is useful for you to see what other members are up to and where potential overlap or resource sharing might occur.
Lastly, as you can tell from the meeting today at Pilton CHP, we are looking to rotate the venue of the meetings for the next few months. When the member survey was completed, we found that had a wealth of resources between us, including 30 meeting rooms. We have also heard that you would like to hear more about what each member does. The Forum team have really enjoyed visiting and seeing the services on offer and this this will be a great way to strengthen relationships and to potentially think about ways to link up.
The three organisations at St Margaret’s House (Feniks, C4C’s and Link-Up) have offered to host the next Forum in November and provide an overview of their services. There was a request that the following date to be in the city centre. GM to confirm the next two venues. A big thank you must to LGBT for hosting the Forum during 2017.
6. Date of next Meeting
10am – 12pm, Thursday 9th November, Deaf Action, 49 Albany Street, Edinburgh