Lifespan Ch 9 Review

1.Discuss height and weight changes that take place during middle and late childhood.

2.What is dyslexia?

3.What characterizes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

4.Contrast convergent thinking with divergent thinking.

5.What is metacognition, and how does it develop?

6.How is IQ measured, according to Binet?

7.What are culture-fair IQ tests?

8.What is mental retardation? What are the two types of mental retardation and their causes?

9.What is giftedness? Name three characteristics of the gifted child.

10.This theorist suggested that the cognitive skill that emerges in middle childhood is the ability to think/reason with logic.

11.This psychologist was the first to develop a standardized intelligence test in the early 1900s.

12.A category of learning disabilities involving a severe impairment in the ability to read and spell.

13.A category of learning disabilities in which children display inattention and impulsivity and may or may not have high levels of physical activity.

14.The concept that a child with a disability must be educated in a setting that is as similar as possible to settings of children who do not have disabilities.

15.Educating a child with special needs in a regular classroom on a full-time basis.

16.The cognitive ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension.

17.The ability to logically combine relations to understand certain, necessary conclusions.

18.A relatively permanent and unlimited type of memory that increases with age during middle and late childhood.

19.An important information-processing strategy that involves engaging in more extensive processing of information.

20.A kind of thinking that is characterized by reflection, productivity, and evaluation of evidence.

21.The ability to think in novel and unusual ways and to come up with unique solutions to problems.

22.A kind of thinking which produces one correct answer or solution to a problem.

23.A kind of thinking which produces many different answers to the same questions.

24.A technique in which people are encouraged to come up with creative ideas in a group.

25.Knowing about knowing.

26.Problem-solving skills and the ability to learn from and adapt to life's everyday experiences.

27.A person's mental age divided by their chronological age multiplied by 100.

28.Tests of intelligence that are intended to be free of cultural bias.

29.A kind of mental retardation that is caused by a genetic disorder or brain damage.

30.Having above-average intelligence (IQ 130 or higher) and/or superior talent for something.

31.The strategy in education that teaches academic subjects in students' native language while slowly teaching English.