Prospect Valley PTA Meeting October 6, 2016 – General PTA Business Meeting 3PM

•Call Meeting to order at 3:02PM

•Welcome, Introductions and Sign-In

•Minutes from September to be approved at next meeting.

•Reports of Officers

-President’s Report (Jeanne Sanchez)

-It’s been a very busy month.

-We had a great dance. Thank you so much to Amie Morosz and Monica Shanley for all of their hard work.

-Special Person’s Day was a big success.

-Field Day went really well. Thank you to the hospitality committee for the popsicles.

-The 5th/6th grade track meet was held and was a really fun event. PV displayed really good school spirit and supported their teams.

-Walk to school day went off well and was a success.

-President Elect’s Report (Andrea McCullough)

-We have babysitters for PTA meetings lined up through January.

-A schedule for snack and babysitting for the remainder of the meetings was sent around.

-Vice President’s Report (Mike Collins)

-Special Person’s Day was a big success with many people showing up for students.

-All events held at PV this school year so far have gone well.

-PV got results of growth scores from CMAS.

-PV did really well. We are above the 50% mark in reading and math for every category of student in the school.

-Superintendent Dan McMinimee has recognized PV twice for our great test scores.

-Kelly Derosier has been hired as a student support parent.

-We currently have a ½ time social worker who is very busy. We may need a full time worker.

-Did a lock out drill today and have had 2 fire drills so far this year. They went well.

-The Positive Prospector program is gearing up again. This year kids will have the opportunity to will a prize in a drawing every 2 weeks.

Treasurer’s Report (Rachel Reinert)

-There are few changes to the budget. The changes will be made based on what money is coming in and going out for next year.

-Checks for reimbursement will be issued on the 10th and 25th of the month.

-Please be sure to give at least 24 hours of notice when you need a reimbursement check.

-If it is a weekend, checks will be written the prior business day.

-Please keep personal requests separate from other requests.

•Old Business

-The new PTA chair list has been updated. The new list will go out in Monday folders.

•New Business

-Ms. Carmack still needs a room parent. We need a volunteer for her classroom, preferably a parent from the same grade.

-Class Halloween parties are coming up.

-Snacks should be heathy.

-Please check with teachers regarding decorations and food allergies.

-Please do not bring goodie bags or balloons to take home.

-3A and 3B power point presentation (Michelle Ames)

-Jeffco PTA has asked PV PTA to support ballot initiatives 3A and 3B.

-PTA is allowed to support ballot issues, not candidates.

-There is both a bond and mill levy at issue.

-Bond money is used for hard construction costs, while the mill levy is used for instructional support.

-The bond is for $535 million for construction costs. The mill levy is for 33 million in operating expenses.

-This amounts to a $4.12/month tax increase for every $100,000 in home value.

-The district has more info on its website.

-Michelle motioned for PTA to support these ballot issues.

-PTA took a secret ballot to vote on support. The vote was unanimous 21-0 in support of PTA supporting these initiatives.

-Support will be shown via The Flash.

-Lego Club proposal (Parent Jay Alire and 3rd grader Astralia)

-They would like to propose to PTA starting an after school club for Lego builders.

-Astralia has some Lego sets she can bring and she is working to earn money to buy new ones for the club.

-She believes this club can build team work and is a good way to make new friends.

-They would like to try for 8 weeks and see if there is interest.

-it would be after school on Mondays for 45 minutes.

-Ms. DiCroce has offered her room to use.

-Mr. Krapfl committed to help with the club.

-It will start in February.

•Committee Reports

-Gold Rush (Alison Windes and Cara Jakab)

-The Gold Rush is this weekend, 10/9, at 9am at Prospect Park.

-Early registration is over but you can still register on race day.

-Still in need of a few race day volunteers.

-477 registrants so far. That number will likely climb over 500 after same-day registrations are counted.

-Dance (Amie Morozs)

-The dance came in under budget with $2.93 remaining.

-There has been great feedback from the dance and everyone had a great time.

-Will need to increase budget from $500 to $600 next year as many services were donated this year and this may not be the case next year.

-Attendance was down slightly from last year. Guessing maybe 50 less kids.

-Thank you so much to everyone for all of your help!

-Reflections (Serene Wardinsky)

-Serene was unable to attend but sent an update.

-They are currently collecting art and will until the end of October.

-They have emailed everyone who said they would like to help.

-Read at Home (Mike Schane)

-RAH is set up and kids have started receiving books.

-202 kids are participating, which is about 40% of the student body.

-Still need volunteers to help with the program.

-Destination Imagination (Robin Chalker)

-Robin was unable to attend and there is no update at this time.

-Family/Staff Support (Jen Hess and Kelly Derosier)

-Neither Jen nor Kelly was able to be at today’s meeting and there is no update at this time.

-Special Person’s Day (Kelli Swindle and Rachael Henning)

-It was a very successful event.

-There were lots of special persons in each class and most were standing room only.

-There was plenty of food. Thanks to everyone who brought food for the day.

`-Hospitality (Cathy Hyland and Andrea McCullough)

-They have planned dinner for teachers on Wednesday (10/12) for fall conferences. They will have a salad and potato bar.

-On field day they gave away all 500 popsicles.


-Membership (Cathy Hyland)

-The directory is currently in process. Formatting began this week.

-It will likely be done and ready for distribution in the next couple of weeks.

-PTA membership cards will arrive soon.

-Watchdog Dads (Anthony Lincoln)

-Dads have been great about stepping up at the last minute to help out with events.

-It has been more difficult finding dads to help out at pick up and drop off.

-Really could use help mostly between 7:50-8:15.

-Received about 70 names of interested dads at registration.

-The program is currently up and running. Currently trying to figure out helpful electronic ways to push out the necessary information to those interested.

-New things have been added to the wish list tree. Please check it out.

Dates to remember:

10/4 – 5th/6th grade track meet

10/5 – Walk/bike to school day

Official count day

10/11 – Picture Retakes

10/12 & 10/13 – Fall conferences

10/14 – No school

10/31 – Halloween parade and parties

11/3 – PTA meeting 7pm

•Adjourned at 4:00