1.To encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school

2.To foster positive caring attitudes towards each other

3.To encourage independence and self discipline so that each child accepts responsibility

for his /her own behaviour

4.To raise social awareness about appropriate behaviour


1.To determine boundaries of acceptable behaviour

2.To have school rules which give a conduct of behaviour expected of the children

3.To have class rules which are drawn up with the children

4.To have procedures for playtimes, dinner-times and the end of school day which ensure order, safety and expectations re behaviour

5.To have clear sanctions for unacceptable behaviour

6.To celebrate exceptionally good behaviour

7.For all staff to have a consistent approach to behaviour management


School Rules

1.Each classroom to have a list of school rules with expected conduct in school on display

2.In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the class teachers will set 3 - 5 simple rules of classroom conducton display

3.At Key Stage 2 the staff discuss with the children the parameters of acceptable behaviour and together produce a class list of rules. This will include expectations re the way of working and homework


1. School bell – EY/KS1 children go to toilet, wash hands, collect coats and snacks

- KS2 children go to the toilet etc. if needed

- No snacks are to be eaten in school, unless a wet playtime, when snacks will

be eaten in the conservatory.

- Children line up in the corridor

2. At end of playtimes:-

- Children stand still when bell goes or member of staff raises arms and

then line up

All children to walk when lining up.

3. Incidents in the playground will initially be dealt with by the member of staff on duty

Depending on the seriousness of the incident a report will be given to the class teacher

and/or a Senior Member of Staff.

See Sanctions Section


If children misbehave for the SMSAs then they should be reported to the class teacher or

if persistent or more serious then to Senior Member of Staff.

Wet Playtimes

1.All children to go into the Hall

2.Activities box to be used, monitors designated to return activities to the box and to

check the contents

3. A video will be screened on the television

Wet Dinnertimes

As above – the children are split into two groups the SMSA’s will take one group to the hall and the other to the rainbow room.

End of School - 3.15 pm

1.On the first bell (3.10 pm) the children go to the designated exit area.

2. On the second ball all children are then handed to the relevant Taxi Escort

3.A teacher is on duty outside to ensure orderly and safe exit from the school grounds

4.When in the taxi all the children must wear the harnesses

- lack of compliance reported to the class teacher

5.Any behaviour that distracts the driver or causes undue annoyance to the Escort

and/or other children to be reported to a Senior Member of Staff., who will take the

relevant action


Consistent and/or exceptionally good behaviour should be rewarded at all times

  • verbal praise and acknowledgement
  • merit stars or smiley faces recorded in class
  • badges for EY/KS1 presented in whole school Assembly
  • certificates for KS2 presented in whole school Assembly
  • Headteacher badges for exceptional work


  • The imposition of a sanction will be based on the child breaking an agreed rule.
  • It should be done in a firm, no-nonsense manner but should be consistent with the school ethos of all people being treated with respect.
  • It should be clear from the adult’s actions that the child remains a valued member of the group even though their behaviour is unacceptable.
  • Children should be helped to understand why the behaviour is unacceptable

Sanctions for EY/KS1

a) Apologising to the offended person

b) If misbehave at playtimes

- stay with the person on duty

- brought back into school

c) If in class - staying in at playtime

- finishing off work in own time

- time out chair in the classroom or outside the door (this should be for a limited time only)

d) If inappropriate behaviour is persistent or continually repeated by older Infants

- a ‘Good behaviour’ Chart should be completed to modify the behaviour

- the behaviour should be reported to (i) the Deputy/Assistant Head

(ii) the Headteacher

e) If after discussion further sanctions are needed then the Headteacher will seek the

co-operation of Parents in an attempt to modify the behaviour

Sanctions for KS2

a) Apologising to the offended person

Making a card of apology in their own time playtime

b) If waste time in class

- make up the work in their own time ie. at playtime, dinnertime or for homework

c) If misbehaves in class

- initially a ‘time out chair’ can be used

- if persistent then time out of the classroom should be supervised by a Senior Member of Staff.

d) If misbehave in the playground

- brought back into school

- miss the next playtime (stay in with a Senior Member of Staff.)

e) If inappropriate behaviour is persistent or continually repeated

- a ‘Good behaviour’ Chart should be completed to modify the behaviour

- the behaviour should be reported to (i) the Deputy/Assistant Head (ii) the Headteacher

f) If after discussion further sanctions are needed then the Headteacher will seek the

co-operation of Parents in an attempt to modify the behaviour
